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Posts posted by Walker1

  1. So, I was watching this cute south asian gay couple and they have a few videos. This one stuck me as they had the mom of one of the guys and she was so accepting and embraced her son and son-in-law.


    My family took a long time and still some just won't discuss my orientation, but are ok -which is fine I figure straight people don't talk about their sexuality all day long. I don't hide it. But it just makes me wonder, how much easier it would have been if my family was this accepting and not take years for them to accept. They weren't nasty like those people who ship kids off to conversion centers, but definitely not accepting and our family dynamics-no one talks issues, just bury your head in the sand and don't discuss it and assume it is not there! :p . Lot of issues have been festering for decades like this. It just got me thinking , how many have very accepting families who embrace all aspects of you and don't blink an eye?


  2. I am not rich and after I give to my kids, probably not much left and even that won't be enough for them to sit on their ass and do nothing! I don't have a large surplus every year and put a big chunk into college 529s so when they get there, they won't be saddled in student debt and I won't be stuck if I have to co-sign them. I am in that odd bracket, where I am not rich but don't qualify for many for the subsidies and benefits either. It is like the worst of both worlds.


    I don't hire too many, had some regulars, but drifted apart. Perhaps if I have someone for a long while and came to know them-I might. Though if an escort saved his money and invested-my meager gift might elicit a laugh

  3. The strip club, “The Red Garter” closed at 3:00 a.m. - they arrived shortly thereafter. And all county judges in Indiana make $150K per year - it’s public information. Nice work, eh?

    150k a year with pensions too. Paid for by taxpayers.

  4. I had a private screening. I was wearing jeans that I use for yard work, so probably had some mud and fertilizer in it and forgot to wash it before flying. The scanner kept indicating some stuff in my jeans and they asked me if I wanted to do a private or in public. I said private and they took me to a room. It was a short business trip so only had carry on. They said they would bring it and asked me to point it out. I was taken to a screened room and they patted me down thoroughly and my jeans were down to my knees and took some tests. It didn't help that the guy doing the patting was hot muscled handsome dude that I would definite pay 300 bucks an hour for!


    But the supervisor was in the room and he was an older flabby man, that killed my boner and I focused on him so as not to get excited(I will make a lousy escort!) and after they cleared me, they gave me, my carry on items which they had bought here and sent me on way. Very respectful, always calling me sir and very professional-though I do fantasize about being alone with that muscle agent alone!

  5. I never heard of sponsor a child-maybe in charities that work with poor countries where 30 bucks a month can sposnor a child's meals etc. But you can foster a child even if you are single and look for adoption. Adopting while being single and gay is like pulling hen's teeth. but depending on your state it can happen. I myself looked at adoption and then through some luck decided to have my own children through the marvels of modern science. If you are limited by finaces or age , it may not be possible. But through my journey, I met people in their 50s and even one gay couple in their early sixties who decided to have their own genetic child. To some it does not matter, but I grew up with a huge family and am glad my child has some connection to my family and me genetically-it is interesting to see some traits of my grandma in my son!


    Lots of options for family building these days for non traditional families.

  6. When our country was founded, the Brits were still killing men for doing hanky panky with another dude. Public hangings.


    Thomas Jefferson thought differently, that cutting their nuts off would be ample punishment.


    The Brits spread their common law across the globe. I'd like to know if those societies killed gay men before the Brits empire spread into the Middle East. Certainly was not done in native American cultures.


    That said, life for gay men was far better before the Arab Spring and before ISIS. Being outed there is now a terrible event. So yes, our squabbles over coming out and not being out enough or queer enough are given perspective by those victims tossed from rooftops.


    Yet we are still an easy target. For now, it is our good fortune for those of us that live in the West. Still, I'll never trust faith based US civics. Recriminalizing bufu is still part of their think-tank dogma. Coming out is good for the whole, but even now, can be risky. I try not to judge the choices made about coming out.


    The British took their anti gay rules to all the places they ruled. India had a British era anti gay legislation till it was stuck down recently by their Supreme court.


    Kenya still has British era anti gay rules that I believe allow upto 14 years in jail for just the act of having gay sex. Their supreme court unfortunately upheld it .

    Some more history on the British and their role in spreading anti gay legislation to countries that never had them before.



    My point was not about coming out. I think being out is good. More about the frivolous nature of the article-oh my how many times do I have to come out-how many times do striagt people ask me about our gay relationship. I think that is a good thing that straight people actually care and engage and not shun us or God forbid we have to face what our fellow gay people face in many countries of the world today. If their curiosity bothers you, say so-it is a free country-it means we are being integrated.

  7. By the way, why do you assume that the only thing I offer these young men is money and what I can do for them? I do think that I'm more than a sack of money. For your information, he came 90% of the time we had sex (as did I, 90% of the time we had sex). When either of us didn't, it was probably because there was some alcohol on board. I also feel I'm fairly cultured and have a lot of other things to offer.

    Well considering divorce is at 50% I think- marraige is a crapshoot anyways.

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