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Everything posted by Cash4Trash

  1. Mick, here in NY, was always my favorite and I hope he's doing well in his retirement.
  2. Best to address this to the escort you'd like to hire and work out terms with him. Better yet, if you have a go to escort you like and he's appropriate work out details with him because he knows and trusts you.
  3. If you like weird the series Katla gets 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Reminiscent of Les Revenants a few years back.
  4. Apparently ratings fell off the week Levar Burton hosted the show. One report said hit was down by 850,000 viewers.
  5. All of my badges have done so much to raise my self esteem.
  6. An escort I saw frequently once told me that he knows he's a good looking guy and can walk into a bar and pick up pretty much anyone he finds attractive. But, he has a big dick and often he gets back to his place and the trick goes all "it's too big, it's going to hurt, whine, whine, whine. He said he loves to fuck and so he decided to put a picture of it on the internet, only guys who can take it call him and now he gets to fuck all he wants and gets paid too. Win, win - the birth of an escort.
  7. Bo Burnham's Inside is very good and I'm really enjoying This Is Pop, a series about various eras of pop music. #1) Boyz To Men and the rise of boy bands 2) Autotune and it's impact on the industry 3) Dominance of Swedish producers in the business, etc.
  8. The soundtrack to Cirque Du Soleil's Saltimbanco is the perfect background music.
  9. I just hope Jerome Powell takes escort rate increases into consideration when thinking about raising the Feds' interest rates because of inflation.
  10. I joined the cranberry juice spritzer crowd back in 1983 and have never looked back. Drank my quota of alcohol by then -
  11. It's been suggested that business might improve because of good reviews and word of mouth. The Greatest Showman only did 8 million on it's opening weekend and went on to great success because of word of mouth. Time will tell...
  12. New recruits being reviewed by Al Simi and leadership
  13. Waiting for Season 6 to end so I can binge watch it. Also subscribe to BritBox.
  14. One of the best procedural crime series Line Of Duty is now streaming on Prime. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/line_of_duty
  15. A standard something bad happens to a family member and alpha male father goes into action.Also, the funniest movie I've seen in years. It's truly original and something you've not seen before. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/riders_of_justice Saw it at the Angelika in NY. From Denmark with Mads Mikkelsen.
  16. Tom Robinson Band sings Glad To Be Gay - recorded in 1977.
  17. I found it helpful to never engage the same escort 2 times in a row. I fell for one and decided the best course was to see others in between appointments. Kept things in perspective.
  18. The Book Tulipmania is a great introduction to understanding economic bubbles. https://www.amazon.com/Tulipomania-Coveted-Extraordinary-Passions-Aroused/dp/060980765X Easy read and since, to us, tulips bringing down an economy is unthinkable a good place to start understanding how things like crypto, coming out of nowhere, might very well end. P.S. we still don't have a black tulip.
  19. Very nice. Thanks for all the work you're doing to keep this "2nd family" forum up and running.
  20. Let's ask Benjamin Nicholas if he considers this list accurate since he's obviously been to more of these places than me, a New Yorker. That man sure gets around this town.
  21. Found this interesting. https://i.redd.it/hbt03ibecdx61.jpg
  22. My feeling is that they had a very moving tribute planned for when he won but the best laid plans and all that...
  23. Thank you so very much for saving the forum. I promise fewer bad jokes going forward.
  24. It may be my dyslexia but why do you need a cheaper vagina?
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