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Posts posted by Robster

  1. I clicked on this thread hoping to see a serious answer to this question, lol.


    Apparently, I'm measuring mine wrong, but I guess I don't know the right way to do it. I always say I'm 7", but a guy I hooked up with recently said, "If you're 7 inches, I'm changing my Grindr profile." I hate to think that I'm selling myself short, so to speak.



  2. March 10, 2018



    Well, here's the sad news. I have been putting off writing this email out of denial I suppose.



    I will not be able to attend the Palm Springs Weekend next month--an event I have been looking forward to for a year. I am sorely disappointed.



    I am in a situation that involves a will in probate (think Jarndyce v. Jarndyce) that has been pending for 2 years!!! There is an issue regarding 2 warring Presbyterian churches--trust me you do not want to know--which are holding up the whole damn thing.



    Upshot is, I cannot commit to travel expenditures at this time.



    My best regards to all.



    I will address some of you with whom I had made arrangements individually.



    Best regards.



    David (Despardo)


    I'm sorry to hear you can't make it; I was looking forward to seeing you. Hope to see you there next year!



  3. I love those damn deviled eggs, so if an "egg off" means we get even more of them, I'm all for it!


    Hell, I can eat three dozen of them all by myself. :)


    @youngboldone, I hope you change your mind and decide to come. My husband and I stumbled upon this group quite by accident five years ago, when we happened to be staying at the same PS resort as some of the attendees. We hit it off immediately, and were welcomed into the group with open arms. We haven't missed a Palm Springs weekend since, and in fact, wouldn't miss it for the world. Simply put, you won't find a group of nicer guys than these. They've been there for us in countless ways, and we're proud to call them our friends.



  4. It's too bad I didn't see this thread yesterday. I lost my virginity 25 years ago: Pearl Harbor Day, 1992.


    Copied and pasted from this thread:


    I can answer this question regardless of what the definition of having sex is.


    I was 23 the first time I did anything with anyone. And we pretty much did it all that night.


    He was about 20 years older than me. I subscribed to the local newspaper at the time, and he had written a letter to the editor that they had printed, responding to an earlier letter they'd printed from someone complaining about the "gay lifestyle". I still can't believe I did this, but I looked him up in the phone book and called him, to tell him how much I had enjoyed his letter. The first time I called, I chickened out and hung up when he answered, but the second time, I got up the courage to talk to him, and we had a really nice conversation, for quite a while. I mentioned that I was a virgin, and he invited me over to his apartment the following night. I can't believe I did this either, but I went, and wound up having sex for the first time. We did some things I really enjoyed, and some other things that I didn't, but I was just thrilled to finally be having sex with someone, lol. We had sex a couple more times after that, and remained friends for a few years.



  5. "That Rob sure can't keep his clothes on."

    It's funny because it's true. :)


    The advice of Epigonos to "simply ask" reminds me of the time Wayne and I were at Helios a few years ago, in the hot tub with another couple, one of whom was considerably younger and more attractive than the other. Wayne said, "Are you guys here for the escort weekend?" Needless to say, they weren't. :eek:



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