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Everything posted by JamesB

  1. Out of sheer curiosity, what percentage of bookings made months in advance typically experience alterations or cancellations?
  2. To be honest, as long as they are clean and well kept, I couldn’t care less.
  3. Masseurfinder is even worse since negative reviews never even get published.
  4. Yes, it happened to me which is why I no longer have a paid account.
  5. For me, "Online Now" indicates that they're actively logged in and engaging with the platform. However, "Available Now" can be ambiguous. I've encountered providers listed as "Available Now" around the clock, every day. It's puzzling why both terms appear together in search results.
  6. In Colombia I’ve used RM with good results and https://co.skokka.com/ once. https://www.escortsbuk.com/ was recommended to me but I have not used it yet.
  7. I think there's a misunderstanding. The original poster mentioned that RM reviews can't be trusted, and I happen to agree with that sentiment based on my own reasons, some of which I've outlined. However, your suggestion of sticking solely with my regular providers isn't realistic or practical because providers do retire, change careers, or relocate. So, it's necessary and even desirable to welcome new providers into the mix. After all, who wants to eat the same meal every week? I have my own set of rules and criteria for selecting new hires, which are based on my experiences. You may or may not agree with them, and that's perfectly okay. While I'd love to try every provider available, I simply don't have the time, energy, or budget to do so. My method isn't flawless, but it suits me, and I continually adjust it as I learn from new experiences. Participating in groups and forums like this one allows me to exchange information and ideas with others, helping me refine my approach. This forum, in particular, facilitates valuable exchanges since it allows both clients and providers, enriching perspectives on both sides. I hope this clarifies my stance on the matter.
  8. You can always ask the provider, in a polite manner, how old his picks are. The usual response is sending an updated pic.
  9. While I'm the first to acknowledge that no hiring method is flawless, you're aware that it's uncommon for one provider to receive 4, 5, or more reviews from the same client. So, while it may not be a perfect solution, I prefer having the law of averages in my favor.
  10. I don't believe I’m being paranoid. It's important to acknowledge that relying solely on RM reviews isn't advisable. Beyond the example I mentioned earlier, there are other factors at play that can impact reviews. Personally, I tend to refrain from leaving negative reviews unless there's a significant issue, like a scam or something that went really wrong. I'm certain I'm not alone in this approach. So, the absence of negative reviews for a provider doesn't necessarily indicate their quality, does it? I do read reviews and reach out to reviewers directly. I'm wary when I see multiple reviews from the same person for a single provider; it raises a red flag for me. As far as I know hiring is entirely voluntary, so I don’t see why anyone would need an excuse not to hire. I hired regularly myself, perhaps even more than I should, but that's a discussion for another thread. I still recall the days of hiring from newspaper ads, without any photos or reviews. However, that doesn't mean I now advocate solely relying on ad content for hiring decisions.
  11. I’m not familiar with the Surface Pro but you may want to check in settings that “Dark Mode” or “Dark Theme” is not selected.
  12. Please, please tell me someone here has met this handsome man. https://rentmasseur.com/Thaibodyworks
  13. I'm certain he's not the only one. This particular instance, which I have firsthand knowledge of, clearly demonstrates why those RM reviews can’t be trusted.
  14. I don’t know about providers reviewing each other but I do know one provider from Rmass that offers 50% off your next massage in exchange for a 5 star review.
  15. What about using a YubiKey? It works across different platforms.
  16. There's absolutely no chance he's 33.
  17. Thanks for the info. I texted him and he seemed nice. I will keep him on my “must try” list.
  18. I'm sorry to hear that your experiences haven't been positive. It's essential to choose providers carefully. Start by searching this site for recommendations on specific individuals. Then, ask questions and clearly communicate your preferences to the provider. If you're not completely satisfied with their responses, don't hesitate to move on to someone else. If you're unsure, feel free to ask here, where you'll find plenty of experienced individuals ready to offer guidance.
  19. I do find myself attracted to Latin (and Asian) men, though I've come to realize they vary greatly. While there are some Venezuelan men who are undeniably attractive, my personal experiences with them haven't been the most positive. Conversely, I've found that men from Colombia and Brazil tend to provide better experiences, in my opinion.
  20. 24 hours is the maximum amount of time I’m willing to wait for a response before I move on.
  21. In my overall experience, this hasn't been the case. Typically, I tend to ask multiple questions in a single message. If I receive one word responses or answers to only one question, I generally interpret it as disinterest and proceed to the next provider.
  22. I've just realized why his profile didn't seem typical for a newcomer: it's a direct copy from: https://rentmasseur.com/DavisTopBrazil
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