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former lurker

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Everything posted by former lurker

  1. Almost, but not quite. Their response came after you told them it wouldn't work because you were a top and so were they. That sounds like "I never intended to hire you because I just want to top". So why look at the ad? Had you instead said, "I'm not in a position to hire now, but look at the ads just to see who's out there in case my situation changes" you likely would have gotten a different response or no response at all. I'm not defending the response you got, but you may have dragged out the situation by making it seem like you were prepared to hire someone, just not another top.
  2. Fair enough view, but not at all on point to this discussion.
  3. The credit card scamming happens all the time. Just yesterday, someone tried to order $1,600 worth of stuff from an online clothing store I'd never heard of until talking with my bank. Fortunately, the purchase was declined, but now I have to wait for a new credit card and my old one is cancelled. And, once I get the card, I have to contact "autopay" vendors paid from my credit card (i.e., mobile service provider, etc.)
  4. I suspect this is a bit of a toss off line, but it's more than a bit harsh and callous. "Randy" appears to be a young man facing a difficult time in his life. Neither you nor I nor anyone who isn't close to him knows what factors have contributed to his current situation, but I doubt it's as simple as "ego" or thinking they're "invincible and irreplaceable". Many young men turn to porn because they lack other opportunities or they face a short term financial crisis. They lack the resources (family, friends, connections, educational opportunities, etc.) to thrive, so they get involved in porn. If they become accustomed to the fleeting adulation that may accompany acting in porn, whatever it says about them, it says at least as much about the rest of us who watch them, seek them out and folow them on social media, fawn over them, and then turn our attention to the next shiny new model. Much like with the escorts we hire, it's worth remembering that porn actors are people, too. Compassion rather than dismissal and derision can be good for the soul.
  5. And yet you, and many others, continue to read. Porn actors come from all walks of life, but porn disproportionately draws from a pool of young men who don't readily have lots of career opportunities. The more successful they are at porn, the more likely their involvement becomes broadly known and further restricts their options in "Randy"'s case, it appears to have been compounded by an aging parent's decline which, from personal I experience I know is a form of both emotional and financial tax of its own.
  6. And cost prohibitive. Plus moving away from one's doctors, etc, can be very daunting for infirmed and elderly parents.
  7. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/bruno-baxter-in-la.152417/#post-1817531
  8. "Ash Cole" is former Randy Blue performer Ash Taylor. Needless to say, he's massively muscled now as compared to his RB days.
  9. I took that as a statement made for effect, not as literal, so I'd emphasize the "if this is a serious statement" in your post.
  10. Rapists are not always physically imposing. Rape occurs when the victim did not consent. That can result from brute force but isn't limited to when brute force is used. It can result from the victim's inability to consent due to impairment from alcohol or drugs (whether taken willingly or not) or other conditions. It can also occur where the rapist hold a position of power or influence over the other, which arguably Topher did due to his well-established position in the porn industry and his status as one of the longer term and better known AC models. Attitudes like the one you expressed are part of the problem in that they discourage male victims of rape from reporting. And rape isn't diminished by recognizing it can occur absent the use of brute force or where there's a substantial disparity in size and strength of the rapist and the victim. His conduct was more than "unpleasant".
  11. That's not how your posts read. It sounds like you've got an unstated concern about people who engage in unprotected BB sex with multiple partners facing stigma from others. That's what's really behind all the talk about who is judging whom. There is a stigma associated with having unprotected BB anal sex. And trading charges about judging one another won't change that stigma. The stigma is a consequence of the behavior, and living with the stigma is just another risk that practitioners of BB sex take. And I'm not going to get worked up over whether the stigma is fair or not unless it results in unfair treatment in matters unrelated to sex (i.e., discrimination in housing, employment, provision of health care coverage, participation in groups open to the public, etc.)
  12. So, you mean how do escorts get fake reviews posted on their behalf from older accounts. Two explanations come to mind: (1) the older accounts belong to someone involved in an elaborate scheme that new fake escorts tap into; or (2) the reviews are not fake.
  13. That confirms my interpretation. He was ineptly attempting to run a profile ad in hopes of having escorts contact him.
  14. I'm confused. What do you mean by "how does one get" the fake accounts with reviews? Do you mean how can you tell whether an older account is fake and contains fake reviews?
