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Everything posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. As with most things tech, user error
  2. Stuhlbarg got robbed. For me, he was the redeeming factor in CMBYN. Wrote about it a bit in the last posting of 15MM: http://15minutesmore.com/blog/
  3. It's easy to be brave when you're a faceless screen name. This board proves that on a daily basis. ... And why am I hearing Joe Pesci from Goodfellas in my head reading that last line?
  4. His site design reminds me of the old Damon Kruezer website Strike three.
  5. I have no problem with guys writing choppy copy who don't speak English as their first language. That being said, even if you have stunning photos, it speaks highly of your ability to communicate with a potential client and will likely cut out a large portion of business. A higher-end/longer-term clientele are wanting the total package. They don't want to go on a trip with someone who they'll struggle to connect with. Ultimately, a good escort's job is to make life easier for someone when you're with them. I shouldn't have to use Google Translate to figure out that you want me to fuck you harder.
  6. I really enjoy it when they end up thanking god for the award
  7. I know, right? Personally, I'm waiting for the series on laserdisc.
  8. If I've got to eat it, Texas is Whataburger territory... And it's delicious.
  9. This is the new face of most old gayborhoods. The same thing is happening to Cedar Springs in Dallas. With equality usually comes some form of homogenization: That's the nature of the beast.
  10. If you have a strong following and are regularly posting content, Twitter can fit very nicely into an existing business model. Exhibit A
  11. - How do you know which fraternity you would like to become a member of? Is it just that you ask to the fraternity which your father belonged? For those whose father was not in college, it is just word of mouth, or do you get in by making friends with those who are already in? Family plays a huge role with many guys and their choice of frat. Mine did. All of the guys in my family have belonged to the same fraternity. - What if you start college and you are not connected, but somehow you manage to get into a fraternity, You just move in the frat house and abandon your previous residence? Depends on the campus, their housing rules, etc. Some campuses have social frats, but no actual frat houses. Many times in these situations, the frat simply lives in the same area, same apartment complex. - If you are going to live in the fraternity house, you have to pay rent? Chapter houses have rent, as well as national/local dues. It's like belonging to a country club in some ways: You just never stop shelling out money. Even if you don't live at the chapter house, you still have to pay frat dues (but not rent). - Once you leave college, are you still a member for life? If yes, does it come with perks or obligations? Do you keep having a say on who joins? Yes, you are a member for life. Much like getting a call from your alma mater for donations, you can expect the national frat to call periodically for money. You're not obligated. - I read that some fraternities require a minimum of academic achievement to enter or stay in the fraternity, so if you go below the minimum, you have to leave the residence and find another place to live? Yes... And that's tightening up even more so with social frats being put under a microscope lately - Do you get your own room in the residence? Your own bathroom? How luxurious living is it? It all depends on the house and its layout. New members will likely share a bathroom (jack & jill style or communal). Expect a roommate as well. Some houses can be quite nice, depending on how much work their boosters do. Some of the nicest sorority houses I've seen are on the UT Austin campus.
  12. Lots of girls make a smooth transition from pageants into acting, y'know
  13. MEX has now moved to private screening areas
  14. The show works for the audience for one major reason and it's not the script... W&G is like that old pair of well-worn, comfortable leather loafers you stuck in the back of your closet and didn't wear for 5 years. One day, you actually decide to vacuum the ENTIRE room (including the damned closet) and you stumble upon them again. You slip them on and they feel like you've rediscovered an old friend you haven't seen in ages. That is the allure of W&G. Never underestimate the power of nostalgia.
  15. If you check them, you won't likely have anything to worry about. They're still using the green light/red light system at CUN. It's possible to get a 'red light' and they may ask to search your bags, but that's done in a semi-private area. They also wouldn't allow your friends to join you during that search.
  16. I'll comment on how layered his performance is when I see more of it. One episode in with heavy editing isn't enough for me, but so far, it's entertaining. Donatella should be kissing the feet of Ryan Murphy for the casting of Cruz. I'm holding out hope that Ricky Martin can act his way out of a paper bag.
  17. Ah, he got the legendary Bel Ami makeover. Good for him... He's an attractive guy
  18. I hear his hair is insured for $10,000 I hear he does car commercials... IN JAPAN. One time, he met John Stamos on a plane and he told him he was pretty.
  19. Actually, don't ever do that. Constant body heat and pressure of sitting on a wallet is as bad for a condom as using a petroleum-based lube. Other advice here has been solid: Find a doc you can speak openly with, get on PrEP, find your comfort level from there on out. While there's no 100% risk-free way to have sex in this particular day and age, you can make sensible choices to limit problems. It sounds as if you're on the right track.
  20. A little squeeze on the right spots and you're nearly back to virgin status... http://limeschopped.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/item-lemon-wedges.png
  21. It's not that you shouldn't get attached. It's that you need better judgement as to who to get attached to. When you keep lobbing a tennis ball to a partner who doesn't return the serve, that says everything. You're chasing him, but clearly he's not returning the favor. If I were in your shoes, I'd stop communicating entirely and see what he does: That will tell you everything you need to know. I get wanting that special connection. We're human and unless you're a completely damaged person, we're wired to want to find a common ground and mate. As others have already suggested, don't let this keep you from moving forward.
  22. I don't trust a gay man who can't properly spell Baccarat
  23. Technically, you were both doing spread sheets
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