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Posts posted by maninsoma

  1. Well, I have heard of some U.S. and Canadian citizens who have gotten into trouble there, but in each case those people did get involved in the drug trade. I'm not saying that there isn't any police corruption and that it's impossible that someone could just be randomly harassed by police, but I frequently encounter police while walking there (and I'm often by myself) and I've never had any problems. That being said, in my experience the biggest risk there (assuming that one isn't engaging in any illegal activity) is that there are plenty of people who will try to take economic advantage of tourists, whether that be storekeepers or waiters "forgetting" change or making improper change, vendors making up ridiculously high prices for gringos versus locals, or pickpockets. For those reasons I recommend not getting so sloppy drunk that you don't know what's going on; having enough small bills so that you don't really need change from servers in restaurants; and asking in advance how much something is going to cost versus just trusting a local who tells you what something should cost.


    Seems down to earth, which is very appealing. I don't think I would watch too many similar videos since he's basically just rambling and not saying much, but it did give a bit of a window into what his personality is like.


    I find him really cute in some photos and not others. Like some of you, I don't like the photos with the beard. Beyond that, in some of the photos his haircut is so bad that it turns him from cute boy-next-door to average boy-next-door. Not that there's anything wrong with average guys, but his varying looks really drive home the point that grooming/styling can have a significant impact on someone's sex appeal.

  3. Interesting DD...I was just at the Geek Squad having drivers reinstalled. I started having problems with Firefox, and I was told that firefox was bought out, and they are not really maintaining it anymore, which accounted for it's instability. Their advice was do not upgrade to windows 10, not worth the nightmare. They recommended to use chrome, which owns Firefox now. All news to me, I'm not really plugged in to the tech loop, others might have better info, but the Geek Squad as always done an excellent job for me with regard to repairs.


    OK...sorry Okliehomo for the hyjack, back to the nekked boys. :D


    I'm not saying that every tech who works for Geek Squad/Best Buy is incompetent, but at best I'd take their proclamations with a grain of salt. Just of some the inaccuracies they recently told you:


    1. Firefox is, in fact, still being maintained/updated. I use Firefox more than any other browser and it had an update within the past week or so.


    2. "Chrome" doesn't own Firefox. Google developed and owns Chrome. Firefox was developed by the Mozilla Corporation. Mozilla had a contract with Google that got extended several times, making Google Firefox's default search engine and, in exchange, kicking back revenue to Mozilla from searches performed in Firefox. That contract ended late last year, however, so I assume Google's financial contribution to Mozilla has decreased while Yahoo's has increased (Yahoo is now the default search engine).


    3. As to whether it's worth upgrading to Windows 10, their advice is probably sound for non-techies. If your computer is currently working to your satisfaction, why bother with doing an upgrade that might force you to relearn some things or, worse, might make some things not work properly, requiring you to troubleshoot new problems? For those with decent enough computer skills, though, upgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 isn't a bad idea -- particularly since the upgrade is free.

  4. Whatever. I think that if he got himself a decent body and a decent haircut, he would have men and women falling all over him, and would increase his marketability by millions of $$. With such beautiful hair and eyes, I think he's an idiot not to try to take full advantage of what nature (or some would say God) has given him.


    I don't understand your point. He's currently one of the main characters in a weekly sitcom that has been on several seasons and still gets good enough ratings that it's not likely to get canceled soon. Why would he need to be worried about marketing himself when he has a steady job on a successful show?


    As someone else previously opined in this thread, I also think he looks fine just the way he is - and his look fits his character on The Middle. Would I personally find him even more appealing with a different haircut and more muscle? Probably. I'm guessing he has no problem finding women to date, though (I'm pretty sure he's straight).

  5. But, Lord, how I wish he would work out some. He could be a real jizz-producer if he just built up his body a bit. Quite youthful-looking for a 24 year-old, though. He still has time to improve his appearance.







    I'm thinking he's deliberately not bulked up because when the show started, he was a young adult who was playing a character who was still in high school (I think maybe only a Freshman). Now that he's playing someone in college, it would make more sense for his character to be more muscular but that change in body shape wouldn't really be consistent with the character as written.

  6. But even before the Village People, and well before I had any inkling of why I adored it so, it was this opening credit sequence that truly changed my life...

    Patrick Duffy as THE MAN FROM ATLANTIS


    How about this scene from that show? Shows Patrick looking mighty fine in swim trunks (and out of the water, so you get a better look at him), and it also features Ted Cassidy, the guy who played Lurch on The Addams Family.



  7. Just to be clear, the "broken record" idiom doesn't simply refer to a scratched record since lots of scratched records still play. A broken record is one that will not play properly because it is so damaged that the stylus can't work its way through the grooves, so what you get is that the record will reach a certain point and then keep repeating whatever is in the grooves throughout one rotation of the record. (That might not be a clear description to someone who's never played a vinyl record, but I think people of a certain age will all understand what I mean.) So the meaning of telling someone that he/she sounds like a "broken record" is merely stating that that person keeps repeating him/herself.

  8. I watched the first episode and didn't like it very much, but since I wanted to like it I forced myself to watch the second as well. I didn't continue beyond that episode. I wish the show was more about the transitioning character and less about the self-absorbed adult children.

  9. I'm not looking for a "therapeutic" massage. By "erotic, but not sexual", I'm referring to the Body Electric school of massage, which allows touching of the genitals in a non-sexual (non-masturbatory) manner, and without any other sexual contact ("erotic", but not "sexual" touch).


    On the masseur sites I've looked at, it seems that many masseurs who offer "sensual" or "erotic" massages are not licensed in the state of Florida. Some are trained masseurs who have let their licenses lapse or whose licenses have been revoked, and others are untrained masseurs who advertise "bodyrubs".


    I'm looking for a trained masseur. I don't care if he has an active license or not. However, someone who mentions his cock size and preferred sexual position ("top") in describing himself on a website would seem to be offering a wider menu of services than most masseurs. It makes me a little nervous to hire a masseur who includes such a description in his massage write-up.


    Maybe, or maybe not. Could be the guy just knows that many customers will make a similar assumption and hire him, hoping for more, even if he isn't actually going to provide it. I've not only had masseurs go beyond my expectations in a sexual way, including a few who actually topped me, but I've also been duped by guys whose ads were carefully constructed to highlight their sexual qualities only to get a mediocre therapeutic massage with no extras.

  10. Does anyone else's gaydar go off at least a little bit during that underwear shopping video? I'm not suggesting that he isn't attracted to women at all, but there's a certain lilt in his voice and twinkle in his eye that just makes me doubt that he's 100% straight.


    Or is that just my wishful thinking? ;)

  11. Cute. Brings back some vague memories of my first computer. I don't think it was quite as cryptic as this one, but the monochrome monitor and the need to put in different floppy disks depending on the task I needed to accomplish are still stuck in my brain. I remember eventually upgrading to a better computer that had a 20MB hard drive (what a relief to no longer have to swap floppies incessantly!) for $1,300!

  12. I'm going to submit a review on masseurfinder for Rainer since I don't think it's really appropriate to review masseurs here, but I thought I'd just chime in this thread to state that Rainer appears just as he does in his photos (very sexy in person), has a very sweet demeanor, and provided a very sensual massage.

  13. I just noticed that this guy is visiting my area now. Still no one in the LA area (or any other area he's visited) that has feedback on this guy? I've learned to be skeptical of reviews offered on the massage websites since sometimes masseurs with many glowing reviews end up being duds as far as I am concerned.

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