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Everything posted by sniper

  1. I'm sure some do. But the money is so much better than porn with women that I imagine a lot of guys just suck it up. I mean, once you've crossed the line of taking money for it, a job is a job is a job right? What you'd have to pay me to have sex with a woman is higher than what you would have to pay me to have sex with a man, but I could do it. And plenty of men on this forum have been married to women and were able to have sex with them but identify as gay. And I could imagine finding it easier to compartmentalize if what you do for money is the gender you don't want to do . As Mark Twain said, "work" is something you don't want to do.
  2. Well in your case what he was "going out for" is the thing that society approves of - I think it's more of a threat than the other way around. Then there's also the issue that some of these guys orientationwise truly are straight and just doing it for the money.
  3. I think a lot of them are married to women who are or were in the biz in some form themselves. And I suspect the money is what makes them okay with it. Also the fact that men are less of a threat to them than women. They have something to offer their man that those guys can't. Let's be honest, a lot of these guys can't make anywhere near the money they do from porn and escorting doing anything else, and the wives know it.
  4. When you have bariatric surgery, they basically reduce the size of your stomach to like 8 oz or less. You eat any more than that at one time, it's gonna be forced back up. That's why people lose weight so rapidly - they physically CAN'T eat normal amounts of food, much less large amounts.
  5. I honestly think I'd do a lot better if I just took in a boarder. If there were someone there to see me eat the entire pizza I would probably be too embarrassed to do it...
  6. But the eating adjustments from bariatric surgery are forced. You vomit from eating too much. That kind of makes "making the adjustments" a lot easier than simply relying on willpower. I lost 45 lbs in 8 weeks earlier this year, took my foot off the gas, and put half of it back on. Doing another 8-week run now and hoping to stick to it, but it's very hard to be "always on" on something. At my heaviest I technically barely made the cutoff for surgery, but still feel like I can manage it without it. Partly because the BMI is skewed against taller people and I would look gaunt if I had a BMI of 25. People were shocked when I tole them I qualified for surgery.
  7. Snow doesn't really bother me now that I don't commute and can afford to pay someone else to shovel.
  8. Well Shelley Morrison is 80 and has had several bouts with cancer. I don't think she's physically up for the role any more, sadly. Nobody was watching the show for the plot, it was for the dialogue, so I don't really get the premise being tired being an issue not to watch the show. The very worst episodes were the ones that delved too deeply into their relationship issues, specifically BECAUSE it was so uncomfortable boring into their dysfunction.
  9. Not exactly, their methodology was to put up two pictures, one of whom was straight and one of whom was gay, and pick the straight one. Saying straight to both would be wrong 50 percent of the time....
  10. 90% accuracy isn't really as good as it sounds when you are searching for something with a frequency that is 10%. Think about it -100 people, 90 of them gay, 10 of them straight. The AI will catch 9 of the actual 10 gay people and also mislabel 9 of the straight people as gay. So it will identify 18 people as gay, and only half of them will be. It gets worse when the frequency of gayness is lower. This is the reason lie detectors aren't useful to catch a wrongdoer in a company, say.
  11. I think doctors just have too much to lose if something goes south. A quick perusal of craigslist shows many people seeking medical roleplay but the ones who offer it are all mentioning they aren't professionals(though I suppose saying that could be a cover to avoid a sting or something).
  12. A number of Italians migrated to Venezuela. Pope Francis is Venezuelan but I believe his parents were born in Italy.
  13. Kevin West Village is extremely well endowed and technically he's skilled. He's not a young ripped guy though, more the beefy dad type.
  14. That seems to be a big thing in the South. Nearly all the guys I've known who went by their middle name were from the South. Occasionally it was done to distinguish them from the father they were named after. I know my sister was irritated at her husband for wanting to name their son after him. She told him "Well you better decide what you want to be called, because I'm not going to name the kid John and then not call him John, and I'm not going to be yelling 'John' across the house and then having you both say 'which one?'"
  15. My first and last name total 10 letters, and I was always holding up the class because I hadn't finished filling in the circles(but we still had to fill in the "blanks" as well so I didn't have any fewer dots to fill in. I think it's a manual dexterity thing. I recently discovered I have spinal stenosis in my neck, to which I attribute my lifelong slow writing and generally crappy coordination...I always had trouble taking notes fast enough in school, etc.
  16. Well if he's from Ireland I assume you'll be inviting him over for Thanksgiving so he doesn't have to stay alone in the dorm... You may just get to see it...
  17. Well if he's from Ireland I assume you'll be inviting him over for Thanksgiving so he doesn't have to stay alone in the dorm... You may just get to see it...
  18. Meh. It's the tattoo sleeve I find a bigger problem. At least the crotch hair issue is temporary. I will never understand why so many people who put so much time and effort into maintaining their physiques then cover them up. It's like graffiti on a statue IMO.
  19. Just saw him at the Adonis Nude Party. That's the only place I've seen him so can't say how a session would be, but he gives a very good lapdance.
  20. I've seen people use photos of themselves that were so old they look more different from them than some people who use pics of different people. The degree of the difference is the issue. This field skirts the edge of legality and those who advertise are taking a certain amount of risk, so it's not an absolute dealbreaker unless the picture looks nothing like them.
  21. So just for the hell of it I googled Tony Cummings escort and found this but have no idea if it's legit. Since I don't think I've seen anyone reference this site here I assume it's a scam: http://www.localmaleescorts.com/escorts/profile.php?id=2695
  22. Don't know for sure about Tony Cummings, but I saw him at the Nob Hill Theatre towards the end of his career and as I recall he told me he was going to school and was almost done at the time. Assume he got a "real job" and moved on.
  23. Mirage is nice but not very big. Mandalay Bay is bigger but not quite as nice as it used to be. But it's hopping in terms of people there who seem to be looking for action. But I'm not talking about the therapists there. I have not had anything but a legit massage at those spas, or Qua for that matter. Last time I had any hint of an extra at a Strip spa was 15 years ago at Luxor when I was young and the therapist was young and I don't think he was there much longer after that so I'm guessing he got himself fired. They're pretty ridiculous about heavy draping at most of those places now, covering you in a sheet plus a blanket and only uncovering the precise area they are working on.
  24. Also, dude, you didn't give people a whole lotta time to respond...
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