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Everything posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. Yes, as in every place has now felt the need to update to a point of food absurdity: Not everything needs to be so trendy. Simple French cooking never goes out of style, as evidenced by the multitude of great little bistros around Manhattan that have survived well for many years. Two of my very favorites are Le Veau D’or on E 6oth and La Boite en Bois on 68th.
  2. Love classic French. Getting tougher to find these days.
  3. My advice: Stay home and work on the treatment
  4. Tammy Blanchard is a powerhouse. Good to see her in this. Otherwise, I'm not all that jazzed about Washington outside of film. His stage appearances have been pretty uninspired in my experiences, but there's no doubt that Rudin will have total sell-outs with this starry casting. Iceman is basically now the Gypsy of plays: Revived every couple years with a new 'name' inserted into the now-famous 45 minute monologue. FWIW, Kevin Spacey gave the most brilliant performance in this show out of any other actor I've seen tackle it. He was electric.
  5. In a looks-based business, if you cause yourself acne from steroids, you better also be putting aside money for a good dermatologist.
  6. Well, I did fill in a much-needed gap. It was sorta like Last Of The Mohicans... If the Mohicans were gingers.
  7. I cannot see that GIF without hearing her scream PROSTITUTION WHOOOOOOOOOORE! It's seared into my pop-culture psyche.
  8. I'm still wondering about the elusive and sometimes challenging animals better known as....
  9. But I did live there for 10+ years. I know that city like the back of my hand. Dallas was a choice: A choice made by more than one person. Don't assume you know the shot until you know me None of this is to say I don't like Austin. It's a lovely town... That's turned into a very busy city. I always enjoy my visits.
  10. Woah, woah, woah there... San Antonio is an incredibly livable city, routinely making Top 10 lists for friendliness, food, cost-of-living and healthy job market. If you're talking strictly from a GLBT standpoint, yes, I'd agree that San Antonio is living in the stone age. As for Austin, the Texas locals left a long time ago and California took over in many, many ways. I tend to think fondly about what Austin was versus what it is now: A city built for 300k that's bursting at the seams. It's not that it's not a fun place, but for those of us who were there when it was actually weird, it's a whole different animal now. Sorry to sidetrack... SA still holds a special place. That city was good to me in many ways
  11. Atlantis and RSVP are operated by the same guy. He knows full-well what happens on his cruises... Even Helen Keller could figure it out. While it's not his direct fault that passengers bring on drugs, if you've been on one of these cruises, you know it's not exactly frowned upon. RSVP and Atlantis don't go out of their way to ensure drugs are not part of the equation. Perhaps this will change things. One can hope. Sidenote: I've done many gay cruises and in nearly all of them, it's the person I'm traveling with that's made it enjoyable... Not the overwhelmingly gay boat.
  12. Anyone planning on seeing Peters now that she's taken over? In seeing this show a couple of times now and reading reports on industry boards, my main issue with HD remains the audience. They're seemingly incapable of sitting and just enjoying the show, preferring to give multiple odd ovations and loud 'wooooo'ing throughout. Broadway now sometimes feels as if it's become more about the audience than the performance. Audiences feel that they can act like complete asshats because they've paid premium prices. I don't blame LuPone for her speaking out on these behaviors. Broadway sometimes feels like a zoo nowadays.
  13. Great read. Well done on overcoming nerves and having a memorable experience Re: Bathhouses. Not all are created equal with the Steamworks chain likely being the best you can currently find in the States. The Chicago and Toronto locations in my experience are spotless, beautifully designed and a lot of fun. Always a great mix of guys.
  14. I feel like I'm temporarily taking over the 'smartass' title from @Rick Munroe until he's ready to resume the throne Note to Rick: We miss you
  15. Anyone who quotes Python is aces in my book
  16. This. Guy. Again. If I were a little more cynical, I'd say he's paying some of you off to keep his ad link as a bi-weekly new topic
  17. This thread remains to me as confusing as being a Log Cabin Republican
  18. FYI, I'll immediately be buying tickets and then putting them up on Stubhub Mama didn't raise no fool.
  19. I'm disappointed: I was really hoping to see Jake Roberts and possibly even a DDT reference in his ad copy
  20. Even a 'super popular' guy should have the business sense to send a quick 'sorry, not available/interested/breathing/etc' email. It ain't rocket science. Stick to escorts with a collection of positive reviews. Don't look in the cracks for your first several meets. Spend the time and the money to get a guy who's going to give you a fantastic, comfortable experience. That's not to say overpay... Just use common sense and if he's not giving you the communication you need, say something. If he ignores it, move forward.
  21. This isn't a new book. Harrington Park Press has had this out for well over a year now... And I highly recommend it. It's one of the few publishers left who are dedicated to the educational sect of the GLBT community. They've put out some stellar textbooks. http://harringtonparkpress.com/
  22. Fun Fact: I also say that about my Fleshjack on a near-daily basis. 'It's totally changed the way I jack off!'
  23. Costumes is a nice choice of word because what most of those guys are wearing isn't fashionable. It looks like they all shopped at the clearance rack of an International Male
  24. As with most things tech, user error
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