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Posts posted by Walker1

  1. You have kids -that changes a lot. Being gay is fine . My family has embraced it. But the escorting-legality and all- can cause problems. I am not open about my "hobby" nor would I want it broadcast all over the state where others see.


    Now if you are open to everyone, that is fine-but people still get arrested in the bluest of states/cities for that. So just some caution-if you are planning on baring that portion.


    I am not ashamed-I know plenty of people who married for money or looks or lust -but it is what it is. I wish more of us would organize and try and legalize it though-I just don't know how.

  2. A friend of a friend is a dentist, gay, very attractive, and very much my type. I'd never go to him professionally, I'd worry about saying something when I was under the laughing gas. I'm not his type at all, judging by seeing his boyfriends.

    My dentist is very hot, sexy and muscular-just my type. However he runs the practice with his wife who is also a dentist-so that is a buzzkill for any fantasies, much less anything real.


    Most of my doctors have been women or much older men.

  3. There is also need for more empathy towards people in need. Sometimes looking from the outside in is hard to comprehend and when looking back from the inside out is difficult to explain.

    Lot of times, it is difficult to see someone's pain especially when they are putting up a front and going through the motions or worse get into substance and other abuse to quell the pain.


    I myself went through a phase when I was a very femme and a drag queen personality. Outside I was loud, strong and looked like nothing ever affected me. Inside I was slowly dying as that was not me, just some persona I adopted unconsciously. You can't share your pain and frustrations, when you are putting up a front and not being yourself-wether consciously or not even aware you are doing it. It is not like most people are so highly conscious of everything-most of us adapt to the circumstances and then carry around baggage and then the world changes and nothing makes sense. Whoever said ignorance is bliss, knew what he was talking about!


    It really helps to have friends, gossip, talk about nothing important and just not rush, rush, rush. It is like we are in a rush to get nowhere in particular.

  4. Striking a fine blow for equality, not to mention artistic freedom.




    I guess I have to agree.

    So it is this thread you bring up and won't link. LOL. So according to your definition, somebody who say is gay is a bigot-because you don't want to sleep with a man. You claimed "You've posted about not allowing women to hold certain jobs women can't do some jobs of men." False. This makes my point in the other thread about 70-80% people being ok and being drowned out by the fringe.

    You respond to this thread from months ago-why? then won't give me context when I ask and then compare that to my other thread and LOL-this is just funny. Anyways this much efforts and back and forth and refusing to even be honest about what you are talking about. Oh well way too much effort and not something I want to spend my time dealing with-off to ignore.

    One of those scratch your head twilight zone moments-LOL!!!!!

  5. We may never know for sure if quality of semen has declined the last 50 years. Still, it's food for thought.


    Wearing extra tight briefs along with obesity may create challenges in the fecundity department. Whaddya gonna do?


    The CNN article was accompanied by an ad for fertility therapies, at least on my device. Hmmmmm....

    Because of the way I had kids, I had to get tested. Mine was in the 65 million to 75 million range over the few times I got tested for the two procedures. Doctor recommended ICSI. because it is not just sperm concentration, but the number that are not abnormal in some way. Now I was over 40 and so doctor said the chance of natural conception was not very good based on my readings-now since I am gay, it didn't matter. My only exposure was discussion with the two different doctors who helped me both times. Both said they were seeing infertility more and more in straight couples-even in men in their twenties far more often. Both didn't know why.


    It is interesting. Per this and the other articles, the sperm count seems to be continuously declining. I find it amazing that it is happening in one area of the world and so consistently and that nobody seems to be researching to find a cause and /or potential cure. Meanwhile the rest of us have our opinions.:D

  6. That is your opinion.

    Thank you. Then my opinion is also that I made no such statement and you are pulling my leg. There, to the other person I responded to-that is what I am saying-you can have conversations that go in circles, you can agree to disagree and just plain disagree without resorting to insults and shouting. Life ain't perfect and nobody knows everything.

  7. As I mentioned, it's your own writing, it's also in your posting history.

    You make a claim and expect me to go back and read through thousands of my posts over the years and find out something I have no memory of? If you remember it so throughly, you should easily provide the link or at the very least the thread? Since you are the one making the claim and remember it so well??

  8. Aside from the fact it's your own writing, it's also in your posting history.

    I have posted a lot over the years. I don't ever recall making that statement. However you are saying I did. If you claim I did-you should provide the evidence. I have never felt that way about women-so I am surrpised. I think as long as someone is able and capable to do a job they should be able to -that has been my opinion for a long time.


    On top of that you equate that to this and claim I am playing victim and saying how can I when I said that. Then I ask for evidence -you say it is my own writing and my posting history.


    This thread is going in weird directions. :eek:If I say you said that gays shouldn't hold certain jobs and because of that you are wrong in saying this statement-I have to prove you said that-not you.

  9. You've posted about not allowing women to hold certain jobs and you're the victim in this scenario? :rolleyes:

    I have? Can you refresh my memory and post a link?


    Victim of what? I had an opinion and he has his and I have my opinion on his opinion. Now my opinion is if you can stop calling names , we can have far more interesting conversations with people of differing opinions. That is not victim hood-but a pretty strong opinion. It goes both ways. If you start calling names, then most normal people will respond in kind and it ain't gonna go anywhere.

  10. I didn’t comment on you being dumb nor did I compare you to Hitler. I attacked your silly idea solely


    Provide me with any type of a theoretical mechanism for the changing of ideas around masculinity and how they could lower sperm count, and I’ll do the research


    Don’t act so sensitive, get better ideas - if you wanna discuss something scientific, come with something scientific

    Like I said it is an opinion. Nah I am not sensitive, I just don't care for know it all who get triggered by differing opinions and tired of a few hijacking the majority discourse.


