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Posts posted by Travis69

  1. The old expression "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". Being fooled once was enough. There are many good and kind people here in these forums. In fact I think that the the majority are. But remember too there have been some who have been banned for personally attacking me.

    We've all been attacked at one time or another on here. Let people help you. We will not send Hillary Clinton to your door!!!!!!!:eek::eek:

  2. Many years ago I shared too much personal information with someone I thought was friend. That was a bad experience I never want to go through again.

    Do you feel telling us what state you live in is too much info? Many people here are a valuable resource you should be using!!

  3. Audimute.com I have the mats you hang on the wall. They are great to block noise between neighbors and also absorb sound in your room. Might help so you can up the volume on the TV and block out noise from the highway. Easy to hang and looks like a padded wall.

  4. The type that is taller and you rest your arms in is recommended. Keeps you from bending over which eventually creates more problems. Don't have time to go to Amazon right now. Sunday orgy starts in 10 minutes and I don't even have the food or lube out yet..................

  5. Whoopi Goldberg.


    I worked there 2.5 years. For 5 months I was an apprentice embalmer. The rest of time I was a nightman. Back then there were only two mortuaries in the county. Each got to handle the autopsies. That was important because the family usually will choose the mortuary that has done the autopsy to do the funeral. Sometimes I got to help the doctor with the autopsies. One time I got to slice a brain.


    After seeing what went on at the mortuary my family decided on cremation.

    You and your life becomes more interesting with every post.:rolleyes:

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