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Everything posted by BasketBaller

  1. Slight preference for smooth but it's not a big factor. In fact the guy I'm seeing is pretty hairy, chest and abs, and trims himself or he says he'd be "furry." I'm mostly smooth as are my brothers and my dad. My late wife's family men are moderately hairy and my sons inherited that-- they're all hairier than me. In the lockdown it wasn't unusual for all of us to be shirtless most of the day (I mandated shirts at the dinner table years ago) and I was struck by the difference. They take after my family facially but body-wise they're like their mom's.
  2. Do you know this ensemble? (Full disclosure, I know the parents of one of the players!) https://miroquartet.com/
  3. It's "Out and About" which was where I talked about my baby steps into openly gay life, including my first visit to a gay bar. Nothing particularly salacious, I used it for things that didn't involve the boys. Perhaps I'll share some info about my friend there and revive it. (It might get a little salacious...) https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/out-and-about.130810/
  4. It doesn't bother me, I'm just amused by it. But his brothers both quote whatever Marvel movie it is where Tony Stark swears and Captain America says "Language" occasionally.
  5. Thank you, my friend. I have to note that Navy Twin appears to have embraced the tradition of "swearing like a sailor." The boys and I have always been frank with each other but the language was not usually profane. But he's become quite comfortable throwing F-bombs and other curses left and right!
  6. The twins made a big brunch-- steak and eggs, with steak from the grill, strawberries, homemade biscuits. Everyone is over 21 now so they bought prosecco for mimosas, and we all got a little buzzed! So naps in the afternoon (my oldest had done the dishes), and several episodes of the Great British Baking Show in the evening.
  7. Thanks to those of you who sent PM's wishing me a Happy Father's Day, and several people asked for an update. I'm so sorry to have left you hanging! The day Navy Twin read me the riot act, I went to my room to lie down and think. When his brothers got home, he told them about our talk, and they were non-plussed to find he'd done it without them (I suspect so he could tell me his concern about his older brother). I could hear the shower going for a while and lots of murmuring, then a knock on my door. In came Older Brother and DePaul Twin to ask how I was doing. They had indeed all talked about it, but were planning to talk to me together. I said it was a lot to think about but I couldn't really argue against it, and told them I would talk to my buddy and see how it went. He and I talk a lot, and Skype often, so the next evening I called him and asked if we could videochat. (That has usually involved some, ahem, cyber sex). But once we were online I basically told him what NT had said, leaving out the opinion that he's in love with me-- that was for him to say if he wanted to. He was quiet and asked what I thought. For the second time I described my promiscuity as a teenager when I slept around but never really had a girlfriend, never "went steady," and how the only relationship I'd ever been in was with my wife. And I said I missed seeing him, not just for the sex. So while I didn't quite know what it meant, I'm open to making this more serious. He grinned and said, "Are you asking me to go steady?" And we both laughed as I said yes, I guess I am. He said let me think and I'll get back to you. In about a half an hour I heard a lot of commotion from the boys. I went to see what was up, and they were all in the den with their phones or laptops. My friend had emailed each one individually to say he appreciated their thoughts. He said, and I'm paraphrasing, that he would always be honest with me, that he would never do anything to intentionally hurt me, and that he would never do anything to come between them and me. And he ended with "So I am asking your permission to court your father." DT had responded "Go for it." OB had said, "Of course you can." NT said, "Hell yes!" Back to Skype, where we said okay, let's see where this goes. One thing, we're not sure what to call "this." We're in our 40s and both feel "boyfriend" is kind of silly, but there may be nothing better for now. DePaul Twin jokingly suggested "gentlemen friends" but that's a little too Tennessee Williams for me. Since then we pretty much talk every day although we haven't been physically together for months. But we are still sharing more and more of our lives, and I think this is working. There's more to tell, including an issue I alluded to in the other thread, but I'll save that, for another day. It's odd living in a house as one of four celibate (for now) men. Without getting too graphic let me say the issue in the house these days is not running out of toilet paper, but running out of Kleenex. Older Brother is truly miserable and spends a lot of time in his room with his laptop. Navy Twin talks with his gf every day, and DePaul Twin has a couple of friends-who-are-girls he keeps up with in Chicago. And, well, I guess I'm in a long-distance relationship even though he's just across town. Wish us all luck.
  8. Off topic, I know, but some years ago I went to the hilarious Dame Edna Everage Farewell Tour. She several times referred to her therapist, "Dr. Schadenfreude."
  9. I mostly bike, with or without the boys, and add some basic calisthenics every day. We have a small weight set and sometimes I use that. Plus we have (surprise!) a basketball hoop in the back yard and I shoot some balls with the boys now and then. They do NOT go easy on me!
  10. I never had a cleaning lady/person, and as I've posted before, while the house has always been clean it hasn't always been neat. A certain chaos was our usual state, but that has changed with the residence of Navy Twin. Without a murmur of complaint he dusts, he mops, he polishes, he vacuums, which of course encourages the rest of us to keep it in shape. I don't think it's ever looked so good.
