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Everything posted by big-n-tall

  1. ...countdown until this topic gets moved to the political forum or locked down ...3 ...2 ...1 LOL! 😛
  2. Follow up... I managed to contact him because he was going to visit near my area for a few days. He seem to appreciate the description of myself and want I wanted. So I gave a time I wanted to meet for an hour or two. I followed up by saying if things went well, we could do an overnight on the spot or some other time soon. He said ok. He hadn't finalized plans (i.e. where he was staying) but said he would let me know when he did. The day came he was due to arrive into town. Not a peep. So i contacted him later that same arrival day before the proposed meet up time. He responded he overslept and missed his plane. He said he wouldn't be in town until the next day and would be available then. I regrettably couldn't meet the rest of the time he'd be in town. So I offered to bring him back for an overnight. i gave him a date I was available. I had figured out details and let him know. He gave me personal details to book a flight. He then told me he would have to leave super early the next day because he was going on a trip out of the country. He said he had tickets to depart from Atlanta and needed to be back there super early. In effect the overnight wouldn't be even 8 hours. I was thinking to myself if he knew he was going on a trip the day after the day I picked, he should have told me as soon as I told him the date. However, he didn't. I told him I'd get back to him once I figured out a new overnight date. Something was telling me, maybe I shouldn't pursue this any further. Everything seemed rather labored planning things with him. Of course i kept looking at those pics in his ad and decided to try one more time. So once again i contacted him and tried to figure things out. We didn't come to a solid plan. So I think I'm done. I chalk it up to him being new but things seemed too difficult to solidify plans with him. If he ever comes back to my area, maybe I'll try again for an hour. Somehow though, I doubt it. I'm sure he's probably amazing in person. The universe just doesn't seem to want us to meet. 😛
  3. I tried to meet him multiple times. It hasn't happened. I'll post more detail later but I think I'm done trying.
  4. I've never met him but if you still have his number, why not send a polite message asking if he's still available.
  5. I met him. He was at the time advertising on Mintboys. The number in the RM ad is the same I have from MBs. So it’s definitely him. Nice guy, I enjoyed my time with him.
  6. I think you have to be realistic and lower your expectations to a degree. if you see an ad with a guy who is super ripped, veins a poppin'... you need to realize that is a difficult state to maintain 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Those super ripped model quality pics are them at their peak where they push themselves specifically for the professional photo shoot. There are a few who have the discipline to maintain that look but its draining and most can't. As long as what they represent in their ad isn't drastically different to than what they look like in person... I'm ok with it. Meaning if he is muscular and ripped in the ad, I still expect him to be muscular but not necessarily as ripped as his photos. Unless you meet them right before or after the photoshoot or before/after a bodybuilding/fitness contest, most won't look ripped to shreds.
  7. He has been talked about before. Unless I'm misremembering @Hung_Cody met with him a number of years back when he first started listing on RM. I think hung_cody had a good experience.
  8. The pictures are of Ollie (Sean Cody). He also was on other sites under the name Antonio (i.e. Military classified). It looks like he's bulked up a bit and got ripped. I think it may be him. He's been listing on RM and MBs off and on in San Diego and OC for a number of years. I haven't met him because he listed as top. Although he did list as a versatile/top before on RM. As for the validity of this ad, I can't say for sure. I've only reached out to 2 people on MBs. One never responded and the other was definitely the guy in the ad. Maybe you can ask to facetime or meet in public before you move forward with the meet up if you do. https://str8upgayporn.com/meet-military-classifieds-antonio-a-k-a-sean-codys-ollie/
  9. He’s been advertising on thebestflex site for a while now. I find him sexy. However as much as I find him attractive I don’t think I’d hire him.
  10. I understand your point but I personally don't find that to be the case in the guys I hired. Usually offering to pay for travel and their rate is enough. I have never had to sweeten the deal. Even through these times. If he didn't want to do an overnight, he could have said so or not expressed interest when I initially asked. Also when we first talked about it, I asked him what he wanted for an overnight rate. He was unsure. So during our last discussion, I gave him a number I usually have been asked to contribute. I'm not sure why but Marco had become unresponsive.
  11. When I met him he was great. Although he wasn't the fastest communicators. As mentioned above, after our session, he seemed eager to set up an overnight... even though he claimed he never did one. I told him then, as soon as I figured out a good time I'd contact him. Well once he went on to NYC he become almost totally unresponsive. I texted him maybe a couple weeks after our meet up about going forward with an overnight or weekend. No response. I waited a week and tried again, he sent a short response to my inquiry that was a bit ambiguous. A few days later he responded asking how much would I contribute for an overnight. I responded back with an amount and travel pay. And he never responded again. So, if he ever comes back to my area, I'll try to meet up again. However, I'm not going to try chase him down if the level of unresponsiveness (he displayed while he was NYC) remains.
  12. I haven’t met him but I don’t think he’s visiting. He started his ad in October and it has always been listed in DC. I’ve been watching the ad since it popped up. I’m interested in him but I won’t be able to meet him until late January (if he’s still in the area). I’ve been reluctant to meet him because he didn’t have many reviews. That doesn’t always deter me, but the reviews list outcalls. I can’t do outcalls unless I have a hotel. And yes, I’m tempted to get a hotel to meet him.
  13. Possibly. But as many people pointed out in that particular topic... his business model left much to be desired.
  14. I believe nycboi has left the building. So for those inquiring about updates, probably won't get it. He kind of left in a huff because he felt attacked in another forum topic (the one he started about becoming an escort). Not to say he won't eventually return, but who knows.
  15. Or they can and they like to troll anyway.
  16. I saw him recently and want to echo all the superlatives. Great experience all around. I will definitely repeat many many times.
  17. He has been asked about on the forum many times over the years. Only two forum members seems to have met him... @ccadkm16 (who doesn't appear to be active on the forum any longer) and @dcguy20 Tyson's old expired profile has a face pic. https://rent.men/TysonSteele
  18. Not exactly the same but i once had a dog and cat. The dog would eat the cat food and the cat would eat the dog food. It was maddening because they wouldn't eat their own food. All of it was from cans.
  19. Incorrect sir. I posted about Jett Wayne in a topic about Acrodave. I went off topic as as some of us are inclined to do. LOL! Actually I blame @Enronnja for creating the tangent in the topic when he posted this link https://www.queermenow.net/blog/jett-wayne-bottom-gay-porn-brock-banks/ Your exact response in that post as posted above was, "Omfg that Jett Wayne is white hot!!! Hottest looking gay I've seen in a long time!!! Wonder if he has the gay attitude to go with it or a cool dude." It's ok if you don't remember. I'm just yanking your chain.
  20. He also has a friendboy ad. That's where I first noticed him advertising and about a few weeks later he popped up on RM. That's all I got.
  21. I brought him up before. And @Gymowner you even commented on him.
  22. Maybe but I doubt it. I think they are different people with different tattoos and slightly different builds who just happen to look alike. They have different phone numbers and use different contact names. One is based in Florida and the other Georgia. If anything, I say they are related. Or maybe this is a Twilight Zone episode. LOL! Italianboyph is a member of the forum. I'm sure he'll let us know one way or the other.
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