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craigville beach

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Posts posted by craigville beach

  1. I try to avoid the "big box" stores and shop local. At my local Power Equipment shop, if I am making a large purchase, I always ask if there is any discount for cash, and if there is, I pay cash.


    Any service provider (plumber, gardener, electrician, handyman) I always ask if they would prefer cash. Most do and most discount for cash.


    I can't remember when I last wrote a check.

  2. So a different tech came out yesterday to install the new box. He was here for several hours. So I went to Dish Anywhere to see if I could now watch the channels there that I get on the tv set. It was no. The tech said it would be several hours for everything to load. I waited. Still a no go. I called Dish and was told it would take 24 hours. But today it wasn't up. I called Dish and was on the phone for several hours with tech support and he had me try a number of different things none of which worked. So he said they would be working on it and to keep trying to access it everyday and if still not working to call back next week.



    File this under: None of my business, BUT Avalon, you have often written about all the issues in your life. I understand you feel that you are stuck in your house 24/7. This monthly bill you signed up for is way to much. There are less expensive options available.

  3. I think my days of seeing a doctor are over. Since I fell in the parking lot back in April and the rescue squad had to come and get me back in my apartment I've not been outside since then. Because of the arthritis in my knees I can barely walk around my apartment. I had thought of a nursing home and made a few inquiries a month ago but no one got back to me.


    I try not to drink too late in the evening. But being a diabetic I get especially thirsty.


    ok, there are many issues going on here. first I don't know where you live but your local Council on Aging should/could help you. Call them. Then call your local government (town, city etc) to see what outreach that they have available. Call your local hospital as them the same question. Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT play the role of a victim. YOU MUST BE PRO ACTIVE IN YOUR OWN HEALTH CARE.

  4. so whatever few bucks the trump tax cut did for many middle income or lower income votes, they are taking it up the ass with the new price of gas.


    Also next time you go to the grocery store, take a good look at the sizes of packaged items. many items have been reduced in ounces or weight for the same price as before.

  5. I have a older friend who has found Quinine pills help.

    He lives in a foreign country, and don't know if they are available here in USA.


    several of my "older" friends drink a glass of a quality Tonic Water before bed each night.

  6. The "Politically Correct Police" may have an issue with most creative works from years past. A good solution would have been for any "Program" that may have been distributed comment on the need to understand in todays world how different people were treated in prior generations. Use it as a learning tool and not a tool to offend. I think in context this could be done.

  7. I joined a local gym back in June to work with their trainers (I can use the gym at the college where I work, but there are no trainers other than a few college kids who don’t know that much about training). I’m in a small college/farm town, and this is the only place not an hour away with trainers.


    There were two—I’ll call them Kathy and Mark. Both very nice, both effective. During my trial period, I found Mark to be particularly effective in adapting exercises to my fitness level, identifying places where I was tight and spending extra time showing me stretching exercises, etc. So when I bought a long-term training package, I chose Mark as my regular trainer.


    In December, Mark, after some friction with the management, quit. We’d become friendly and gradually I’d shared a lot with him—personal insecurities, body image issues, struggles with addiction, etc. He shared a lot with me—we became friends. And while he is in his early 20s and put together well, I wasn’t attracted to him (somewhat to my surprise). He ended up getting a better job at a gym in another state, and we’ve kept in touch.


    As his time at my gym was coming to an end, we had lunch together. He vented about some of his frustrations with the management and his colleagues and explained why he was leaving. And he told me that one or more of them (I don’t know if it was a trainer or manager) speculated, back in July when I decided to work regularly with him, that it was because I was gay.


    He said he replied, “He doesnt want to work with me because he’s gay. He wants to work with me because when he had trouble doing a squat because of knee pain, I stopped everything and showed him how to stretch his quads and the pain went away.” Which is true.


    He grew up with two moms, so he’s impatient with stereotypes, and he was offended by that.


    I’ve been pissed since then and haven’t known how to deal with it. I’m working out regularly with Kathy and Mark’s successor, Liz. They are fine—not Mark’s level of expertise, but fine.


    But I’m still angry.


    It hasn’t seemed appropriate to talk to the manager or franchise owner to complain about something that wasn’t said to me and which it was (perhaps) unprofessional of Mark to tell me. And it feels a little humiliating/uncomfortable to say something like, “So when Mark got mad at you guys and quit, he told me that back in July someone speculated that I wanted to work out with him because I’m gay.” It’s complaining about gossip.


    I suppose I could find it funny. Or what the hell—is it internalized homophobia to be offended that someone might speculate an overweight middle aged gay guy (who is married to a much younger guy) night he attacted to the handsome early-twenties trainer?


    I need to either let this go or get it off my chest. I’d love any feedback you might have to offer.



    ask you husband to go for a workout with you at a time when you know the manager/owner is there. maybe they wish they were the one you were interest in.

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