  11. I'm able to telecommute and am basically fine, if a little stir-crazy. The main thing is that all three of my sons are home for the foreseeable future, which I love but I know they are very frustrated by. Two have serious girlfriends they can't see in person the other has an active social life in Chicago he can't pursue. And I've been seeing a guy who I can't see in person, so I'm guessing the horniness level in the house is high. We bike, together and separately, my oldest gardens, my twins cook, and I take advantage of it. Working from home is hard, though, because everything takes so much longer. The boys hated distance learning but did fine. My twin at the Naval Academy had several things to look forward to, including the Ring Dance, a huge event when all the juniors get to wear their rings for the first time, and some awesome summer training that almost certainly won't happen. Still we're in reasonably good spirits and I'm enjoying their company.
  12. Just to compare past and present, if this isn't his first video it must be close to it. He was definitely pretty. https://www.myvidster.com/vsearch/48909741/Very_Young_Christian_Wilde_played_with_Redtube_Free_Blowjob_Porn_Videos_Gay_M
  13. I always liked him but am not a fan of the tattoos. He used to have a YouTube vlog where he mentioned he had escorted before doing porn, but it seems to have been taken down. He was pretty frank about being straight but doing gay porn to make money, and he did indeed talk about becoming a firefighter.
  14. I am so grateful for your posts. Here in quarantine, even watching the news, it can all seem like an abstraction and it's powerful to read front line reports. Plus, I know from our interactions here in the forums what an expansive and generous heart you have, so while I know this is difficult,, I would think that sharing with us would be cathartic. I'm praying for you.
  15. While the delays were happening and no one seemed to know what was going on, a friend of mine tweeted, "If David Merrick walks out on stage it's going to be bad news." And someone on Facebook said, "During The Ladies Who Lunch I was jolted out of bed by the collective gay gasp of all New York."
  16. Thanks for asking, sorry it took so long to reply. Yes, we're all home. Older Brother and I telecommuting, the twins having online classes. It's great to be together but we're all a bit bored. Older Brother is miserably pining away for his girlfriend, at home in Boston. Navy Twin's GF is here in DC but we're trying to respect self-isolation. Lots of Skyping in the house, though. One advantage, as I've mentioned before the twins like to cook, so we are eating very well as they experiment with new dishes. The dynamic has changed a little. No squabbling, for one thing. The boys are men now and they're pretty mature even though there are plenty of laughs. But the clearest change is that Navy Twin is most obviously the Alpha. He was always the leader in the twins' lives, but their brother is deferring to him too, when he decides who needs to do what chore or what we're doing in the evening. And it may not just be his brothers. In my other thread I told you I started seeing someone very casually last fall. (We are also Skyping some). I would describe as an FWB, buddies who hang out, and when we can, we have sex. The boys have all met him, they seem to like him, and they know we fool around, although I've never had him stay over when any of the boys were here. Yesterday DePaul Twin and Older Brother went for a bike ride. I asked Navy Twin why he didn't go to and he seriously said, "Because I want to talk to you, Dad." Uh-oh, what's this? I half expected to say he was proposing to his gf. So we sat the kitchen table and he said, "What's going on with you and this guy?" Well, I wasn't going to give gory details, but I said we share some interests and have a good time and it's nothing serious. And he gave me what my siblings and I used to call the "Naval Officer Glare" that my father gave us when we said something stupid. And he said, "Why not?" (What?) "Why isn't it serious? If you like him why hasn't it gone farther than just hanging out?" I said something about the fact that I never really thought much about it, and he said, "Well you should or you're not being fair to him." I asked what he meant, and again, The Glare." Because he's in love with you Dad. He fucking loves you." I started to sputter something and he held out his hand to stop me. "Haven't you seen the way he looks at you?" And no, I'd really never noticed that. A long silence while I pondered the fact that my son was basically asking my intentions. Finally I said, the only real relationship I had was with your Mom, and I was head over heels in love with her from the moment we met. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I like my buddy but it's not like that. A somewhat softer Glare, and he said, "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, Dad. You need to talk to him and let him know if you don't feel the way he does so he can move on." Wow. Then something I did not expect at all. He said, "Next year I'll be gone, the Navy will send me away. DePaul Twin has another year to finish grad school, but he loves Chicago, I doubt he'll come back. But our brother won't leave unless he knows you're okay." I said he's talked about marrying his gf, and that they might move in together. "He might leave the house, but he'll never really leave. He won't. He almost dropped out of Fordham to come back and stay with you. We talked him out of it." This was flabbergasting to me, I had no idea. I was quiet, and he finally got up and said, "Talk to him, okay?" I nodded. So-- I'm not sure this should be a Skype conversation but Lord knows when I'll see him in person, and I realized that I had been missing him. I'll keep you posted.
  17. We've always had cats, and lost our elderly male last November. The boys had grown up with him and loved him. We still have a four-year old female who is very affectionate and playful.. Having said that I know cats have a reputation sometimes for being aloof. This not our cat but looks very similar.(She seems to love having us home...)
  18. My intenet is incredibly slow overall, but not this site particularly.
  19. Pretty well-stocked at home, and all 3 sons are here, Distance learning only for the rest of the semester, but everyone in the neighborhood telecommuting or streaming video, the internet is slow which is making it tough on them I am a little worried about the coffee supply.
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