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Posts posted by maninsoma

  1. This is something you should make clear in emails before the meet. I do not pay up-front, just so you know.


    I think the shoe should be on the other foot: If the escort demands payment up front, it's his responsibility to let that be known when the appointment is scheduled rather than at the time of arrival. The client can either then agree to that, decline to schedule an appointment, or come to some mutually agreeable compromise with the escort.

  2. I think the future date issue could simply be a mistake on the part of the reviewer, too. The review was submitted 2/19 but the appointment date is listed as 3/18. The reviewer could have simply submitted the review the day after the appointment and inadvertently hit the 3 instead of the 2 key when writing the review. That being said, one of my red flags is someone advertising as being in multiple locations at the same time.

  3. I don't have an issue with someone choosing to perform a different arrangement of the Star Spangled Banner, but I do think that choosing to rearrange it so it takes as long as Fergie's version isn't wise in a setting like this. It isn't her concert; she's singing before another event. As for the performance itself, it wasn't quite as horrid as some seem to think (she can clearly carry a tune even though some of the notes were off), but it definitely suffered from the over embellishment that many singers utilize today.

  4. Yes, Google Image Search just doesn't seem to work most of the time any more. It's returned to what it was like when it was a new search tool, returning results that aren't helpful (e.g., "man" or "chest") with funny "possible" matches like penises in photos being compared to any longer than thicker object like broom handles or forearms. It really was a great tool for a while but, for whatever reason, the people behind the scenes at Google appear to have decided to limit its usefulness.

  5. Facebook was never a place to argue or learn about politics. I still have a Facebook account because it is valuable in keeping in touch with relatives and friends whom you seldom call on the phone.


    That's the way I generally use Facebook as well. I don't have it installed on my phone, though, since I agree that Facebook is more intrusive than it needs to be. I don't want Facebook to associate my phone number with my account and then start linking me with anyone who has ever called me or whom I have called.

  6. I don't get it... If I say I'm not attracted to black men, I'm racist, but if I say I am attracted to black men, I'm fetishizing them? Stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place!


    To answer the last part of the question, I look at it this way: it's one thing if you find yourself attracted to many black men for a variety of reasons. It only becomes a fetish if you make it into one by, for example, only finding black men attractive or attributing additional characteristics to the black men whom you find attractive that are based on stereotypes and not who those men actually are.

  7. I think that it's difficult to confront someone about getting an STD from him because unless you haven't had intimate contact with anyone else, you could have gotten it from another encounter. And even if you only had intimate contact with one person, if you are confronting someone you don't really know (a masseur versus a boyfriend or lover or husband) they don't really have any reason to believe that you got something from them versus maybe you transmitting something to them.


    Therefore I think the best way to handle it is simply to contact the guy, say you tested positive for whatever STD it is, and recommend he see his doctor for screening/treatment if he hasn't already done so. That leaves the blame game out of it.

  8. This guy has consistantly refused to budge on his age despite the fact that if you do the math he began escorting at age ELEVEN. Also refuses to admit any photo=shopping of his pix. 40 is being kind I think I'd say mid-40's. No he is not a college age guy with a 6pac BUT he IS still an attractive OLDER guy with a thick fleshy build big pecs and a nice V Shape and few would be disappointed if he walked thru the door IF that's what they were expecting. The disappointment comes if you were expecting the insanely altered 20-something dude in his photos.

    *I'm being kind here DESPITE the vitriol that would be spewed at anyone who dares call him on any of this, either directy of via a "ahem" "newbie" poster.


    There are some here who think it's reasonable for an escort to shave 20 or more years off his age as long as his body more or less matches the photo. I guess they don't understand that the face of a 50 year old is never going to look like the face of a 30 year old, even if someone has plastic surgery, and to some a youthful appearance in face is as or more important than physique. Just to be clear -- I find many guys in their fifties attractive, so I'm not suggesting that an escort who is that age should retire. I am suggesting, however, that more honesty would be better so that prospective clients who are looking for youth won't be disappointed when a middle aged man shows up. Plus, from my perspective, anyone who pretends to be the same age forever is automatically ruled out in my book since I assume he cannot be trusted about anything.

  9. Pretty basic motel. If you stay there, try to get a room that doesn't face the street if you like more quiet when you sleep. The place used to get quite a lot of cruising because anyone could simply walk up and down the halls outside the rooms, but several years ago they installed security gates so you need to be let in by a guest if you are going to a room there. (Not sure if this is true for the ground floor rooms facing the parking lot; I assume those are still readily accessible.)

