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adventurous old guy

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Posts posted by adventurous old guy

  1. Now you are just bragging. If I had been in the same circumstance, the college acquaintance would have blown me off at the bar-and not in a good way-and most likely hit on the handsome guy siting on the barstool next to me who had already ignored me the entire evening.



    Hmmm, maybe I did cross the line into bragging. Interesting (to me at least) that it's not a memory I feel good about.


    Anyway, moving along. Back to Derek and why so many are so interested...

  2. Piling on: I've been a premium member of RM, and it didn't help me get around their no communication protocol. I spent a chunk of time on it too, because the review I submitted was somebody I'd seen before and the first time I DID contact him through the website. I have an earlier review from that meeting, so there's an actual roadmap of how I found this provider through RM that they could verify just by looking at my history on their website. 4 or 5 emails explaining this before I gave up. Its just so idiotic.

  3. For what it’s worth (absolutely nothing) I’ve gotta say this thread amazes me. Four full pages of posts obsessing about this man. Attempt after attempt to analyze the man’s sexuality, attempt after attempt to determine what the law will and will not allow the man to do, attempt after attempt to determine where the man is likely to live. Is he this, is he that, can he do this, can he do that. For god sakes if you are interested in getting together with him, for whatever reason, CONTACT him and set up a get together and stop all this senseless chatter. And finally do keep in mind that the man IS entitled to a private/personal life outside of escorting.


    OK guy come and get me!!!!!

    Well, I'm not going to go after you, but I do have a theory about why there's so much discussion about Derek. This might be super idiosynractic to me, but just in case there are others here goes: I think his persona hooks a kind of archetype, e.g. high school jock, masculine bad boy, handsome straight hunk -- something like that. They kind of guy I lusted after from afar as a teen, but thought was unattainable. So, at least for me there's a kind of subconscious motivation to screw a guy like that, just to know that I could. I have the same kind of reaction to Jeremy Walker up in MN. There's something about the way he presents that includes the fact that he also has had legal troubles that just makes me want to do him, even though I know its not a good idea. (No intent to knock Jeremy btw, I just know we wouldn't really be compatible.)


    When I was in college, there was a guy with the same look who came across as very masculine, a little cocky, beefy football player who was disdainful of anybody alternative. Barely even acknowledged me. Two years later, I see him in a gay bar in Chicago. Chatted him up, reminded him of who I was, told him how surprised I was to see him there. Turns out he was just coming out, very tentative and vulnerable. Not particularly proud of this, but took him home and nailed him just to kind of even the score for his being such a dismissive jerk before. He then wanted to date, but I was done lol. Had scratched that itch. Maybe I'm just surfing my own subconscious here, but when I come across the Derek discussion on this forum or see his ad it;s what comes to mind. I want to do him because he conveys that image of being a handsome meatball bad boy jerk.


    OK, now you guys can come after me, because I'm sounding like kind of a jerk myself here, lol! Must be the Scorpio in me coming out. :rolleyes:

  4. Daniel is one of my favorites, always had a great time with him. Last time I saw him, late 2018, he was planning to get married. For his sake -- certainly not mine! -- hope that happened and he's off to new adventures.

  5. If he has never bottom on film for $ 1,500/ $ 2,000 or whatever he gets paid... I guess he doesn't like doing it in personal life and he won't do it for $300 or $400 either.


    Plenty of hot bottoms on Men.com for us to pick!

    Hmm, I partially disagree. I think there are guys who will bottom on screen as part of the job if the customer demand or $$ is there, even if its not their personal preference. Dean Coxx, Topher Dimaggio, Brandon Cody, Austin Wolf are top of mind. But yeah, plenty of hot bottoms out there -- totally agree with that!

  6. Anyone have any experience with oil rigger or cowboy types in these areas? Met a South Dakota welder once married with a kid making 10 hr struggling to make ends meet. I truly feel that coastal money goes so far in these areas. Who agrees?

    No experience, but I'm interested in this thread. May I add North Dakota -- my home state -- to the mix?

  7. This was questioned as to why the ad listed Gay & Top and a response was received it was incorrect. The Ad now reflects Bi & Versatile/Top

    Whew! Glad we cleared that up! :eek::rolleyes:o_O


    Seriously, there is so much fog in Dawson's ad that nothing about it rings reliable.

  8. One flake and I'd let it go. Things happen and escorts arent hired for communication or negotiating skills. If you text again and he sets up a time to meet just remind him in a positive way that something must have come up the last time yet you are really looking forward to meeting him. If you get lousy responses or none at all dont feel obligated to try to keep the appointment. Just move on. Remember... he did this once to you already.

    I definitely factor communications skills in my decisions about who to hire. Not the only factor, not the primary one, but poor communication is a deal killer so it has heft in the final decision. My decision tree:

    1. Is he attractive to me?
    2. Does he bottom?
    3. Does he kiss?
    4. Does he communicate in a way that's responsive and enthusiastic?
    5. Is he reviewed?
    6. Are his rates reasonable?

