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Everything posted by Topseed

  1. Topseed

    411 gymnast

    You can find him on bbrt.
  2. I echo LivingnLA’s comment #3. In short: what brings you joy? Do you know? Ponder what truly is essential to your happiness in this brief time we have on this planet. This is a question whose answers evolve. That’s fine! Your answers are yours, and yours alone. Other people may opine on this; consider whether you want to give them a “vote” in how you lead your life. Feel free to be as subversive and as joyous in your answers as you wish. Allow yourself to reduce the time you spend with people/places/things that diminish your sense of joy. Do not seek “perfect” knowledge nor a “perfect” outcome. A “good” outcome is fine.
  3. Red flags for me: 1) Providers who self-describe as “hot”. 2) Providers who name-drop celebrities as their clients (or, more likely, “clients”) in an attempt to impress.
  4. Note that this year IML plans to charge a fee for hotel entry to people who aren’t staying there. Given what a world-class dump the Congress Hotel is, that place should pay me to enter. Pass.
  5. I’d pay up for Carter and his spectacular ass.
  6. David is indeed fake. The pics belong to a Dutch bodybuilder/model.
  7. I searched Rentmen.eu’s Albany list. Derek is there.
  8. I’ve played with David several times. Always energetic and fun. He bottoms for me like the champ he is.
  9. How does one address him? By his first name: Orange? Mr. Soda? Fanta? All so confusing.
  10. My fave fb is partnered....with another guy (whom I’ve met!). I’m certain that my fb is monogamous with me. (Yes, he says he/partner don’t have sex.) My fb and I have traveled together plenty. I have no idea what (if anything) he says to his partner about this, nor do I care.
  11. I’m with Skip about Jeremy Walker. Met him once here in Chicago. Period.
  12. Been there, tenderloin. I applaud your discernment. This is important to know. "Does this happen to others?" Yes. Are you a "ridiculously naive romantic"? Maybe. Welcome to the club.
  13. Mike Gaite is in Chicago at the end of April.
  14. A very sexy young muscle boy I play with is interested in TPE....Total Power Exchange. Essentially he signs himself over to an owner. Honestly, given how hot this guy is, it’s tempting to be his Dom.
  15. Many of my grade school teachers were Dominican nuns. No way do I want to revisit that.....
  16. Name a person you hate as your executor. It’s a shitty job. Seriously, I arranged to have the firm where my financial assets reside be my executor. They will sell my home and my stuff. Yes, there’s a fee. So what? I then named a close friend as my Trust Protector. My friend has the legal standing to ensure that my firm (as executor) fulfills my wishes. My friend has legal standing, but is spared the time needed to distribute my assets and do all the horrible paperwork.
  17. 27 more to go for David to meet his goal. Let’s support this fine man!
  18. I believe there’s a White Party in Miami too.
  19. Jon does indeed look great. I hired him many, many years ago. I'm thinking his age is the next thing to update in his profile.
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