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Everything posted by sniper

  1. "Are you into girls? You look like you could get girls" - TJ aka Scott Anthony when I first saw him after a Gaiety show(my first hire) in 1997/98. RIP
  2. I think states vary widely in their tracking and really they can't make you talk. Get tested and cross that bridge when you get to it.
  3. It moved at least twice. It was at Planet Hollywood(though you entered from the street, not through the Miracle Mile, then it was briefly at some building that was set back from the strip, I think by the standalone walgreens, and then it moved to the Fremont Street area and not long after the owner skipped town after failing to pay taxes on the place. They never should have left PH but not sure they had a choice on that one.
  4. Was there any connection to the old Krave in Las Vegas or just same name?
  5. You don't need to think about it..until you do. You might want to look into exercises specifically designed for older people to avoid falls. Your proprioception could be very gradually declining without you realizing it. I've had something lile that happening to me and I'll be having back surgery later this year to correct it.
  6. I was just a year past 45 when they upped the age range to that. I asked my dermatologist if I should get it anyway and she said yes, and there was apparently some hope it had benefits even for those previously exposed. Especially anyone who got a late start in sexual activity should get it even if they're older. They originally only approved it up to 26. I was a virgin at 27!
  7. Especially since a lot of visitors are from the East Coast and can't hang that late...
  8. Those places mentioned by the OP are specifically gay-operated clothing optional places, he's not talking about random cruising in open to the general public areas.
  9. Yeah only had one above and beyond experience and that was decades ago when I was young and built and the therapist was young and likely brand new himself.
  10. The harsh reality is it simply isn't true that you can just pick anything you like and if you just work hard enough, you'll be financially successful. The arts in particular are essentially a lottery. There are plenty of people in community theatres across the country who are just as good as anyone you see on Broadway or on your TV.
  11. 40+ years of wirking is a long time. It's enough time for 2 careers. Spend the first 20-25 establishing financial security then switch to what you're passionate about.
  12. I think it's possible that the existence of multiple specialized group parties at various venues takes away some of the demand for bathhouses. Also the parties can be more selective in who they admit. Alternately, the Crunch/Equinox/NYSC steamrooms are already meeting much of the demand to the point separate bathhouses were not financially viable. Also the city shut down most bathhouses and aggressivelu zoned sex-related businesses out.
  13. His job is to make people feel better, and he was doing the opposite of that. Maybe if you pointed out to him that that wasn't a great business strategy, he'd get the point, but probably not. He was "negging" you, as the douchebro "pickup artists" call it.
  14. It's not unusual to have a preference, plenty of people have a "type" but announcing it preemptively is appalling and indicative of a character flaw. There's a line between "keeping it real" and being an asshole and this crossed it. The kind of person who likes to get a rise out of people/push their buttons is generally not the kind of person worth getting to know.
  15. There's basically no way to get anything just flying when there are tens of thousands of people who work the credit cards system as a part time job. A friend of mine has over a dozen credit cards he meticulously tracks so he and his wife and kids can fly free and get free hotel rooms.
  16. Seems I have a couple of mutual friends on FB, but they're not friends I'm currently in touch with.
  17. It's much easier to push a single button than to read a cell phone screen and push multiple buttons on a touch screen. Especially given that a number of things that could go wrong could make you unable to read the screen or take the dexterity needed to navigate menus away from you. The home alert systems are usually paired with a speakerphone type device that's both very sensitve to sound and loud when they're talking to you. Surprised the woman in the shower didn't hear the security people calling her. They wouldn't just send the emergency people without trying to speak to you first. I'm only 52 and not currently living alone, but if I were I'd seriously think about it.
  18. Aren't the stirrups for women? Any doctor who's looked at or done any examination of my ass just had me bend over. And for the penis they had me stand.
  19. Lots of people these days hold "weddings" and then never sign the paperwork. Wouldn't surprise me if they did it that way.
  20. Tim posted on Facebook that veteran dancer Ernie passed away.
  21. Remember that some providers are wary of saying anything explocot on the phone or by text because for all they know you're a cop. Then note that they say they are on PreP in the health status block of the ad...
  22. When it's the lower legs isn't that a possible sign of circulatory issues?
  23. Tell him he needs to give it a massage after abusing it...
  24. Why would ANY provider want a log.of their convos on a third party app that might turn it over to law enforcement? I wouldn't use that feature ever.
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