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Everything posted by Cash4Trash

  1. And have student debt to pay off or are escorting to pay for higher education.
  2. I've enjoyed it as well and Czar Nicholas is gorgeous.
  3. Cash4Trash


    My favorite film from last year, Honeyland, is back at the Quad this week in NY. It's been nominated for best foreign and best documentary. A tiny film about an elderly woman in a very rural area of Macedonia who collects and sells wild honey. Remarkable in that this small microcosm of a story explains the macrocosm.
  4. Totally reality show crap and totally addictive. Big Brother fans heaven.
  5. I had seen Arpad a couple of times as well. He mentioned that for the first time ever he had offered a summer discount and was annoyed that porn was only asking him to play daddy roles.
  6. Saw it this past Sunday. It's one of the better jukebox musicals and I enjoyed it.
  7. Cash4Trash

    Too honest?

    I think he's saying he could have taken advantage of you and didn't. He's showing concern about your openness in the future knowing an unscrupulous escort could take advantage.
  8. For fans of Parasite make it a point to see his earlier film Mother, a favorite of mine.
  9. I feel the exact opposite. The large chains are refusing to acknowledge that their industry is changing, content providers are changing, and they need to figure out how to grow their business in this new environment. In New York we've lost the City Cinema on 86th Street, the Beekman, the Paris and rumors are the Kips Bay and Landmark will soon follow. The old model isn't working. At the moment Netflix is in negotiation to take over the Paris and I believe they already have a theater in Hollywood. We, the subscribers to Netflix, paid for the Irishman to be made and delaying the time we can see it would be very destructive of their business model. I have friends who subscribe to Netflix who decided to see Roma in theaters because they wanted the movie going experience for an important movie. Plus, most think no Hollywood studio would have made The Irishman at a cost of 180 million for a three and a half hour movie. The times they are a changing.
  10. Gay sister, other sister and brother straight.
  11. Ecstacy, Passion and Pain's "Good Things Don't Last Forever".
  12. Binged season 2 - no announcement yet about a season 3.
  13. Katie Holmes manipulates the media and a number of our members into focusing on her, something no celebrity has ever thought to do in the past. Congratulations Katie! The cashmere bra did its job.
  14. Now your neighbor knows that if he's short on rent he can make some easy cash right next door. A win win for everyone.
  15. Oh, thank God - I was afraid that someone would put oatmeal raisin cookies on the PNP list.
  16. Plus it's the best comedy of the year. Start to finish "Holy shit, I can't believe this is happening".
  17. More racism from our favorite houseguest. https://www.tmz.com/2019/07/24/big-brother-rice-pudding-joke-asian-jack-matthews-isabella-wang-racism/
  18. http://diaridigital.urv.cat/en/consuming-60-grams-of-nuts-a-day-improves-sexual-function/?tv=sp Better orgasms? Time to start eating them and not just licking them.
  19. I watch it a bit but use this blog to keep me up to date. https://big-brother-21-blog.blogspot.com So far, only watching eviction night but keep abreast of happenings in the house by reading the blog.
  20. I am shocked, shocked I tell you that you'd skip Episode 1 and go directly to Episode 2 just to stare at dicks. What about art? What about character development? Of course I do keep the awful series Ultraviolet from Poland on my Netflix list just so I can stare at the leading man - a gorgeous man you will never see because, regrettably, he never shows his dick.
  21. The Prodigal Son returns home. Welcome back.
  22. SPOILER - whether you enjoyed it or not the "artsy-fartsy stuff" does make sense. Early in the film you see on the t.v. a report from 1986 about Hands Across American where we all came together demanding help for those in poverty who were less fortunate, even hungry, in our society. In another scene a child is wearing a Hands Across America t-shirt. The movie delves into our dual natures as humans- our better angels as opposed to our primal, tribal selves. The final images (2019) involve lines of people in red jump suits hell bent on hate and destruction. Look how far we've come in such a short time. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/20/movies/us-movie-review.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Farts&action=click&contentCollection=arts&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=7&pgtype=sectionfront
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