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Posts posted by Travis69

  1. Sigh....breeding season for white tail deer, honey. Ahve heard stories bout is some of the men folk gettin friendly with each other for n the Ozarks durin some ruttin rituals.

    Thank you. I will learn not to ask questions one day!!! I have a white tail in the summer from sunbathing in my speedo. Bet those Ozark men would like me too.:eek:

  2. Its a catch 22, I'm all for heightened security, doormen, card keys to hotels, as it provides a safer experience for both parties. Although does anyone get a little shy/paranoid meeting downstairs and feeling like everyone is looking at you and thinking they know this young kid is about to go upstairs and have sex with this older hot gentlemen, kinda hot in a way lol. I always feels weird meeting someone after midnight and having to say my name to a doormen after midnight lol :oops::p

    If the doormen are hot you could always thank them in a special way on your way out......................:p

  3. How do I ask a massuer if they can really do a massage? Too often I find guys who feel undressing and showing their dick is all I need. Reviews often dont help, as everyone is looking for something different, I guess.

    I dont mind a HE or more, I just prefer some good massage work first, and I dont want to be injured.

    Any help on my approach would be most appreciated.

    A better plan is to ask the clients from this forum. Mention what city you are in or going to and ask for recommendations. Many masseurs will lie to get the business or even if they are trained might give a lousy massage. This forum is a very valuable tool. Use it.

  4. But they don’t crack up when you agree to pay them “for their time only”?

    It is just as silly. Yet that is the only way they legally advertise, if you are in the US.

    I have never used the term "for their time only". I think it's ridiculous. I would crack up if I had to use it. Same with the "donation" idea.

  5. Then don’t tell them that.


    I don’t think you understand what Avalon is proposing. He is just saying that we both , the client and the escort, claim that the money is for keeping quiet, because it is apparently not illegal to pay someone to keep quiet about sex.

    We all know why we are paying escorts. Don’t you?

    I do understand what he is saying. Yes, I know why we are paying escorts. The escorts I know would crack up if I suggested such a thing.

  6. Why would the escort change what he is doing right now? If he is dishonest, he can be dishonest right now! I don’t understand what you are saying.

    Making a big issue of "please keep this quiet, don't tell a sole" just gives them ammunition if they want it. I am single, out and have people to my place. They see me as someone definitely not blackmailable. If I went to them, talked about my wife, high security job they would have ammunition against me.

  7. If it were only the pictures that were fake I could understand it. But it often appears to be that the advertiser never responds to anyone inquiring about them. This is the part I don't get.

    One masseur told me that if the prospective client does not include a phone number in the email he will not respond. He sees those people as time wasters and not serious.

  8. The guy is looking to keep his reputation clean by vigorously screening clients so everyone is happy. He's probably got great reviews and wants to keep if that way.


    Yes. If you're not wanting to share the required info about yourself then that would be a good way of circumventing his screening process.

    The client has sent all info knowing full well that he will not be approved but tells the escort he doesn't care about "the greatest experience" and fully understands the escort's criteria. He just wants to see the escort and will NOT write a bad review because he is going into the appointment already warned.

  9. I worked in an organization where my boss was extremely religious. She thought I was gay, which I am. She obviously didn't like that fact and didn't feel comfortable around me. To make her feel more comfortable in the workplace and ensure good compatibility within the organization I quit. I am happy I could make the workplace a better environment for her.

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