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Everything posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. You're asking the wrong people. Contact an escort you're interested in and email him. Asking for third-party opinions on a relatively personal issue is opening up a can of worms: It's always best to be direct.
  2. The current season of The Grand Tour has some moments of inspired original Top Gear madness. Love those guys. The Stig was awesome. Glad to see The American gone from their new show.
  3. Because she doesn't know everything and much of what she'll offer is opinion, not having owned or personally tested these particular sets. Do a little research. The internet is your friend
  4. I wish you would have used a few exclamation points...
  5. I like Consumer Reports, but many times they do come across as old fuddy-duddies. I don't always agree with them. What I much prefer when researching is a cross-section of actual consumer reviews. Good, bad, indifferent. If you can wade through a bit of that, you learn to quickly separate the wheat from the chaff. For example, when shopping for sugar-free gummy bears, this page helped me immensely: https://www.amazon.com/Haribo-SUGAR-Classic-Gummi-Bears/product-reviews/B006J1FBLM
  6. Mob Moms. It's gonna be bigger than hula hoops.
  7. I find your honesty about yourself refreshing. Good post sir!
  8. Status means little if the bag is a piece of shit to begin with. Now, if you're carrying a Bottega or a nice Loro Piana brief, that's something else entirely. No label. No monogram. Just quality leather and fine, old-world craftsmanship.
  9. No, you're not. It's cheap leather, covered in plastic. The only thing they make that's worthwhile are the steamer trunks.
  10. What's allowable is what two people agree on. Translation: Communicate As to my own experiences, when I travel with a client, I am exclusively with him. I'm on his dime, his clock and don't look for play elsewhere. My only requirements for 'me' time are daily gym visits, but he's always more than welcome to join me for a workout.
  11. This is why we probably shouldn't talk about what people spend per year: It only dissolves into people having to qualify their spending habits. Bottom line: It's your money. Don't ever apologize for spending it.
  12. Agreed If he's too intimidated/uncomfortable/etc to even touch you, putting you into correct position as to avoid you doing self damage, find a new trainer. My own trainer smacks parts of me when I'm not keeping my body in the right movement
  13. Ah, but that's what separates you from others: Personal preference. What cranks your yank is very different than what others might find erotic.
  14. A trainer who does well at Equinox can make six-figures a year. Albeit, for NYC that's not considered a huge salary: My main point in all of this is really the separation between work time and play time. IMO, if you're serious about getting fit, you're not really looking to fuck your trainer.
  15. Someone find me a ShamWow The thirst in this thread is overwhelming
  16. I know she's not a huge name outside of musical theater, but Donna Murphy is just killing it when she's on. A sexy, well-acted, very well sung Dolly Levi. I wish they'd just keep her on, but I understand where Rudin & Co are coming from.
  17. Bette is doing now what she did in her last year in Vegas.
  18. Sage advice. I'll repeat: Escorts for playtime. Trainers for work. Don't confuse the two.
  19. As these were standing appointments, yes, I'd stay around an extra day to see friends and bum around a little. After a year or two of that, I'd immediately fly home. Travel becomes the real job after awhile.
  20. I've been flown to London, Paris and Dubai for overnight appointments
  21. 'And although the newspapers called it The Crime Of The Century, Goldman knew it was only 1906... And there were ninety-four years to go.'
  22. Why buy the cow when you can rent video of the milk cheaper?
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