    ##1-4 all have to be yes-es. I'll bend on number #5 or #6, depending on the strength of response to #4.

  9. There's a whole lot of projection going on in this thread IMHO. We're off when we try to extrapolate from what I find attractive to what "is" attractive, or even to what "most people" find attractive. There's just too much variation in us, and when it comes to sex what we like seems all very layered and complex.



  10. This thread is interesting to me, because I see myself as having both very stereotypical masculine and feminine traits. It makes me feel strong and free not to conform. Hope this doesn't come off as bragging in some way, it's just how I see me and feel. I first realized this in college when a hetero ("allegedly," as Kathy Griffin would note) couple of married professors who saw themselves as "swingers" tried to get me in bed by saying how "androgynous" they found me. :eek: What can I say, it was the 70s. It didn't work, but I came out of that interaction going, yeah, androgynous, I'll own that.


    And who knows, my college profs might have just wanted to get me out of my pants because I have a big dick, something that seems to have interested them both. OK, this might board on bragging. :rolleyes:


    Anyway, what's also interesting to me is that i have four friends -- four, that seems like a lot here in the midwest-- who have kids who won't conform to traditional gender stereotypes. We have a lot to learn from the freedom this crop of gender-busting youngsters feel to challenge masculine/feminine as an old paradigm that just doesn't fit the wider range of human characteristics.

  11. Just a word on why young people die. We don't routinely screen kids for heart conditions. I have two friends who lost young adult sons from sudden heart attacks, one at the age of 19 while playing tennis, the other at the age of 21 at the dinner table. Both had congenital heart defects. Another rapid killer of people at any age is sepsis, which manifests as severe cold or flu symptoms that often are just not diagnosed as infection until its too late. You can be gone in 2 to 3 days from that. Meningitis moves very fast too.


    So agree, we shouldn't jump to conclusions about this young man's sudden death.

  12. Two of the RM reviews have text comments:

    -Really sweet guy. Unbelievable body. Was on time. English fairly good. I had a very good time. I would recommend highly !

    -Very sexy and passionate.

    Pics lead to an instagram page which shows a nice looking guy whose body matches the pics.

    Thx, appreciate it. Saw those comments too. Latest review was from 2018 though -- which isn't too old, but hoping to hear something more current.


    Also noticed that he seems to be traveling with this guy: https://rentmen.eu/JoseThomas. And they have similar ads, including a request to meet someone who gets them off RM.

  13. OK, adding to the trail of bumps here because no comments since December. He's in DC again when I'm there. Anyone ready to pierce the silence with a first hand experience report?

  14. I always find it odd that some of these escorts like Julian say they are strict tops,but go out of their way to point out their bubble butt both in text and pics. Why bother going there if it is off limits.

    You know, its all about context. My version of your comment is finding it odd, aggravating sometimes, but ultimately kind of fun that service providers veer from all top to versatile top to versatile, sometimes in the blink of an eye. With Julian, I could tell without much work that he travels with a total top, who is probably his boyfriend. When I contacted him about arranging a date where he would bottom, he got back to me fast, sent a truly salivation-inducing butt shot, and told me that he doesn't get asked to bottom often but "loves it." Bingo, or should I say BOOOIIIING! I was immediately motivated to hire.


    What we have to remember is that these guys are in advertising mode. They may be totally versatile or greatly prefer bottom, but they're here to book clients and that involves conveying an image. For me, very honestly, a top who bottoms turns my crank. His marketing worked!


    And just to be clear, when he broke our date he came across as being very honest about why, so I'm still a fan. He could be playing me, but has the benefit of the doubt. At least for now, lol!

  15. Julian and I did not meet Circumstances on his end kept him from keeping the date. He was super communicative and apologetic however, offered to make it up to me next time paths cross, and so he's still on my list. Eager to hear more about him from others here. Anyway, when that fell apart I defaulted last minute to this guy: https://rentmasseur.com/DonMichael


    Interesting guy, delivered all I asked of him. On the expensive side, but it was late and I went for it lol. I'd recommend.

  16. We're not all that binary. Unless we choose to be I guess. I'm really assertive, many would say aggressive. But shamelessly sentimental, the first to cry in a movie where something sad happens...or might happen. :rolleyes: Have a gentle voice and am kind to animals, but am way proud of having my dick be the center of attention. Oh, and I like to cuddle both before and after I fuck the cum out of man. :p


    Think in a binary frame of reference, that makes me androgynous. Super down with that!

  17. Saw him last year. He was good. bottomed. but was shocked recently, just found out he was the escort from that Rekers scandal lol. "Lucien".


    Are you sure about this? In the pictures I've seen, I would have guessed Lucien was not as muscled. Of course he could have started working out.


    If Daniel = Lucien, I might hire him just to hear the story over dinner or wine, lol. It would be worth it! o_O

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