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Everything posted by down_to_business

  1. I saw him this year. You can PM me if you want to know something specific, but in general I will say it was a positive experience and one I would likely repeat in the right circumstances. I also give him props for good communication. https://rentmen.eu/RichReynolds
  2. Good read, interesting thoughts, but I am pretty certain that Cersei and Jamie are dead as they only have 1 episode left to tie up everything! PS If Ser Pounce wasn't killed by Cersei before... I bet that Drogon finished him off in that attack.
  3. I agree that simply deactivating a profile wouldn't be enough to make me feel that I should cancel, as long as I was able to confirm that the escort still wanted to meet me and planned on showing up. However, if the escort also deactivated his phone with his ad, and went silent on communication -- that would be a different story. He may have good reason to have deactivated that profile and he definitely does not need to share those with me if he doesn't want to. So I would say if you still want to see him and he expressed to you he still wants to see you, then by all means do it! If you decide not to, please make sure to cancel as soon as possible. Remember that it is never ok to just no show.
  4. https://rentmen.eu/HOGANXX Anybody with credible intel or experience with this new Dallas escort? Thanks! Hmmm- in a few days since joining rentmen he already has 3 reviews including one overnight.. very weird.
  5. Escorts should own their prejudices (aka preferences ) but won't because of potential negative backlash. While it would save everyone a whole lot of time and trouble if there were check boxes in ads (i.e. do you accept clients over 50 : Y or N, overweight clients: Y or N, bald clients: etc etc) that is unlikely to happen any time soon. It might be helpful in the text of an ad for an escort to drop hints like I am only looking for younger in shape clients. Part of me understands this and can agree that no one wants a bad experience on either side. I personally avoid any escort that notes for example, discounts for young and fit taking this to mean that while he may accept me as a client, I am definitely not what he is looking for. I also take into consideration how our conversation goes and how he asks me. If one of his first questions to me is (from a recent exchange -- "Whats your stats, age and ethnicity?" or "send me a picture") We are done, I don't go any further. But if in the process of feeling me out as a client, he asks a few personal questions designed to gain some of this information-- then I don't necessarily have the same negative reaction.
  6. Just watched.... very strange! While I can't recommend it, Strait and Van Acker are very pleasant to look at.
  7. That's down low Doug https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/down-low-doug.99136/ You can find his good/questionable reviews under Doug if you search "inactive"
  8. I strongly agree with the sentiment. I also find it very frustrating that the vocal majority here seems to advocate that clients flaking on escorts is unacceptable and escorts flaking on clients is perfectly acceptable. Flaking by either side is totally unacceptable. Until their is mutual respect of both client and escort time, both will suffer. I also strongly disagree that there is no personal loss to a client for escort flaking. My time is valuable too.. but I will echo monetary "damages" have been incurred from lost prepaid airfare, non-refundable hotel booked, tours and event tickets that are non-refundable and non-transferable. It has gotten so bad that I no longer book overnights, weekends, vacations at all --only single hour bookings. My last booking (one hour), resulted in a no call, no show despite the escort confirming our appointment the night before. While I didn't lose any money on this one, I lost a precious day off and had to physically wait at our agreed upon place for 30 minutes until I finally decided I had had enough and went back home. So to the OP, I am sorry you are having to deal with flakes. Both you and your time should be respected. To the others, please stop perpetuating the bullshit that its perfectly acceptable for an escort to flake on their clients. It most certainly is not!
  9. I can't agree or disagree as I am not a Rentmen premium member, but, there would likely be consequences to messing with their revenue stream model. If "clients" were not able to see private content, they would be less likely to purchase a premium membership. If Rentmen sold less memberships, they would probably charge providers more for their ads. I guess the question could be, would you be willing to pay 3X more for your ad so people couldn't view your gallery? If I ever did purchase a membership on Rentmen (highly unlikely), you can bet that I would be looking left and right at private content of people whether or not I had any intention of hiring them... because I paid so I could do that. In the end, you have to do what is right for you. If that means removing private content, by all means do so. I mean you definitely show enough in your ad for someone like me to be able to make the hiring decision without needing to view private content(clear face and body). There are a whole lot of providers, however, who do not. I also imagine that what someone needs to see to hire will vary by person.
  10. Responded to my RM message, however I won't go his rate. If you decide to see him, I hope you have a great time.
  11. I have also tried the app route for finding an escort lately. Unfortunately, no one I am interested in seems to be interested in me and everyone who I am not interested in, is lol.
  12. It wasn't a craigslist person who attempted to blackmail me and ruin my life. False sense of security if you think where they advertise or what they charge ensures your safety. Only "you" can ensure your own safety.
  13. If nothing else, he is hot! I am not a PnP escort fan, but might risk an hour if our paths crossed.
  14. I'd give this guy a try just for having fair and reasonable rates.
  15. Jakedasnake wrestled under the name Fang for Thunders Arena https://shop.thundersarena.com/collections/fang
  16. This has got to be a joke, right? https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-latin_lucas.147099/ https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-scottrealtop.146499/
  17. Look for an escort ad that advertises "discounts for young and very fit". They would probably get really into you.
  18. He obviously reads this forum
  19. Politely expressed interest and asked for his rates. He would not disclose until I would make an appointment. FFS.. what a time waster. No thanks!
  20. I won't even consider hiring an escort who is into that (cash servitude listed in his profile) sort of thing. Just so not what I want. But if that is your thing.. go for it!
  21. Check out his model mayhem profile if you want a more accurate idea of his age... if that has any importance to you.
  22. Ad is still there, but under a different name. If you search Las Vegas you can find it. I guess he changed the url for a reason so I won't post the direct link.
  23. Anyone else find it ironic when someone complains about clients not hiring over a $50 differential in rates but will book a hotel 50 miles outside the city because they won't spend the extra $50 to book one in the city center. Just saying
  24. Next time I have a desire to hire a someone with above market rates, no passion (kissing), and not reciprocal.. I know exactly where to look
  25. This is the "straight" brother who used to do porn as half of The Frat-house Twins, Jesse and Joshua Long. aka The Rosso Twins, Liam and Lucas. aka The Fetterholf Twins, Jared and Jacob. I have never met him personally, but have heard good things in the past. I also understand it varies of how sensual/erotic the massage can get. Different people I spoke with had different experiences there.
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