  10. All four of the actors as they appeared in one episode of the show (the other two are Logan Henderson and Kendall Schmidt). As you can see, both James and Carlos have bulked up since Big Time Rush was filmed. And I don't want to give the wrong impression; the guys had their shirts on 99% of the time on the show.



  11. I haven't watched Big Brother for many seasons, but I set my DVR to record this series because of James Maslow. I didn't know who he was until he appeared on Dancing With The Stars a couple of years ago. Then I watched the entire run of the Nickolodeon show he was on, Big Time Rush, in part because he and the other three main characters were all played by handsome young men but also in part because its slapstick humor was right up my alley. (So sue me for finding delight as a man in his fifties for a show aimed at the tween/teen market!)




  12. You've never seen the calendar with the sexy priests as the monthly models?


    I could not easily find a link showing more than one model from this year's calendar, but this handsome guy is on the order page.


    Hmmm. The image sharing isn't working for this image. Here's the page where you can look at it and order the calendar. http://www.calendarioromano.org/


  13. Ditto, had the same experience probably 2 years ago. I saw Heath many many years ago when he was starting out and solo. He gave a decent massage, was nude, and mutual HE. When I saw him more recently with his buddy, the massage was pretty bad, and I don't think they got nude. Definitely not repeating.


    I can echo that experience, except my second session was closer in time to my first and was with Heath solo. I was surprised that the man who gave a nice sensual massage during my first appointment seemed completely disengaged the second time around. It stands out of in my mind all these years later because it was probably the biggest change in level of service I've experience with a masseur.

  14. I have lots of pleasant memories, but two stand out for different reasons:


    1. I was getting a very nice massage by a handsome man who was wearing only a lightweight piece of cloth wrapped around his waist. The room was lit by candles. Can you guess what happens next? Yes, he accidentally caught the fabric he was wearing on fire! Fortunately he was able to put it out immediately and it didn't disturb the massage too much.


    2. I hired a guy visiting my area on Thanksgiving day about six years ago. Went to his hotel, got on his bed (not great for a therapeutic massage, but for a more sensual one it will do), and was enjoying this handsome young man rubbing my body. After about a half hour, he got up, got a condom, put it on, and entered me. At the end of the session, I complimented him and said he went beyond my expectations based on his ad. His reply was along the lines of, "I advertise an erotic massage." I don't remember whether I told him that most erotic masseurs don't actually end up fucking me or just remained silent, but he got a nice tip on top of his fee. Unfortunately I never saw him advertise in my area again. I left a few voice messages but never got a call back, so I don't know if he simply stopped doing erotic massages or simply wasn't returning to my area so didn't feel a need to call me.

  15. But sex is suppose to be pleasurable for both / all parties involved. One should not have to work at it. Sex is normal and natural.


    Odd to see that comment posted here, of all places. I'm not saying that no escorts enjoy having sex with any of their clients, but it is work. Other people may enjoy their work as well, but it's still work and it might not be what people would want to do during their leisure time.

  16. Yes, I was wondering about the "Extreme" comment too ? The only thing extreme might be the size of the cocks, which are usually BIG for both the Top and often the bottom as well. But the plot is usually always the same in TimTales vids, but I aint complainin either. Also like its sister site TimSuck..... Same hot guys but in ORAL situations (more my speed than anal)


    (edited out the photos)



    I thought TimSuck was related to TimFuck and Treasure Island Media. I thought that TimTales was a separate studio having nothing to do with Treasure Island Media.

  17. @GregM, did they actually charge your card or did they post an authorization that has not yet fallen off? I'm asking because you can't chargeback a charge that has not posted. Based on the response from your bank, it sounds like the latter has occurred. Back in the olden days (like the mid-1990s) a merchant could contact their processor and the processor would contact the issuer to release the hold manually.


    It might be time to contact the DC and Illinois attorneys general and file a consumer complaint.


    Most preauthorizations go away quite quickly once the final charge gets posted, but I recently had a bad experience with Macys both charging my card and requesting a preauthorization for a mattress set. I was surprised that the preauthorization was listed on my account online until the next bill was issued, when it was finally cleared. Since it didn't impact my spending as I never spend close to my credit limit, I didn't do anything about it but it seemed very odd to me to tie up over a thousand dollars of someone's credit for close to one month when the actual charge had already posted.

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