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Everything posted by sniper

  1. The reality is even many in shape 40 or 50 somethings have markedly less capacity for physical labor, as evidence by the fact most movers everywhere are pretty young and they find other jobs after a couple of years. How about going after the corporations that shove office workers out just as they hit the age they're likely to really need that group health insurance and affect the bottom line?
  2. I think what is different today is there are relatively more opportunities for people of above average ability/starting point, and less for the bottom half of the distribution. The median is slipping, and "just be more awesome" isn't really useful advice to those people. I have five siblings. 4 of the 5 either were extremely ill themselves, had a spouse that was ill, or a child with a significant disability. The other one is the only one besides me who I am reasonably confident will be okay in retirement. Well, the one who is already in a nursing home on Medicaid is "okay" I guess. But her kids aren't. There's more luck than we like to admit in our financial outcomes. Sure I didn't have kids, but it was dumb luck and not accomplishment that my sister and not me got disabled. And that my employer's stock went up over 100x and I happened to hang on to it despited the severe imbalance in my portfolio...
  3. This. It's not at all just the litigation. Read "The Three Little Pigs" for further information.
  4. Waaay back when doing Punnett squares in 7th grade biology class, I recall my teacher saying green eyes were "genetically blue." But i think also more has been learned about the human genome since then.
  5. Chickens reach maturity fairly quickly so any disruption in supply can generally be resolved in a couple of months.
  6. You've really got to dig in on the background of the tesearchers on this, giventhe heavily motivated heavily motivated reasoning of religious right "therapists." There's a real chicken and egg question there on whether the strained relationship with pops was consequence or cause, and in a world where there are fathers who have beaten their toddlers to death for "acting gay," I'm not buying it. (Similarly the two gay dads is better study currently making the rounds is skewed by selection bias. Firstly, a gay male couple can't fall down drunk and wake up pregnant. Secondly, adoption and particularly surrogacy is super expensive, and wealth in this country very strongly correlates with child outcomes).
  7. ??. It's still only relatively recently that it's the norm for gay people to be out, and I think bi men are more likely overall to be in the closest because they have something to lose - namely, a wife. Plenty of gay boys these days have perfectly supportive dads.
  8. I think the dad is not out to the son. Dad will know exactly why OP is pulling back. What to tell the son is trickier.
  9. I saw it. And I still regret not getting a ticket to another performance in hopes of being the audience member he pulled onstage and pretended to kiss. I would've gone for it.
  10. The now closed Hawk's gym in the same strip mall had somewhat fewer facilities but I think drew more of the married men popping in on their lunch hour or right after work There's a new club Kuma that I think is all lockers no rooms. And it's not 24 hours.
  11. It's a bathhouse not a spa with masseurs. Extremely hit or miss.
  12. Vegas has been a victim of its own success. The population has tripled in the last 25 or so years, which means cheap housing is gone, which means cheap labor is gone. And that massive increase in residents abusing the hotel parking is why they had to do somethingIbut in general if you are guest of the hotel the parking fee is waived). I used to go 5-6 times a year, now more like 3-4. If you get player status you can lose the resort fees and parking fees and get much better offers on rooms, but food and everything else is still expensive. Get a Caesars players card, go during one of their tier credit promotions and you can likely make Diamond Status in a day or two, then you have status for the rest of the year and all of the following year. Or get gold with MGM properties(which I think is harder relatively speaking) and Caesars will give you Diamond. With Diamond big event weekends are still expensive, but you can almost always find a cheap or free room Sunday-Thursday. But yeah if you only go once a year you're paying through the nose. Caesars hotels generally have fridges in the room so you can take advantage of the Walgreesns/CVS's on the Strip and save some on food that way.
  13. A friend got the shot and had a bad flu like reaction to it, felt sick for weeks.
  14. Are you talking about 2 different sisters? Someone in her 70s couldn't have gotten a chickenpox vaccine as a child as it wasn't developed until the 1980s...
  15. If you got anything more than therapeutic, 50% on their prices is not an adequate tip, dude.
  16. I didn't say anyone was, i was issuing a caution to those who might be inspired by the post. A friend goes there a lot and every so often somebody.is an idiot and gets himself and others tossed out. Have fun, but pick your moments. Some people are a little too brazen in a place that is not a sex club.
  17. There's a reason they call it the Mandalay Gay. But DO exercise caution. The crowd is varied and don't put the staff in an awkward position by getting seen. If ANYONE is wearing shorts in the area, don't be an idiot. They have tossed people out there.
  18. State lotteries generally don't get that high before someone wins the prize. And the reality is a couple of million is enough to retire from an ordinary paying career, but it's not enough to sustain an expensive lifestyle indefinitely in the US...medical/elder care issues can easily burn through a lot of that very quickly. Think about it. Hiring an escort a day for an hour or two would run you over $100k per year. Using the 3% rule of withdrawal you'd want a bankroll pushing 3 million just to be able to do THAT in perpetuity. Then meals, lodging, travel...of course assuming you don't relocate to a country where the exchange rate is favorable. But then you wouldn't be home...
  19. It was the first one I went to and none since have really measured up. But that was 22 years ago and haven't been there recently
  20. Or maybe he's a YMMV type where it goes well if he's into you.
  21. A lot of the Boston schools have very good financial aid even if their sticker price is expensive. If a Harvard or MIT boy is escorting, he's doing it for the thrill of it, not because he needs the money.
  22. A couple have blocked me just for looking at their profiles more than once, not even their locked pics. I generally consider it a favor because they told me all I need to know that I don't want to book them.
  23. I mean if they're skilled can't you just position yourself so you're only looking at the one you like?
  24. I don't think you're supposed to feel raped by him, but by his pricing...
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