  15. You've just articulated the raison d'etre of a liberal arts education.
  16. I don't read that as nasty. His point was that comments about people's appearance can be negative opinions without being an attack. I suppose he would expect someone decades older than him to recognize that one's physical appearance can be judged, as escorts' appearance generally are, without it being an attack. In other word's, a relatively old guy disparagin a young fit guys' appearance might seem odd outside the context of escorting or porn.
  17. His ad is too confused and confusing to reach that conclusion. His emphasis on his own generosity implies he'd be paying his "client", and his expressed desire for young, well built clients suggests he knows he needs to pay to get his type. It read's like an ad offering to pay for company/sex, but with the word "client" being used to describe his desired hiree. Perhaps he's looking for non-pros who don't consider themselves escorts. Who really knows. It's utterly confusing.
  18. At 5'8" you would be looking down at me. When I was a child, 5'8" was within the range of average height for adult men. My nephew is the only one in the immediate family to crack 6' (he's 6'2"), but that's from his mother's family (likely his maternal grandfather, who we've never met). Your post piqued my curiosity, and I noticed your links a the bottom of your post, so . . . I looked. You're strikingly handsome. And your posts here make you even more attractive.
  19. I did not. While he is smug, he's accused of far worse. The "consent" you cite was expressly limited, and Topher went beyond that limit, hence rape. You must have some Superman-like sense of hearing to detect "angry regret" rather than anger at a sexual violation beyond his consent. As to the others, they described classic sexual harassment and assault. Not so funny. At least you have dropped the line that it didn't happen if it wasn't reported. You deserve credit for that.
  20. Let me try to be clear. Topher is hot looking, well built and handsome. What has been said about him is not that he's smug, it's that he's self-centered and treats others with disrepect. I've never met him, never will, but I've read enough to form an opinion. Whether it's his alleged cheating on his BFs and lying about it, or the multiple accusations of sexual assault including of rape, a picture of him comes into focus. As for your first point, it says more about you than you might intend. Rape is seriously unreported, especially when the rapist has a high profile and perceived influence over the victim's career. Most of the complaints about Topher are from lesser known/lesser established models/porn actors and the rapes are reported to have occurred when Topher was at his peak. Men especially are reluctant to report having been raped. And there is also the sense among many gay rape victims that their sexual identity will subject them to neglect or worse by law enforcement. Absent reporting to police, there's no prosecution and no potential for conviction and punishment by the law. But we don't need to withhold judgement. We aren't jurors with Topher's freedom in our hands. Finally, Andrew Christian's response to the allegations is telling. Topher was among his most high-profile long-term models. You don't walk away from him if you believe the allegations are utterly without merit.
  21. No doubt. That sucks, and not in a good way. No one should be pressured or tricked to do something they are not comfortable doing.
  22. Interesting. I remember Colin Powell doing an "exit interview" of sorts on Sixty Minutes as he was leaving his position as Secretary of State. Asked about what worries him most internationally, he referred to the rampant spread of HIV in the Indian military which he attributed to a culture permissive of military men frequenting prostitutes and an aversion to condoms. Add to that the stigma of homosexuality and its association in the culture with HIV and AIDs, and he perceived a ticking time bomb.
  23. Tristan, you are what we Jews call a "mensch". You display integrity and empathy, two attributes that are in rare supply not only in your profession but in many others. Part of that integrity is your implicit recognition that many of us clients are emotionally vulnerable and that it's just indecent to take advantage of those vulnerabilities. It may be a business transaction, but simple decency and kindness distinguish people who are merely good at what they do from those who are, as people, good. I for one feel enriched by your presence, even if so far it's only via cyberspace for me. I hope one day to remedy that.
  24. I'm not throwing stones, nor has anyone else. You seem to have an agenda. You injected the issue of oral sex into the discussion as a means of suggesting hypocrisy on the part of people who choose not to have bareback anal sex. My view is we are each responsible for our own health, and to set the level of risk we are comfortable taking. If that includes having bareback sex that is up to the individual. What I choose to do or not do is for me to decide. In fact, when you say others "should look at their own actions about oral sex", you seem to be the own throwing stones. You don't need anyone else's validation for your own choices, and neither do any of us need yours. To the extent that you have provided useful information about the transmission of STDs, you are being helpful. So thank you for that.
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