    The only science here is sperm count is declining. The rest is conjecture. I have an opinion, others think it is obesity, some others think stress - maybe it is solar circles or the earth's wobbly axis -in the absence of science and research -it is all conjecture and coffee room talk. Most normal people who have conversations can hold forth and be decent with differing opinions and just talk and go about their day.


    Attacking an idea is not what you did. To do that, you bring your own opinion, you disagree, not what you did. I am just tired of the fringe just getting all lunatic and hijacking away evrything-when 70-80% of us fall somehwere in the middle and can get along just fine without this screaming. Now that will risk getting this kicked off into the politics section. So will stop there.


    Talking about hypothesis and science-LOL- as someone who does work in that field- calling someone's thesis a shockingly dumb piece of logic is not how you disprove a thesis. That is assuming you believe what I states was science and not opinion. Either way ain't buying it.

  11. What a shockingly dumb piece of “logic”

    Typical-you have a different opinion than me-so you must be dumb or Hitler . No wonder in today's world it is so difficult to have a conversation and free flow of ideas without some elements being outraged into a frenzy, when one dares to think beyond "acceptable" boundaries.


    It is just my opinion. The role of masculinity has been changing in the western world a lot during the same period. Since it seems to only impact only western men and scientists have not come up with a good hypothesis yet, much less a peer reviewed publication-despite 40 years of measured declines-my opinion is as good as any.

  12. Over the last four decades, the sperm count of western men has plunged by almost half. Meanwhile , our cohorts in Asia, Africa and even S America do not see significant changes. I wonder why-I wonder if it is our culture that seems to dislike masculinity? With other species, we can easily breed/shape them to our preferences? Just guessing, not trying to be controversial-because it does not seem to be a worldwide phenomenon ? It seems if we continue down this path, fertility will be a major issue.



  13. I was listening to one of my favorite tunes and I realized I had turned into my father-Those were the days for good music-they don't make music like that anymore. Today's music is garbage! Blah, blah, blah-God I am getting old!

  14. Twice. I don't make a lot of noises when I climax and one was shocked that I came. Another advised me to be more like a man-like I saw him again. The good ones who are in tune to me and who were paying attention to my body language, know I am going to cum. It is not a porn movie.

  15. I think by embrace, I am talking about accepting whole heartedly especially initially. I was raised in a rather conservative family. Nice extended family, nobody was ever lonely! But I didn't grow up with the internet and nobody ever talked about being gay . Life was "fixed"-you grow up, get married, have kids and just continue on. You did things on the side if you didn't get along with your spouse-but as long as you didn't break the facade, nobody cared.


    I didn't have any models or any formula/manual on what to do with life if you were gay. I realized pretty young that I was attracted to other boys and never girls-though just talked about girls to other guys. It didn't help I was very feminine and was teased. But it wasn't that bad-kids who were fat or other unfortuante issues were ripped on far harder. I did have some family members tell me to be more like a man and kind of disapprove of my mannerisms. I tried my best to look and act straight-but had no idea on what to do-I was a certain way and had no idea why. My parents basically ignored it-as they did with any other uncomfortable issues. Like they say -ignorance is bliss!


    When I moved, at first it was very liberating , hey I can be gay and then the next part-so what now? Again no manual, I didn't know what to do -especially being a fem , chunky kid. I guess I expected the oceans to part and the sky to be lit up in rainbows . But nobody seemed to care, plenty of really unfortunate kids whose parents disowned them and some desperate with no light at end of the tunnel. I slowly put on a persona of a fat fem loud obnoxious person who was very strong. But it wasn't me-I am quite shy and quiet , but somehow became a totally different person. It was my defense to navigate this uncharted world . But ultimately grew tired and tuned to hiring-started with massage.


    Somehow had kids-mostly dumb luck through someone who introduced me to the scientific side . That put me back in touch with my family. Raising a kid by yourself -no wonder they said it takes a village to raise a child!! But I came full circle, reconnected with my family. I am glad-even though no one rejected me, I had hate in my heart for them -I am glad that is gone. It took them a while, but they won't talk about me being gay, but know and don't care. My conservative family accepted my kids despite the way they were born-which kinda shocked me and have been invaluable in helping me raise them.


    Anyways am all over the place, but just saw that video in my OP and was wondering how nice it would be if your mom or dad just accepted you being gay and your partner right from day one and treated you like it was a normal thing . It would save so much heartache, pain, us having to semi segregate and perhaps prevent quite a few suicides in LGBTQ youth too.

  16. The introduction of both Beyond & Impossible has helped make it possible for me to become a vegan the past two years (I don’t eat anything that died screaming and I never will again): From the delicious Beyond burritos at Del Tacos on the west coast to the tasty gourmet Impossible & Beyond burgers at Bare Burgers on the east coast and the yummy Beyond Chicken at KFC (currently only in Atlanta but soon expanding nation wide), I’ve not found it difficult to transition to now eating a “cruelty free” diet.


    Plus I know I’m not only helping myself to eat healthier by not consuming the flesh of another species (that wanted to live), but I’m also helping our environment that could use all the help it can get in this administration.

    I have killed chicken myself. It is quick and they don't die screaming. It is the cycle of life-life and death. If you don't eat them, they become old, diseased and wither away suffering untold agony and pain. I certainly believe in choice-it does not have to be this way or that way-you can defnitely be a vegan or an omnivore-I doubt there are anny true carnivores among planet-maybe eskimos?


    Hunting is fine by me too. If we don't hunt them, their other natural predators will.

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