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adventurous old guy

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Everything posted by adventurous old guy

  1. He posts regularly in Minneapolis. That may be his home base. No experience here, just have noticed him.
  2. Thinking of him again. As DickyF mentioned, what's nice about his ad is that he regularly refreshes with new photos. Still no reviews -- recent experience anyone?
  3. Ok, curiosity peeked. What's this all about? I saw Arek when he traveled, never in DC. Do tell, azdr!
  4. TOTALLY love the bluff strategy. Frighten the jerk who's trying to frighten you. He's got more to lose.
  5. T0 restate the obvious -- its been said many times on many threads -- experiences like tenderloin's and others discussed here underscore why this forum is so valuable. Don't think I'd retain any service provider without vetting him here first.
  6. I'd ad that the threshold for entry to the field is low. I suspect many inexperienced, financially strapped or just clueless, disrespectful people think its an easy way to make some money, that there's a sucker born every minute, etc., so they just concoct an ad. And then if they get an inquiry that involves some level of response or professionalism that looks like they'll have to deliver something more in services than stand and pose they avoid that client. Hopefully there's some learning there that this field isn't for everybody and they move on. I also wouldn't underestimate substance use factoring in, as its just so much more prevalent than most of us realize. I have two friends with children in recovery who tried this when they were young, feeding a habit and in an "anything goes" mindset.
  7. I think this is relevant to this thread: The last two people whose services I retained each expressed concern about whether I'm a cop. I'm very direct in both an RM profile and an initial text about what I'm looking for to make sure my preferences are clear, and if I get a response that looks promising I usually send a g-rated pic just to level the playing field. I worry about privacy less than some others I think, because I now just assume that privacy is gone, that anyone with a little work can find out who I am if inclined to search. Anyway, I'm wondering now if those communications of expectations and pic sharing are triggering increased fear/caution about entrapment growing out there.
  8. I contacted him a couple months ago (February) when planning a trip to Europe. He had just started. I inquired if he bottomed. His answer was polite and sincere to the effect that he was new to this, not experienced at being a bottom, and wasn't sure he'd be good at it. I thanked him and moved on, but give him A+ for responsiveness/professionalism.
  9. I've had several massages from Ethan. He's very skilled and knows his stuff. For me, these are therapeutic massages not sensual/erotic. I go back because he's very good at his craft.
  10. Bumping this -- any better experiences with this guy?
  11. Any updates on this guy? Our paths cross next week. Not much here about him, surely someone has given him a whirl?
  12. I echo TN's advice. Adam is a very direct, upfront guy. So be direct and ask what you want of him! And if you voted for Hilary don't mention it, lol.
  13. There are quite a few threads about him or his partner Sergie in the SPA section. Several but not all negative. Apparently there is a tendency toward upselling. This will get you started: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/sergie-in-dc.122236/#post-1481847
  14. Hmmm, someone who squirts big time while being topped = someone not fond of anal? That does not compute! Unless he's a very good actor.
  15. I suppose I should try to see the world from Adam's POV. He is after all an independent business provider who could identify with the part of the Republican party that wants to keep business unregulated and government out of his private life as a gay man. As a liberal Democrat I am prone to conflating right wing politics with evangelical -- e.g. anti-gay -- politics. Though they often overlap, they are conceptually distinct. I guess Mary Cheney would be the poster child -- gay and pro gay marriage but otherwise very conservative.
  16. There's also variation when it comes to this, probably both with respect to anatomy and preferences. Some guys get leg cramps in this position, or its just plain uncomfortable for them. Plus, we have to factor in the difference in a top's anatomy -- length, girth, curve, whether we grow bigger the more turned on we get. Those factor into the experience of the man on the bottom. I always ask a partner how he likes it, and then hope to hear some definiteness in the reply. If I get a "whatever you like" that doesn't give me much to go with, and I have to try harder to get the conversation going. Of course the best reply -- at least my favorite -- is along the lines of "lets try everything and figure it out."
  17. Yup, there's variation in anatomy -- different strokes for different folks, lol. Seriously, its about the angle.
  18. Yes, that's the research I mentioned above aligns with Tassojr's post. However, I have 3 siblings all in our late 50s or early 60s. Both of our parents had cold sores, knew they were contagious and were careful not to kiss us when they had one. So, based on our n = 4, wonder if while its most contagious just before an outbreak, its still not highly contagious. Of course, kisses from our parents didn't include tongue but I've kissed a lot of other people where it did. If carriers are as numerous as 50% of all people in the US, surely I've had my tongue in carriers' mouths and vice versa by now. Still confused about this: If at 63 I've never had a cold sore, it seems safe to assume that I don't have the virus. Yet public-assistance here states that one can have it dormantly even though one has never had an outbreak. Btw, apologies to those interested in Chris Daniel for this diversion into infectious disease.
  19. DJ, I've been on a quest for the same man/experience for more than 10 years now. Dallas just seems like a weird place to search, not sure why. Anyway... Adam Adonis might meet your criteria, at least he did in in the past. He's a hunky jock type who's energetic and funny, was super fun and an eager bottom for me in Orlando, where he used to live. Definitely a kisser. His ad now says that he's a "better bottom than top" so he may not offer the same services. He's an odd bird, in that he has a pretty strong string of reviews for being fun in the sack, along with a reputation for being an outspoken neocon who spouts his politics. I avoided the politics as a subject and he didn't raise it. He raised other things instead . I'm not going to rehire because of his politics, but every time I see his ad I'm tempted to overlook that because he was just so damned fun. I'm also thinking of this guy, who has a recent very positive and long review as a bottom in the hidden comments section of the RM. https://rentmen.eu/JaiWu. Asian, looks also like a jock type, not much about him in this forum, but who knows? Not sure how much he kisses. Wonder if anyone else here has more to add on this guy? There's also the legendary Benjamin Nicolas, whose posts here I really enjoy. Most of his reviews tout his skills as a top, but there are several that testify to his prowess as a bottom as well. The good thing about Ben is you can PM him here and explore mano a mano whether you're a fit. https://rentmen.eu/BenNicholas Hope this helps. Thx for posting this question, I'm back in Dallas next week and shopping, so will follow your your progress and decisions! Good luck!
  20. At the risk of sounding like Trump, who I abhor, with this guy I'd meet force with equal force and raise the ante. You can ruin his career with a bad review, and if he asks for money its extortion, a crime. If the ask is in a text or email, you've got evidence. He's never to contact you again, and if he does you'll file a complaint with the authorities and show them the evidence. You don't have to follow through, just use a firm tone to make this asshole worry that you will. Bullies are cowards.
  21. I use my real name too. Past the fiction that I have any privacy left.
  22. As a North Dakota native, I recognized it! My hometown of Wahpeton also had a mascot that had to go... http://www.11points.com/images/highschoolmascots/wahpetonwops.jpg The Wops were cited by the Huffington Post not long ago as one of the most offensive mascots ever. Don't think there was an Italian heritage person to insult in the whole town! lol, thanks KMan for the smile. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...
  23. I think his old handle was GrecoRomanStud. But can't find much on him now. Feel bad that I might be overstating what I remember as negative. Not my goal to defame or put out misleading info.
  24. This is hearsay -- not personal experience. But the gist of previous comments about him was that he was a serious drug user and impaired during appts. Can't remember the former stage name but I'll look for it.
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