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Posts posted by Travis69

  1. I worked in an organization where my boss was extremely religious. She thought I was gay, which I am. She obviously didn't like that fact and didn't feel comfortable around me. To make her feel more comfortable in the workplace and ensure good compatibility within the organization I quit. I am happy I could make the workplace a better environment for her.

  2. Contact information is not displayed on listings from midnight to 6 a.m. (according to the clock on a visitor’s device) to discourage inquires for prohibited services.


    Masseurfinder Customer Support



    So now if I am on the east coast I have to call my friends on the west coast to read the phone numbers to me should the "urge" or "need" to get a massage occurs after midnight!! Oh well, what are friends for anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Many clients don't follow the rules as you said. Perhaps he has learned the only way to get clients to listen is to add emphasis to his instructions. If others have had a good time I would go for it and forget about how he said it. If once you arrive you find his manner still abrasive then you might want to rethink going through with the appt.

  4. I choose where to spend my time and dollars. And it’s not with trump supporters. Plus there are far more interesting shows on the internet than watching a reboot of a decade old sitcom


    Trump has done more to erode lgbt rights. So you Supporting his supporters erodes your rights. Please take responsibility for your decisions.

    if you saw the show you might have a different impression.

  5. Have you ever tried to bring your kinky tendencies up with your partner? That might spice up your love life. If you haven't will he be surprised when you want to do things with an escort you haven't shared with him? Will he feel inadequate from then on thinking you are more comfortable with the escort then him? Do you think your partner wants to do this for you or for himself????? I have known a few couples where adding a 3rd works out great. Other times it creates jealousy and a dependency on hiring a 3rd to have any sex at all.

  6. I honestly think it's brilliant marketing on his part. 1. People are talking about him. 2. I doubt it will hurt him because his preferred list is still a large hiring group and they love to hear that they're preferred. I sure know that I sure do. The worst in the business are the ones that just don't care.

    I disagree. I would never hire him because of his discrimination. The best in the business don't discriminate. "Personal preference" is for his personal sex play. When he is accepting money he is a business. He should abide by the rules of a business and not discriminate. All I am going to say. Know you feel differently.

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