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former lurker

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Everything posted by former lurker

  1. How is it at odds? Seems like a non-sequitur. Perhaps you could explain why one is at odds with the other?
  2. Your first post was borderline offensive. This one is flat-out offensive with the border nowhere in sight. If you communicate with escorts in the same way you do in those posts, or with anyone really, I'd expect a cold response back at you.
  3. Perhaps you missed the post from the man in question stating that he retired from escorting.
  4. Sorry to disagree, but LEO is widely used, especially in the law enforcement arena. Watch a handful of NCIS episodes -- they often reference getting the "local leos" involved or alerting the "local leos".
  5. I meant "audience" in the sense that RM is not soliciting business from clients. If it helps to substitute the word "customers" for "audience", I'm fine with that.
  6. We (clients) are not their (rentmen's) audience. Escorts/masseurs are their audience as they are the ones who pay rentmen. RM is a platform for providers to advertise their services/availability, not a site to screen out escorts you consider rip offs. I've read a number of posts on this forum that recount "reporting" escorts to RM. Generally, the "reports" that result in RM action against an advertiser are those where advertiser A uses pictures from another advertiser B. Thus, RM acts to protect its more reliable advertisers. There are other means to screen escorts (these forums, the review site (Daddy's)), general reputation of established escorts, etc. Ultimately, however, escorting and hiring them occupies a gray space because of legalities. Much like unregulated drugs or supplements, you can't rely on any watchdog agency to vet the service/product as you could if it was legal and regulated.
  7. I believe this is the "Rory" first discussed as "Jesse Jaymes Friend". Lots of posts about him. Do a search.
  8. Well put and well reasoned. I recall Daddy saying he wanted to broaden the review site in that sort of way at the time he implemented the changes due to changes in the political and legal landscape(s).
  9. Perhaps you're reading something into the comments that isn't there. No one has suggested that Daddy should flout the laws and risk criminal charges. We are instead pointing out how the evolution of the review site has made it less useful to us as prospective clients and reviewers. I stop short of saying the reviews are useless, but I understand why others consider it so.
  10. Disagree with the closing line. I've met and we've heard of a number of g4pay guys who aren't ungrateful or resentful. Some describe themselves as bi, and may be so, but others only have sex with men when getting paid even if they refer to themselves as bi.
  11. I agree wholeheartedly. I also wonder what the "opt-in" step accomplishes. Almost none of the escorts opt-in, and when they do, I haven't detected any additional info post opt-in. There are other factors that contribute to less reliance on the reviews. The site is much less predictable than it was in the Hooboy era. Back then, Hooboy expressly stated that reviews would post everyday, including weekends, by 6 a.m. EST. Barring an infrequent disruption (illness, lack of internet connection for Hooboy due to a storm while traveling), you could rely on the reviews posting on that schedule. Under Daddy, weekend reviews were eliminated, and the site goes on hiatus without advanced warning, and often without notice about when the posting of reviews will be resumed. (We've come to know over time that Daddy suspends reviews for several weeks at year end/beginning, but that's gleaned from experience rather than notice). There are other factors, most of which are not within the control of Daddy/admins.
  12. Skin color IS different. Of course, clients have the advantage of seeing pics and can simply not contact an escort because of skin color without being tagged as racist. And, regardless of where the preference comes from, it's probably good that clients don't hire escorts to whom they are not attracted.
  13. I realize that. I didn't take exception to that point, just the comparison between food preferences and racial or ethnic discrimination. I know you're not trying to trivialize.
  14. To which site did you post a review? Rentmen? Daddy's? If the former, I don't know their policies for posting reviews. If the latter, reviews tend to take a while to post, especially first reviews because of Daddy's process of vetting the review. If you are a first time reviewer, there may be an extra step in the vetting process. The first review I posted was back in the hooboy days, and I was contacted by the site to verify the review. Since then, any review I've posted didn't involve contact to me from the site. That may be a change under Daddy, or it may be because I had previously submitted a review.
  15. A minor point, but a strong peeve of mine: food preferences are not analogous to "preferences" having to do with race and ethnicity. Spices, ingredients, allergies, carbs, fats, etc., all play into taste in cuisines. Also, the quality of the preparation varies as do prices. Ethnic and racial "preferences" often reflect assumptions about people based on stereotypes.
  16. Exactly. That's what he's written.
  17. No, it's not. His ad is clear. It needs no translation. He wants to get fucked and enjoys the intimacy stuff so long as it accompanies him bottoming. Most of the posts in this thread read the ad as if the word "only" doesn't modify the words "cuddling" and "oral".
  18. Boy, you are full of certitude and lacking insight. What is more important depends on any number of considerations. Managing costs may outweigh brand identication in one's name. That is especially so if the escort can easily identify himself in his pictures and the text of his advertisement. Also, if an escort is taking an extended break, or is retiring, it is good business to not renew advertising. If he then decides to return, the "lapse" is not in any way a sign of poor business sense. It's clear that you are wedded to your view and not open to other perspectives so I will leave this as my last comment on the topic.
  19. First, tracking software won't tell you which site a client responds to if the client communicates via phone, text or email. It will track the client's IP address, not the website which generated the business. Second, I'm surprised that you don't understand my point about websites not allowing use of certain user names. After all, you purport to be "confident" about tracking software, so you should understand the rudiments. But here goes: if a name has been used before on the site, even by the same escort/user whose account has lapsed, a new name is often required. I've gotten that explanation from escorts when they've returned from a period of not advertising. I've also been told by escorts that they used different names on different sites to track which sites provide the most business. It makes perfect sense. But you have an opinion, whether well-informed or not, and your opinion isn't harming anyone so I have no problem with it. Frankly, I have no idea whether my explanations of potential reasons for using multiple names are the reasons "Jack" has. Neither do you. I'm simply pointing out that the inferences drawn from multiple names may be erroneous.
  20. Or, using different names on different sites could be smart business. Some guys use different names to track which sites result in the most business, and thus are worth spending money to advertise on them. Or it could be an entirely different reason, for example, the need to find a name that the site will allow him to use.
  21. Huh? I thought my post was a report. I quoted him. Is there something else I should have done? Also, what is "second warning" supposed to mean?
  22. Although deadlift1 clearly did attack me personally.
  23. Can you clarify? Does "attack the topic" include "attacking" a post? That's what I did -- I didn't attack the poster, but his post.
  24. I apologize for any confusion. When I wrote "stop", I was referring to the negative commentary. I was not telling you to stop posting, just making a point about what you posted.
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