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Everything posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. The Space venue is an odd pick for this, but clearly they're looking to save money by choosing it. The event itself now has nothing to do with how or why it started.
  2. It makes sense considering what happens to aged lithium ion batteries: Apple gets flak for admitting that they are doing their best to make old devices continue to work in the most seamless manner possible. I don't see any issue with this. It's the media (again) turning a molehill into a mountain.
  3. True. And those experiences shape the way we treat those around us. I truly hope you have better experiences with escorts in the future.
  4. Sage suggestions sir. Why travel halfway across the world in search of inexpensive sex? South America and SE Asia are beautiful places. If you're going to put yourself through 15+ hours of air travel, at least get out and soak up some culture... In addition to soaking up random gentleman
  5. I'd prefer everything posted be in haiku format
  6. I'm changing my name to mcrib. This is clearly a brilliant new marketing strategy that's happening.
  7. It was the cum stains on his petticoat that gave it away, wasn't it?
  8. If you follow my twitter feed, I'm pretty transparent about what I do to keep my lettuce crisp.
  9. Many of us are book with the same clients, repeated years, during these holidays. I haven't had a Christmas, NYE, Valentines, St Paddies or Halloween at home in 10+ years
  10. Beauty is pain, no matter what procedure you're having done.
  11. And in all of this discussion, it doesn't help that society has the attention span of dryer lint. To get an audience to sit still, keep quiet and not sing along loudly to something for 2.5 hours is nearly impossible. I still think Broadway ushers should be allowed to have Tasers Producers are putting things on stage that entertain people- Sometimes using the lowest common denominators. Let's hope the book of this show can be tweaked a bit. It IS possible for a jukebox show to also be incredibly immersive (Jersey Boys).
  12. Broadway producers care about one thing: Profit. This show will bring in the crowds, the bus groups and the nostalgic. It's not my kind of show, but it'll keep a lot of talented people employed and that's never a bad thing. Hell, it can't all be Chaucer
  13. Why again wasn't this sent signature required?
  14. All minority groups inner-discriminate: This is not exclusive to the gay community. There's a lot of behavioral bullshit within our own that I don't condone for myself. It's likely why the majority of my friends are straight. While comfortable with myself as a gay man, I don't have a huge group of gay friends. I'm fine with that.
  15. But if they're happy, and they appear to be, who's to judge?
  16. Scrotox is a thing, yes. It's for guys who are worried about the wrinkling on their balls and want to do something about it. It's not for enlargement. Botox (or any neurotoxin) parties are to be steered clear of. It's what enterprising (albeit, not always talented) injectors do to make more money. A great derm or plastic surgeon can do amazing things with Botox and filler: A bad one can ruin someone's face or even end up injecting them with something else altogether. Spend good money and get good work done. You gets what you pays for.
  17. Legally, it makes more sense for money exchange at the end of a session- AFTER anything consensual has happened between two adults. Asking to be paid up-front is classically bad form in this industry, always has been. Truly high-end business neither focuses on this kind of money exchange nor worries it won't be paid. With elite clientele, it's not the cash you're concerned with: It's making sure the experience is impeccable so they'll keep coming back.
  18. Considering you're the Sausage King of Chicago, I'm not surprised
  19. ... And perhaps this response is why not everyone is cut out to be a parent
  20. It ain't Chaucer... And that's okay My main concern with this show is dealing with the kid-heavy audience and parents who can't/won't control them in a Broadway theater.
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