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Posts posted by big-n-tall

  1. Honestly, I think the number of reviews, especially now is kind of pointless. With RM switching to that you can only leave a review if you're a paid member, I think overall escorts are getting less reviews because of it. Also if he started in 2020 during the pandemic he probably wasn't getting many anyway.

    One of the guys I meet since last year has been an outstanding hire. He has no reviews. I wanted to give him one after we first met last year but because I'm not a paid member on RM, I couldn't leave one.

  2. It varies for me depending on escort willingness, my expenditures for each month, and escort's/my availability. To me if a guy remembers you after 2nd time... you're a regular. :D

    One guy who was kind of local, I saw 1 to 2 times a month. We also did extended trips. He moved away. :( There is a local masseur I saw about every two months. I wanted to see him at least month but circumstances kind of prevented me from doing so. He's currently on hiatus sadly. If he returns I'd try to see him at least once a month for sure. There is an escort I met last year (although I first contacted him early 2020... damned pandemic). I bring him to see me about every 3 months. I've seen him 3 times. We are planning another meet up late Summer/early Fall. He tells me I one of the few people who has hired him consistently. According to him I'm his main regular.

    Most providers I've seen repeatedly, it's usually whenever they travel to my area. As mentioned above... I sometimes bring people to me. The times between seeing them can vary.

  3. I planned to meet him once years ago on a trip to Pittsburgh. We set everything up and texted the information (date/time). The day of the meet up I texted I had arrived at the hotel and gave him my room number. Crickets at first. Time drew near to meet up time and he finally texted back that he took a porn job and he wasn't in town to meet. I never tried to meet him again.

  4. I am not into twinks, but I will say try approaching them through their social media. Not all mind you but some porn actors will meet up if approached through  Instagram or Twitter. Just don’t be blunt about it… be polite and complimentary and see how they respond before you start asking if they are willing to meet up. Also keep in mind you might be paying more than the average rate you might pay from someone advertising on RM.

  5. 5 hours ago, dutchal said:

    Interesting his RM ad says top while the porn videos show him much more versatile than that.

    Not really. 😁

    What someone is willing to do on camera, in their private interactions, or escorting don’t necessarily correlate.

    This could be for any number of reasons. Maybe his significant other doesn’t mind him bottoming in certain situations but not escorting. Maybe he had a bad experience bottoming for clients and refuses to do it. Maybe he’s willing but only if he’s comfortable. You just never know.


  6. Is the guy you’re interested in local to the resort area you’re staying or from the US? Is he well reviewed or reviewed at all?

    Personally most of the guys I’ve done overnights with or longer has been with people I had not previously met. Honestly, very few didn’t work out. Most turned into long term repeated hires.

    With that said if the guy is local to the area you’re staying… why don’t you just meet a few times for extended hours as opposed to the whole trip together. If it’s someone from the US traveling with you to Mexico, I’d be more against going with someone to a foreign country I’ve never met.

  7. 3 hours ago, gersonides said:

    Please tell me he escorts. 
    Twitter @TrypBatesXXX

    Ah Tryp aka Aidan from Sean Cody. He was a fun. Kinda hyper but fun. I met him on a trip to San Diego. He was still working for Sean Cody at the time so he hid his identity on Rentboy and went by the moniker Delirium or Delirious. I only saw him once. He even moved into my area but we could never seem to synch schedules after that first time. He has retired and unretired a few times from doing porn.

    I'd see him again if he ever went back into escorting.

  8. 9 hours ago, Andy2 said:

    Wow.  Via text, he quoted 450 for an hour of his time.  Wonder why the wide disparity -- and earlier post has reported 400. 

    He’s new. Maybe he’s testing the waters to see how much he can get. …figure out a price that works best for him and potential clients.

    Or maybe he’s basing the price on whatever details people are telling him.

    A friend contacted him last night through rm messenger. Viktor quoted him 390 an hour. 

  9. 8 or 9 also. :D

    However for a number of months after i initially started, there was no cum coming out. I did orgasm. I was shocked when something finally did. :)

  10. On 3/10/2023 at 12:16 PM, wanderwest said:

    Bumping this topic up.  Does any experienced member here see any red flags? There are no reviews on the guy, but maybe he's just new.

    I think you can't rely on the number of reviews anymore.

    RM switched the review system to that you can only review someone if you have a paid membership. So I think escorts are getting less reviews overall. Plus he's only been on the site since December.

    I can't say if the guy is real or not.

  11. He's been advertising off and on for a while. When he wasn't advertising on RM, he still had an ad on Rentmasseur. Besides the his pics in his ad, what got me interested in him was a Vice documentary (I think it was Vice) he was in. I liked his attitude in it. So I decided to reach out when his ad returned on Rentmen.

    Last year, I reached out to him to meet up for an overnight. He was very responsive, initially. We talked and I gave my spiel... I'd cover travel and rates, etc. He asked me a number a questions about the potential meet up (i.e sleeping arrangements, what i was into, etc). We seemed to come to an agreement. I gave him a date and he said he had to get back to me about the date I picked. All this communication was through texting.

    Then radio silence. Some time later (more than a few weeks... maybe more than a month), he finally responded. He first apologized for getting back to me so much later. He said he had to leave his schedule open for his other job. He had to wait until he was sure his schedule would be open for the date I picked. He asked if I still wanted to see him. I said I did but I could no longer meet the date I picked. I'd have to see when I had time to bring him in to visit. That pretty much was the last thing I said to him.

    I haven't attempted to reschedule. Not because of anything he did or didn't do. I just got busy with work and life.

  12. 8 hours ago, Moke said:

    Newbie question. What does “your mileage may vary” mean in this context exactly? I’m seeing it used a lot.    That the person is does not necessarily provide a great experience to everyone?  He has bad days and good days?  

    Since we are different people and can react differently with each individual we encounter… your my mileage may vary means just because I have a good time with the person you may not have the same experience. It could be for any number of reasons. Some, you mentioned in your inquiry. It may be down to chemistry. You both or one of you just don’t connect. It could be physical or something said that turns one of you off. It runs the gamut of reasons. We are only human and even though it’s a service… sometimes it just doesn’t work as we planned.

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