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Everything posted by down_to_business

  1. Also interested. Thanks! And totally agree with @ Pensant, I think Indiana has some real nice choices that are just my type. Go figure.
  2. Fascinating thread. A while back I hired often. This included finding a "regular" who was the right combination of sexy, friendly, and affordable. Then for the past few years, not so much at all. As others have mentioned the reasons include insane rates, providers not matching their pictures, not being attracted to many of the providers and usually no one within my geographical area at all, and being turned off by the hiring process (i.e. so many hoops to jump through or changing terms rules and requirements after the booking). Recently, I have begun to try and get back into hiring. I have 2-3 sessions booked in the coming 2 months and they are all overnights because nothing locally sparks my interest. While I am excited about it, I am also very skeptical. I imagine that if these go bad, I will stop hiring escorts altogether - and limit this type of activity to the rare occasion generous on Grindr.
  3. Deal breaker and extremely unprofessional. This MUST be disclosed before the booking not after. Get ready for the Rent Men ad assessment and the Gym recovery fee . I cancel any engagement when they wait to inform me after I book of undisclosed fees and ad-ons. Clients deserve up-front pricing and the opportunity to make informed decisions. Don't settle for anything less.
  4. Wanted to respond but not sure which 1- You keep dreaming -or- 2- Bless your heart j/k I am sure you are a pleasant companion
  5. @Benjamin_Nicholas No one in this thread is trying to tell you what you can and can't set your own rates at, so no need to be so defensive and try and shut any discussion about rates down. As you can see from this thread, there are some clients confused about rates ( like @littlenut ) and very much deserve to hear that there is nothing wrong with them for not overspending.
  6. Don't worry about that. No matter what you choose chances are they don't care as long as they are compensated for their time. This is most often expressed by the escorts commenting " I want to do whatever you want to do". It's probably an even toss-up between being intimate with someone they have no attraction to and sitting through a concert that they hate some are just a lot better at making you believe. Note: This has nothing to do with Rich Reynolds who is actually a pretty decent guy!
  7. Makes you just want to run out and hire him and Brodie Sinclair for a threesome In all seriousness, the quotes are getting laughable. I now say no thanks to any $300+ for an hour on principle. Sure wish rates were still published so I could stop having to waste mine and the escorts time trading messages just to find out that they want $400 an hour.
  8. Don't do it. You shouldn't even consider a deposit for an hourly hire period. It even makes less sense when you have already established a good relationship and history with the escort. Even more importantly, It does not matter how highly rated or reviewed the escort is. A lost deposit to a really popular escort just means you have ZERO chance of anyone else believing you when you complain about getting burned. As @marylander1940 said above, as an exception, when extended hires with travel is involved, you need to do something to guarantee the escort doesn't get burned (i.e. prepaid airfare or a deposit that covers the escorts travel costs) -- especially if no prior relationship exists.
  9. If I had it to do all over again, I would try and make a career about something I was passionate about (like my concern for animals). I think its a lot easier to keep going when you make a career out of something you either really love doing or really care about.
  10. I find it much more likely that Trump's cronies are profiting on the markets dips and fluctuations than spending their own money to artificially prop it up. After all, what harm in some leaked economic data or pre tweet notification between friends Whatever you do, never panic sell. By then, it's usually too late and the damage is done. The very best thing you can do is invest in low fee index funds, never try to time the market, and if you are really bothered by the volatility - try to avoid looking at the daily market results.
  11. @Mocha - I am not saying escorts should give up their privacy. What I am saying is both sides should be equally respectful of each other's privacy and understand that both sides have a very valid reason for wanting to protect it. I was a whole lot more sympathetic and understanding towards your side of it until that one escort came along and almost ruined my life with his blackmail attempt and threats against me, telling me he knows my name, he knows where I work, he knows where I live (and so much worse that I don't care to re-live) It was a living nightmare for me and one that I will do whatever it takes to never repeat again. So as far as privacy issues go, I give an unequivocal NO to the idea that clients should be forced to shoulder all of the risk in these situations and that is what some of you seem to be feeling entitled to. That is not ok. especially if we are going to meet for one hour in a hotel room. All you need to know is that if I make an appointment with an escort, I am going to show up, like I always have and like I do for all my obligations and commitments that I make. I also want to make it clear that as the relationship between the escort and client grows, so will the trust. I had an escort who I trusted enough to come stay with me for 2 weeks while I recovered from surgery. He drove me home (in my own car) while I was still groggy from anesthesia, and I even trusted him with my opioid RX after my surgery. We shared real names, phone numbers, and I allowed him to stay at my home while I was away at work etc.. without any fear of him doing anything. But that trust is earned and given mutually - not demanded - and not from day 1 hour 1 of meeting him. Also. I wanted to share that a different escort was the one that got me to start using Google Voice in the first place. Yes, it was his advice and suggestion. As far as I am concerned, VoIP saves lives.
