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Posts posted by Robster

  1. No shit? Stoned? Boulders?


    Well, aren't you the lucky one.




    P.S. If you do come to the party, be sure to bring Mitchell along.


    (Not that anybody would want to play with him or anything. I just heard he is a very community-oriented sort of gentleman. You know. Erudite.)


    Okay, so back to business. What kind of dressing are we putting on the salad? ;)


    I love Mitchell Rock! I saw him in Palm Springs once, in the Ralphs at Ramon and Sunrise. He's just as hot in person, if not more so.



  2. I can answer this question regardless of what the definition of having sex is.


    I was 23 the first time I did anything with anyone. And we pretty much did it all that night.


    He was about 20 years older than me. I subscribed to the local newspaper at the time, and he had written a letter to the editor that they had printed, responding to an earlier letter they'd printed from someone complaining about the "gay lifestyle". I still can't believe I did this, but I looked him up in the phone book and called him, to tell him how much I had enjoyed his letter. The first time I called, I chickened out and hung up when he answered, but the second time, I got up the courage to talk to him, and we had a really nice conversation, for quite a while. I mentioned that I was a virgin, and he invited me over to his apartment the following night. I can't believe I did this either, but I went, and wound up having sex for the first time. We did some things I really enjoyed, and some other things that I didn't, but I was just thrilled to finally be having sex with someone, lol. We had sex a couple more times after that, and remained friends for a few years.



  3. GOOD GOD YES it is dead in the summer. Recently temperatures in Palm Springs reached 113. About the only things that really enjoy Palm Springs, in the heart of summer, are scorpions and rattlesnakes. I was just there to get together with a local escort and scout out the local gay resorts for my post here and it was 106. Even eating outside in the evening is uncomfortable.

    I beg to differ. I went to Palm Springs three times after the 4th of July and before Labor Day, and it was most definitely not dead. Hot as hell, sure, but not dead.



  4. Canyon Club is one of the larger resorts in PS, with 32 rooms. They actually start at just $89 per night. They only have a few of those, so they go quickly. They're nothing fancy, but not bad at all for the price. And one thing I love about Canyon Club, as opposed to some other resorts, is that they don't raise their rates for holiday weekends or special events. We've actually stayed there for Pride, New Year's, etc., and paid just $89 per night. You just have to book way in advance!


    I had no idea that Palm Springs was a gay resort town. I just talked to a massage traveler who lives there and he told me a little on what it's like there. I might plan on going sometime next year, but I'm nervous about going. Gay resort is something I've never experienced, but is it dead during the hot summer months?

    When I first went to Palm Springs back in the mid-90's, the town used to practically shut down during the summer. Many of the businesses would close for those months. But that's definitely not the case anymore. I love going to PS during the summer, and while it's certainly less busy, it is definitely not dead.



  5. I just looked back on David's post about the get together and he said it would be on Thursday, April 20th, though 4/20 is on a Friday (and a favorite day of mine ). I'm assuming he probably meant 4/19, but I guess we should confirm. It seems that for most a get together on Friday would be better than Thursday, right?

    David can confirm, but I'm pretty sure his get together will be on 4/12, not 4/19, since that's the weekend Oliver picked. :)

    I wasn't even invited, you guys.

    No one is invited. We all just show up. :) I hope you do too!


    And either Canyon Club is confused about more than just Easter, or they need to update their site, because I just checked availability for that weekend, and they're showing a hell of a lot more than three rooms available. But I'd still make your reservation soon if you're planning to stay there. They will fill up, I'm sure, and you can always cancel if you change your mind. They do charge a $15 cancellation fee, but that's a small price to pay for reserving your room early!



  6. I loved reading all of these posts!


    I totally got busted at the gym recently. :eek: I like to check out hot guys while I'm there, of course, but I pride myself on not being obvious about it. Well, usually. But the other day, I was doing cardio, and I kept checking out this incredibly hot guy who was in the row in front of me. Handsome, muscular, great beard... a total hunk. Well, I must have been staring too long, kind of zoning, actually, and I forgot he could see me in the mirror... so all of a sudden, I realized he was staring, no, make that glaring, right at me. I was so embarrassed! I've seen him at the gym a couple of times since then, and he still glares at me every time he sees me. Oops!



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