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Everything posted by down_to_business

  1. Long time Austin resident. Unfortunately, nothing local that I can recommend or interests me. I rely 100% on traveling escorts (good ones come very infrequently) or hire when I go on vacation.
  2. I enjoyed meeting him and would repeat if our paths crossed again.
  3. I think I am at the point where I find any question at all a rude question
  4. The game is being redefined from advanced bookings and notice to text a few hours before you are ready to meet (and even then you still have a good chance of being cancelled on). This does make it very hard for people who travel for the sole purpose to meet a specific escort and play. It also changes the horizon to favor short bookings. It is what it is and we adapt or we exit the marketplace.
  5. He might be in LV when I am there and wanted to get some feedback. https://rentmen.eu/VICTORHorny Thanks.
  6. From my very limited messages with him, the answer is yes if you are willing to pay more.. although we did not talk specifics.
  7. Anybody have direct experience or feedback on Jordan Bradley? https://rentmen.eu/Jordanbradley That first picture on his profile (blue denim shirt pulled all the way back around his arms)just does it for me! Thanks.
  8. Brand new guy in LA just quoted me $500. It's getting to be a joke. I didn't even bother to respond. Too bad because I think he is hot. Guess its a bargain compared to this one on friendboy.. https://friendboy.pro/boys/CyberAltBro
  9. Damn all you cheap and disrespectful low class peeps... I bet you shop on Priceline or similar websites before booking that hotel room instead of paying hotel website rack rates... or price flights on google flights instead of just booking that airfare on United too . Pond scum I say! Who benefits when everyone prices themselves at $350 an hour and many of those guys are just waiting for those clients that never do call? I highly doubt its the escort without clients!
  10. I would still prefer a VR version, like the StarTrek holodeck. Much less to clean up!
  11. Guess I will be waiting for the Oklahoma and Louisiana pricing to kick in
  12. So instead of hiring once or twice a month you start hiring once or twice a year. Works for me. Nah, who am I kidding... no way I would hire anyone at 300+ an hour. I guess someone is hiring them.. but sure not me or anyone I know. Yes, I was recently quoted $450 an hour too.. seems the disappearing rates on rentmen have left some escorts guessing what they should charge.
  13. I know.. I shouldn't even ask anymore because if I like.. it's almost always a fake.. but here goes nothing. https://rent.men/TravisStevens Anyone met, have direct experience, or can vouch that the escort and ad are real and accurate?
  14. I have not seen him, so this is just my opinion.. but from reading the reviews you linked... huge fake. Why? 1- All the positive reviews are from newer rentmen members compared to all of his negative reviews. 2- All the positive reviewers have profile pictures and all the negative review profiles do not. What are the chances that everyone who decided to review someone took the time to set up profiles and download pictures to them. They all show "their" faces. 3-Most all of the profiles that reviewed positively have things in common (i.e.) use of the name Michael and even more obvious, use of a geographical tie to their profile name.. like Tonyvegas, TomyCanada, MichaelNYC and Miketoronto. If you decide to go through with it, I would require a "3 fingered selfie" or meeting in a public place like starbucks or a hotel lobby. Make it clear that if he doesn't match his current pictures you will walk!
  15. Follow up. If you found out that someone you have set an appointment with is a parTy person (after setting the appointment) and non-refundable funds are in play... would you go through with the appointment or ??? If you do go through with it, is there a way to protect yourself? What should my concern level be that they will try to slip something to me that I have no interest in taking against my will or knowledge? Do I have legitimate concerns are am I just paranoid? Thanks. Replies in private are welcome to this sensitive topic.
  16. If you engage with a partner who uses recreational drugs... let's say you perform oral to completion and swallow. Would you have those same drugs in your system after?
  17. Think this is same guy.. don't like this ad much but maybe it helps find someone who has hired him. https://rentboy.pro/boys/Azxxxstar
  18. Yes but mine happens by doing almost anything. It has been going on for some time (use Edge/W10) and it's frustrating! After the second time logging in though, it usually keeps.
  19. Requesting some quick feedback on this escort. Please post or message me with any helpful information or actual experience. Thanks! https://rentmen.eu/Oliverphace/
  20. Jeez this guy was all-around outstanding. Bluestorm speaks the truth.
  21. Any first hand experience or helpful information on this escort? Thanks. https://rentmen.eu/CooperMontgomery
  22. Quite a few threads on here about him. I think he looks amazing and I would hire if the opportunity presented itself, As to this question, the response I was given by other member here -- he can if he watches straight porn.
  23. I have seen him discussed here before to meh comments. The only one that really stuck out to me from the previous threads was that the pictures were not of him. That is all I remember. I have no personal experience, although I used to see him advertise in Denver (for a long time) before his move to Dallas.
  24. What a shame... his body is incredible. I would have so been into him.
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