  12. [ Yes, this is exactly why - they can't run a background check on you or otherwise coerce/threaten (or worse) which is what some of them will do with the information they obtain from your real phone. It's also so totally one sided, as these same people won't be giving you their real numbers and will be the first to call you out for invasion of their privacy if you even considered doing with the number what they are doing. All it takes is one escort to out right blackmail you with your own personal information and you will learn the hard way (like me) to never ever give it out to anyone you don't trust. Don't make a decision you will regret for life and protect your privacy at all costs. If they won't respect your privacy, move on to another that will. Finally, never abuse your private number to screw over an escort (i.e. make an appointment, no show, and ghost them). Mutual respect and protecting your reputation goes a long way as a client. For example, I have been a RM client over 10 years, give positive or constructive feedback only in RM reviews, and always show up, cancel with notice, or come to a mutually agreeable solution if it is possible to work out any other issue. I never give my personal/business phone, ever. Voice/Text or Email ONLY!
  13. Hope you have better luck than me. He started playing games with me and that was it. We never met, but I felt he wasted my time for sure. Maybe you will have a better experience.
  14. Quoted $350 as well in my local area for his visit. I passed. I'm not interested in those kind of rates. Of course had the advertising websites allowed rates to be posted, it would have saved my pointless inquiry.
  15. Gay or straight... kissing was completely off the table (per the answer to my email) and therefore so was my business.
  16. Thank you for your respectful post on this topic. I really appreciate you noting both sides need to respect each other's time as it can seem very one-sided around here on this topic. It is also inexcusable for a game-player to disrespect your time like this. It is sometimes hard for forum members to read about all the complaints about client flakiness because in a way, you are preaching to an audience who is not likely to engage in such behavior. Forum members are (in general) really good clients. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. Safety for yourself is a very reasonable concern. I generally do not give out my unit number or hotel number when I meet an escort for the first time either, preferring to meet in the lobby (hotel) or at a very nearby Starbucks (for home). I do run across an occasional escort who will refuse to meet me under these circumstances. I also will not compromise my safety so when that rare escort refuses to accept this, the appointment is off.
  17. It's a little more complex than that, but I will accept it. The initial attraction gets me in the door, a whole lot more comes into play as to whether or not the door stays open. I can find attraction based on other things besides looks, but I am very slow to open up and be able to get that point. That type of connection (built over say a 30 day period) definitely isn't going to happen at $200+ an hour. That would be like asking jjkrkwood to hire somebody with an average penis 100 times and use a penis pump on him until he finally got to the size he was hoping for
  18. He might be. And I am attracted to Romani as well, so maybe both at once Oh and let's not forget Pietro Boselli.. didn't you once say he fit that category too
  19. Now I will fully admit we are not always looking for the same thing and one man's trash is another man's treasure. I also don't think it serves a point to diss a service provider who one has no intention of hiring on their looks in a thread about them. Still, for me, in an escort experience-- I would much rather have average to good sex with someone I am insanely attracted to, rather than mind blowing sex with someone I am not attracted to at all. Again- we all have different wants, needs, desires and attractions so I totally understand this is not what you are looking for and that both of us are ok for the different things we want.
  20. I wouldn't take it personally. From my following of the postings on this topic, it just seems that the escort considers $300 an hour grossly insufficient for his services.
  21. I will refer you to the previous thread for the methods of enforcement. Coercion, blackmail, intimidation, whatever you want to call it. Consider yourself warned! https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/2-threads-in-1-where-are-you-hosting-and-we-didnt-make-an-appointment.150435/
  22. Just got quoted a 30 minute rate without even asking (or looking) for it in a response to a general request for rates. Some offer it, some don't-- so go ahead and ask courteously. If an escort can't respond back to you in a professional manner to a legitimate question like this (even if the answer is no, they don't offer 30 minute sessions) you are better off not hiring them in the first place. I have corresponded with a few escorts that won't even do 1 hour.
  23. Having the pleasure of meeting both Peter Hung and Brian Strowkes, I agree with your recommendations. Be aware that Peter's schedule fills up rather quickly and that Brian is going exclusive soon (per his ad). Unfortunately I have not met MrMattBig, but he seems like a good candidate from his interactions here. I am personally hoping to meet https://rentmen.eu/Hot_Jacob and https://rentmen.eu/Blakeblane the next time I am there, but have no experience with either. Jacob says he kisses... not sure what all Blake will and won't do as comments on him are all over the place on this and he removed kissing from his "into" section on his ad.
  24. If he ever shows up in my neck of the woods... hell yes, I'd go for it! He is so my type. Thanks for the recommendation.
  25. I understand wanting to keep this an all cash business, for so many good reasons... but.. it sure doesn't help the client or the escort if the client gets rolled on the way to meet you with $2500 in cash for the weekend because you made him carry it.
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