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former lurker

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Everything posted by former lurker

  1. I'm not sure RM provides a means to indicate that ones current location is temporary other than by listing the dates/times of planned visits. Escorts could clarify in the text, but they tend not to revise the text on a regular basis.
  2. Well, I'm not sure about RM, but review posters on Daddy's are a relatively small subset of clients. A lot of escorts, especially those newer to the oldest profession, don't know about Daddy's. And a lot of clients don't know, either. Those of us who do know about Daddy's get a lot from the site. The rest don't know what they are missing. Before Rentboy and Rentmen, a lot of escorts encouraged clients to post reviews to Daddy's because the site not only validated them, it was an important means to introduce themselves to clients. Less so today. All of that is to say that you can't read too much into the lack of reviews beyond just that. In logic and law, there is a saying: the absence of evidence is not evidence.
  3. Do you mean Daddy's reviews or RM reviews?
  4. Yeah. It's called time, as in the time to travel to or from the client.
  5. There's a long history in civil rights movements of reclaiming and/or renaming. In concept, it's asserting control over how you are identified and taking control from others who would impose an identity. Hence, going from referring to African Americans as "nigger" or "colored" to Black and then African American. Same principle at work in LGBTQ movement.
  6. I agree with most of what you've said, but I'd add that if you're concerned about repayment, future requests, extra costs to schedule a repayment in service, etc., you should simply not advance the money. If I were to advance money, it would be without expectation of repayment in cash or trade. I'd be clear that it was a gift. If he offers a free session, I'd tell him that would be great, but I don't expect it. In my scenario, there'd be no point to trying to capitalize on the free session asap.
  7. Waste of time in what sense? That you spent time/effort to reach him with no response? That he responded, but with a delay that didn't fit your timetable? Or that you met him and were disappointed in the encounter? Or, are you giving an opinion about his general lack of responsiveness based on the comments of other posters, not based on your own experience?
  8. How far out of "central Boston"? Distance from the city would put a different spin on your initial post saying you were "in" Boston, contacted 18 guys, got only 4 responses . . .
  9. Re: Johnny Sins pornhub profile -- I think the "interested in" stuff refers to who he wants as viewers, not to meet and have sex with.
  10. Not so odd. There are a whole host of reasons that more escorts are reviewed on rentmen than on Daddy's. Most US clients find and retain escorts via rentmen, so they are already familiar with that site and the reviews there. We who frequent Daddy's Reviews and this forum are but a subset of clients. And Daddy's alerts people to the existence of rentmen (via the links to websites where reviewed escorts were found by the reviewer), while rentmen doesn't similarly direct clients to Daddy's Reviews (although a small number of escorts on RM encourage potential clients to check out their Daddy's reviews).
  11. We all have our own priorities, and our tolerances differ for different things. The reviews, and comments on this board, are helpful to provide information and then it's up to the (prospective) client. What you find intolerable may not be intolerable to another client. The prospective client is in the best position to determine what he should or should not tolerate, what provides him with "fun" and what is a "wise" way to spend his money. Further, I'm not sure how failing to tolerate lack of prompt communication would result in an escorts change in approach, especially for someone like Alex who seems not to be dependent on a steady stream of clients and is basically testing the escort waters. (I wouldn't use your characterizations of "poor" and "disreptful" treatment, nor of "bad behavior")
  12. Or they post guys who don't escort to entice contact with them, then try to sell you on someone else. David Forrest was notorious for listing porn actors as as available for "connections" even though many he listed were not. Forrest collected a fee to give clients contact info, then the client would have to make arrangements with the supposed escorts. It was a scam.
  13. First, before addressing your post, let me make a few things clear: (1) while this is a response to your post(s), I also disagree with the view expressed by others that hiring straight guys is safer than hiring gay guys; (2) I prefer hiring gay or bi guys, but for reasons other than a perception that it is safer to do so; and (3) I'm mostly disagreeing with the generalizations you've made about the probability that gay escorts are much less likely to threaten or harm you than are straight escorts. Now, to your post. Just reread the thread you link. Funny thing, what you state "for the record" is essentially an opinion you and one other poster state. You state the opinion that straight guys are more likely to threaten or harm a client. And you base that opinion on a theory -- that straight guys who escort hate their jobs and would love to get out of it -- but that's also an opinion, not a fact. Your opinions form a nice circle, each supporting the other, but each depending on the other without independent proof of either. Citing the prior "lengthy" thread in which you posted the same opinion with the same paucity of evidence doesn't substantiate your claim in this thread. It's a clever tactic. Reminds me of when Dick Cheney had Scooter Libby plant a story in the New York Times about Iraq developing nuclear capabilities, Scooter getting the friendly reporter to describe him as a "former Hill staffer, rather than the VP's Chief of Staff, and then Cheney going on the Sunday shows saying, "Don't take my word for it. Look at the Times report." He was the Times report. (Please don't take umbrage to the fact that it was Cheney and you are liberal, as am I. It's the purest example to leap to mind.) Undoubtedly, some straight escorts hate what they're doing. Some gay escorts hate what they are doing too. Some are manipulative, thieving and/or violent. The escort who stole from me happened to be gay. He didn't do so because he hated his job due to being straight. He was desperate for money and didn't care how he got it or who he hurt. I will grant you that there are several high profile cases of straight guys killing gay benefactors. They were former porn performers who either cultivated or were cultivated by wealthy gay men. The murderers all were looking to grab a huge amount of cash. Greed and being sociopaths fed those murders, not a desire to stop doing the jobs they so hated. Bottom line: hiring an escort, whether straight or gay, exposes you to certain risks. This site helps. But rather than stake claims about the likelihood of harm from straight vs. gay escorts, we should all be mindful of the risks that we take in hiring either gay or straight escorts.
