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Posts posted by Travis69

  1. I have also experienced this but not as bad as you. I just say no. I do trust my dentist so I will stay with him even if they try all the upselling. Too many crooked dentists out there so if you trust your dentist stay there and just say no.

  2. I found him attractive talented and big. but also found him a little distracted , taking many bathroom and phone breaks. Our appointment started late and ended early. Maybe just an off day for him.

    Phone breaks?????? I would get up and leave.

  3. When I was tax accountant, I would send thank you emails if a client gave me their email address. All my clients would get a card in January again thanking them for coming in the prior year and telling them I was looking forward to seeing them again. I usually had a >90% retention rate. Must have been doing something right.

    Maybe they come back because you are a good accountant. My point would be we shouldn't penalize an accountant or an escort/masseur just because they didn't send a thank you note/text/email/call. It's the quality of their work that should get us to use their services again.

  4. Out to friends and some family members. Don't think the parents could have understood it so never told them but funny enough all of their friends had gay children who also stayed in the closet from their parents. Went to a fairly conservative college so stayed in the closet for those years but then got the hell out of that environment. College years were my discovery years. Have since always lived in large cities and gay neighborhoods. Have been in a few jobs were I figured being in the closet somewhat was beneficial so I did it. Not proud of that. Living in a gay neighborhood I take a lot for granted, enjoy being the person I want to be and feel sorry for those who have to stay in the closet for their safety as far as where they live or their jobs.

  5. A nice grope or a hot wet tongue in my mouth as they get ready to leave is the thank you I want, not a text or email later. Make it like a hot hook-up not like a date. Just my 2 cents. I hire or don't hire again based on how the appointment went not on the method of thanking me.

  6. Did you tell the guys who you were playing darts with that you were gay when they made the comment about you being the straightest looking guy there? If not, why not? I would also look for a totally gay bar like JRs to go to. Anyone in DC have a better suggestion for a bar?

  7. Lol, too fun.

    I just chatted up “Manny” who brought a chicken Caesar salad to my room.

    Twenty-five’ish, tall, cute Latin room service guy. Really nice and chatty but no vibe whatsoever.

    When the conversation was running into the ground I asked if he wanted me to call him to get the tray when I was finished: “Just put it in the hall and call the front desk and they will send someone.:p


    Tomorrow night I’m opening the door in a bathrobe. :D

    Call housekeeping and get a pair of scissors. Cut the bottom of the robe off so it's even with your balls. When "Manny" delivers your food answer the door in that and ask him if all the robes are so short.:D

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