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adventurous old guy

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Posts posted by adventurous old guy

  1. My time with Daniel was definitely a YMMV situation, and I got the lesser performance it seems. The recent April 27 and May 11 ratings on RM were very negative but I was more inclined to believe the positive experiences reported in this thread. Daniel does indeed have a great body and is handsome. But our time was spent mostly with him moving around like an overgrown blonde hamster* on speed to find what activity would get me off most quickly. I finally just got tired of it and gave in. He was out the door in less than 30 minutes. Blech.


    *Note: I think hamsters are really cute.

    Thanks for posting comments like this. They're helpful in sorting out the service oriented from the sometimes service oriented sometimes flaky, and I appreciate that.

  2. Over the years I have developed a very negative attitude regarding rentmen ads like this one. Sure the guy appears to have a great looking body, however:

    1. he answers "Orientation" with "Ask me" -- very unhelpful.

    2. he answers "Position" with "Ask me" -- very unhelpful.

    3. he only states that he is "Into" wrestling and muscle" -- very unhelpful.

    4. he posts only torso photographs -- very unhelpful.

    As far as I'm concerned his entire ad is a total waste and my one question is: "What the fuck does he do for the money he charges?"

    Even though I'm the OP here, I totally agree with you. My guess is that he's a guy who's looking to take advantage. I think he's posted before in DC under a different name and has a bad track record.

  3. Knowing how I would feel about having to have sex with a woman, I just can't get my head around having sex with a guy who proclaims himself straight. Now I think I probably have done it at one time or another during my hiring days. But I didn't do it knowingly. I'll admit though that Rich would def tempt me.



    I know!!! I can't fathom it either, which is why that conversation with him was so interesting. And by interesting, I mean a mini-mindfuck. Because what he was saying sounded so alien to my frame of reference, but from his it might make a lot of sense. So long as being bottom feels good for him, he's got a point: Being the bottom IS the easier work, lol.

  4. Had an interesting experience with Rich a couple of years ago. My plane was late, and I was right on top of our appt when I got to hotel. Hadn't eaten anything so after our fun, I was famished and invited him to join me at the hotel bar for food. He WAS a good bottom (came while being nailed), and in our subsequent conversation he connected that to being straight. To paraphrase, he told me it felt good and it was easy for him to deliver that experience. He may also be a good top -- I wouldn't know -- but thought that perspective on it being easy to be a bottom was intriguing, counter-intuitive for me. BTW, I echo the comments about him being a really interesting guy with a full life. Has a background in extreme sports, into motorcycles and cars, seems like an adventurous thrill-seeker in general, zero interest in a conventional career or life.

  5. @adventurous old guy - just wondering if you've maybe confused this guy with another. I've met the guy in the linked ad - body is his and I had a great time. He was very engaged and matched photos. I met him in Nashville and look forward to him visiting again. @Skip has met him twice according to https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-musculardude-ravi-nyc.146346/#post-1679776


    @mattb , I think you would have a great time.

    Oh wow, thx BluDay. RugbyPlayer is the guy I was warned about it, then I found these threads: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-rugbyplayer.129935/ and https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-rugby-player-davi-in-florida.142859/


    But that's the extent of my knowledge, which actually isn't knowledge, rather hearsay! No real experience here and I shouldn't have defamed. I totally defer to you and others who have met him recently.

  6. Beware Will Robinson. I'm drawing a complete blank on his earlier names, but he's advertised for years using some of those same pictures. I got warned that he looks nothing like his pictures. He's Canadian, comes to Chicago often. Hope someone else recognizes pics and can help connect the dots here.

  7. Is he open to full service?

    He wasn't in January. Ad said yes, he said yes via text, but in the moment no. And don't think it was just me. But I still had a very nice time, and he didn't overcharge for what he offered, which is -- or at least was then -- massage at the erotic end of the scale.

  8. No “intel” but my guess is good old-fashioned chemistry’. He certainly has professional photos on his advert.


    I congratulate you on your good taste @adventurous old guy Please report back if you do meet him.


    BTW did you see this related(?) thread? https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/bernardobrtouk-in-nyc.145258/#post-1716815

    OMG, thx MscleL. Hadn't seen that thread, which is chock full of intel! And goes a long way toward explaining the mixed reviews, which Bernardo also has. Appreciate it. I'm not going to take the chance on either of these guys.

  9. go here: https://hide.me/en/proxy , enter the RM ad in the white box and click on the yellow box.....may have to accept the privacy policy several times before it kicks in....I have better luck with this using the Google Chrome browser

    To make this work on Safari, I follow AZDR's path but also have to click the "more options" box, then make sure all boxes in the dropdown menu are checked.

  10. Don't think we're going to agree here. So, getting back on track...


    Alex the OP, I'm sorry you had that experience. As you can see, many here empathize. And I think you've earned some new friends and admirers. Let's all go out today and treat others the way we'd like to be treated.

  11. Uh.


    How in the world do you make the flying leap from "a no-show with bad communication" to "possibly on drugs"?


    I get being annoyed, but there are tons of possible reasons why people might do this. Reporting what happened is helpful. Wild, pejorative speculation pulled out of thin air: not so helpful.


    In making that comment I am trying to understand behavior that is disrespectful and causes distress. When he didn't show, my first thought was "OMG, something bad must have happened to him." That worry intensified when he didn't respond to two texts asking if he was OK. He was back online the next day so whatever happened he survived and made the decision not to return the texts of someone worried about him.


    So I respectfully disagree -- there are not "tons of reasons" that explain treating people badly, more like three or four. In wondering why people do such things, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that it might be a behavioral health or substance use issue. Because the alternative is that he's a rude jerk or, just maybe, too ashamed of an isolated episode of disrespectful behavior to have the wherewithal to text an apology. Bottom line, It's not a "flying leap" at all to think there is something else going on with people who abruptly cut off all communication. At least, that's what I think.

  12. As a client, I was just treated to it last night in Chicago. This is the guy: https://friendboy.pro/boys/Chicagobottom


    And of course I can't review him because no meeting took place. Grrrrrr

    Right, you can't review no shows. One more value of this site is that we can share the stories and names here. Did I mention that this was my no show: https://rentmen.eu/dcstud :eek: And it was the same story. Texting exchange up to 30 min before date time, then...nothing. Drugs or ADD?

  13. Alex, I too am sorry this happened to you. It kind of makes all clients who have had to cancel for one reason or another look bad. If you do go this route, I hope you'll develop a cancellation policy. I travel a lot and have had to cancel a couple times on the same day because of delayed or missed flights. Once I cancelled an hour before because I was with a client of my own who was very upset over his divorce and I just couldn't leave him alone. I paid in all those same day cancellation instances because I didn't want to screw the service provider. Consultant here so I empathize -- time is money for me too. I've also had to cancel a day a day or two in advance because of changes in my work schedule. I don't feel obligated to pay in those situations because it feels like "fair" notice, but that's fuzzy. In all but one of those situations, there was understanding, a rebooking and a larger than usual tip from me. But one guy got pissed because he said he'd lost business. I paid then too, but didn't rebook because it didn't really seem quite fair. Also, I didn't quite believe him.


    Anyway, I guess my bottom line request to you and others is for more clarity about acceptable notice timeframes.


    One last word about the two way street -- no shows are the worst, the ultimate "fuck you." I don't care if your mother died that morning, there's no excuse for just blowing someone off. I've never done it, but have been on the receiving end twice, once very recently. It was this guy: https://rentmen.eu/dcstud. Buyer beware.

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