  14. I did. My bad. Austin Wild doesn't seem the type to escort or out clients. Side note, met Austin Wild once. I was having breakfast with friends he knew and he joined us. Nice guy. I lived in NYC at the time, and there were signs featuring Austin in Manhunt adverts including one near my apartment that I passed on the way to that breakfast.
  15. Or paying for the little else and no trip.
  16. There precious little to support the notion that straight escorts or gay escorts are more likely than the other to engage in threats. We all know of examples of straight/G4P escorts engaging in threats or reprisals and we know of gay escorts doing so (think Austin Wild and Jarec Wentworth). There are others still whose sexuality is too difficult to categorize or whose pshychotic behavior is simply attributable to sexual identity, repression, etc. (think Brodie Sinclair). Whatever the root cause, this whole Collin episode is a stark reminder that we (escorts and clients) face all sorts of risks simply because our liaisons are outside the law. Sites like Daddy's do a great service in helping to mitigate those risks, but they cannot be eliminated. Caveat emptor.
  17. Clicking on the link in the first post brings me to his (expired) ad. As far as how his ad came to expire, I'd surmise, based on the text of the ad, that he escorts only when he needs a short-term cash infusion.
  18. Correct. Massachusetts is a "two party" consent state. But I got the impression from the review that the reviewer is located in Rhode Island which is a "one party" consent state. Either way, although there may be criminal penalties the usual sanction is the recording is inadmissible in court for use against the non-consenting party. Use against a third party (i.e., Daddy/the site) would not be prohibited. If the recording is for a nefarious purpose (extortion, for example), there may be more serious penalties such as incarceration or fines.
  19. Unclear what exactly was recorded. Could have been the session, could have been an argument afterwards over the reviewer's claim Collin stole $200 from him. Read Collin's response to the review. That's the only source of info about the recording.
  20. Here again, the response tells more than the review. First, the threats against Daddy embody serious crimes -- threats of harm to person and property, and extortion by trying to leverage the threats to spike the unfavorable review. Second, "Collin" is deluded if he thinks he has a strong legal case for defamation. The courts won't protect against reputational damage to one's illegal business. And Collin's response colors any claim for harm to reputation because his threats do more damage to his rep than the review. Daddy did us a great service by publishing the review and the response.
  21. I read this as a miscommunication, not a ghosting. As you say, he was to "confirm" the next morning, thus you did not have an arrangement made, you had a proposal yet to be finalized. He should have let you know anyway, but I don't see this as the same as flaking on a set appointment. Also, your scenario differs from the earlier poster who was to confirm and did not do so until perilously close to the appointed time. I understand that delays happen. I tend to hire for multiple hours. If I am running late, I always contact the escort to let him know I've been delayed, and to alert him to my ETA. Because they've set aside more hours for the appointment, I've never had a problem so long as I promptly communicate about the delay.
  22. Perhaps you are aging and need prescription glasses. And you do realize that while you are commenting based on the "objective standard" of what you see in porn (nothing "objective" in your characterizations, btw), you are attempting to refute the word of someone like Kurtis Wolfe whose seen Alex in all his glory up close and personal.
  23. Huh? You hire for a massage and he gives you a massage. You want more, say so. It's reasonable (and respectful) of him to not assume he should go beyond the massage unless you ask him to (preferably in advance). (And by "you", I mean the client generically, not AndyDandy, who I presume was commenting on another client's experience rather than speaking from personal experience.)
  24. Could you clarify something: did you set an appointment and then recontact asking for a video call? If I were the escort, I'd think you weren't serious about meeting and wanted to ogle him via skype. The constant concern you hear from escorts is not to waste their time if you're not serious about meeting.
  25. There is a wealth of information, based on firsthand experiences, about hotels and amenities in various cities. This sort of information is precisely the sort of material to make for good "reviews" on the Daddy's site in an effort to broaden the content of the site beyond pure escort reviews. I'm not sure what the mechanism is for submitting those sort of non-escort reviews, but Daddy keeps asking for them since returning from his most recent hiatus. Perhaps he wants these reviews to be submitted as are the escort reviews, naming a hotel as the escort? I suspect he will find more submissions of non-escort reviews (travel options, places to stay, dine, shows, etc.) if he creates a separate form or set of forms for the new type of reviews.
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