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Everything posted by Topseed

  1. Better idea: send me $200. Please. I really need it. And I’ll pay you back. Promise. ?
  2. I've played with him. Fun. Ass is as incredible as it looks. He's also taller than I had expected...I'm guessing 6' or 6'1".
  3. Swallows. :-) Seriously: light chat while we're both dressing. Provide the funds. I hold the door open.
  4. The free clinic I test at asks this. The answers to both questions are “Yes”. And then I lie.
  5. A fascinating thread. Thanks to all. I’m in my 60’s. Years ago I hired frequently, and this included weekend and extended travel. Doing this now intrigues me not at all, as I just don’t have the free time! I find myself as busy as I want with my social life, travel, music and other cultural pursuits which I don’t really need nor require a companion to enjoy. To be sure, worrying about whether my companion is bored, confused (or whatever) would reduce my own enjoyment of these outings. Cost has gotten out of hand. Many NYC and LA escorts are now at $400/hour. This limits my enthusiasm. Compounding this is a vein of escort behavior that tends to treat clients as an ATM. (Happily, not all providers do this.) I’m assuming a significant economic downturn will change this pricing and maybe even this behavior.These gents are, of course, free to set their prices as they wish; I am equally free to demur. I’ve always preferred clean-cut jock/muscular types (of any ethnicity). These are harder to find. I’m just not a huge fan of ink nor a rougher look. And, the hookup sites offer plenty of decent fellows for free. Yes, it can be a crapshoot, but so can hiring escorts who 1) have inaccurate pics, 2) excessively shave their ages, or 3) whose actions aren’t in sync with the narrative of their ads. For me, I find my money better spent elsewhere most days. I have significantly increased my annual charitable giving over the past few years, and doing so gives me joy. Saying “yes” with my time to friends and organizations asking for it gives me joy. Having a dose of “alone time” gives me joy. Hiring escorts lately has rarely brought me joy. Ultimately, I wonder if my active hiring was a phase of my life best relegated to that earlier time.
  6. Yeah, I look. With dismay, as I’m heading back out the door. A cocktail lounge or bar? Sure. But not a restaurant.
  7. Do not place your will in a bank’s safety deposit box. Banks seal these upon the death of the box’s owner; it can take a very long time to gain access. Been there with a relative.
  8. I was in a similar situation. My lawyer told me that even though the guy never paid me a dime in rent I might need to go through legal eviction (which is expensive and lengthy). I admit I offered him cash to leave, which he accepted, albeit not without a struggle. Thankfully, he either never thought about getting his own legal advice, as he was too consumed by his venomous anger at me to explore his (legal) options. I was elated beyond my power to describe when I got him (and his mountains of junk) out of my home.
  9. The advice from MscleLovr is spot on. Been there, done that. Play offense here.
  10. Bike in white or black. So damn easy to shred off my boy. Enjoy his shock at realizing his jock is useless.
  11. Even worse is chewing tobacco. I have a fb who uses that junk; the spitting is disgusting, as is the taste of his mouth. I always have mouthwash on hand for him.
  12. I've met him. Don't think about touching his hair. (I am not making this up.)
  13. Want a retirement tactic? Here’s one for free: Know your current savings rate. Now double it. And next year double it again.
  14. I agree. But...no phone number.
  15. Hope he renews his ad. This boy revs me up.....
  16. Entitled. Self-absorbed. Lousy grammar. Writing skills poorer than their grammar.
  17. Hot pics. He’s on my radar too.
  18. Alam Wernik does indeed have a RM listing. He advertises under the name “Hot Babe”. I’ve hired him. That ass of his is incredible.
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