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Everything posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. Sadly, I'm not shocked they didn't know what to do with an Asian. Vegas is basically like an adult Disney for midwesterners who voted for Trump. Going to a bath and not getting off is peanut butter without jelly.
  2. As others have said, it's a useless thing to state. It immediately makes me feel the escort doing it is in over his head. What matters more is having a great attorney at arm's length in the event you need him.
  3. It's okay to be envious. Jealousy, however, is a useless thing. They're cute, but having to (or feeling you have to) document every single movement would get tiring. When everything is fodder for the brand, when does an actual relationship have time to grow and develop?
  4. The circuit video on the landing page automatically makes it all feel very dated to me. Was this a drag-and-drop design or was it done by someone with creative design experience? In escorting, there's always been a slight sense of the great unknown between two first-timers meeting up: Mintboys, or any listing site for that matter, isn't going to change that. For many, it's part of the allure. My two cents of advice: Keep things simple. Make accessing information quick and clean. Don't make your customer base feel seedy.
  5. This site isn't new and it's been thoroughly discredited for awhile now
  6. If the group is right, a gang is hot. I'd suggest experimenting with them in a bathhouse setting: That way, if it gets awkward or someone fucks it up, you can just pick up your towel and walk away.
  7. That website looks like a confused child designed it
  8. First the McRib and now Powers? This is nearly too much for me to handle.
  9. Yes, carbs are a needed thing, but in moderation... Something human beings don't do very well. As for keeping a nice ass: As you get older, gravity is a real bitch. It's not fat you need, it's muscle. Muscle supports and keeps things in place. Squats are your friend
  10. There's a Lake Wobegon punchline in here somewhere
  11. To say thanks is human and it never hurts. If you're unable to experience any amount of human connection in the time you spend with your escort, I'd say there are more things wrong than not wanting a follow-up message.
  12. You have your bitcoin. I have my Apple and Google stock. We all win
  13. You do realize that scrub is not meant to be used on the tissue of the anus, right? That promotes tearing, which in turn makes diseases easier to pass on or accept. These scrubs are meant for the cheeks, not the hole.
  14. Hudson's voice is fine, if not extremely one-note. Perhaps with age she'll realize that some of the best vocalists know when to gently color a phrase rather than just trumpet like a horn. Her acting is something else entirely. I was never so happy as to see when Heather Headley took over as Shug in Broadway's Color Purple. The video above is a perfect example of someone just mimicking a vocal and not making it their own. She could have a nice voice, but she needs training. You can see and hear her ticks that she uses to get through the notes.
  15. PR... Puerto Rico? They were devastated by Irma/Maria. They won't be ready for prime time for years. Also look into PVR, CUN (but staying in Playa Del Carmen), FPO and UVF.
  16. Times have changed, yes, but until there's a cure, HIV/AIDS is still killing people. We must always use common sense. My concern is the possible reduction of research funding during this Trump admin. We also need to stop looking at PrEP as a black or white issue: There are many guys who use it (with condoms) as a failsafe.
  17. And let's not forget this is the year we'll see LCT's revival of My Fair Lady and (perhaps) the speedy LA transfer of Crazy For You. Gonna be a competitive season for revivals
  18. Funny, I was also near the water. Row AA. And I agree about QED... He hardly needed a mic. Amazing vocals on 'Rain' I also got asked by Phillip Boykin (Tonton) if I'd hit the lobby bar and get him a whiskey and coke. LOL. He turned down a swig from the rather strong G&T I was drinking. In all the times I've seen this show done, this was the first time that Papa Ge was actually frightening. Big thumbs up on that.
  19. Clearly, your iPhone was Ed Sullivan in another life... http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/2719441/beatles-on-ed-sullivan-o.gif
  20. I'm immediately applying for the job of Kevin Slater's rimshot. I don't require insurance and I'll even bring my own snare drum.
  21. And, I've been told, some like it hot... http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/wwfeatures/wm/live/1280_640/images/live/p0/5c/ly/p05cly0x.jpg
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