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Everything posted by g56whiz

  1. Hey! It’s now the year of the dog (in the lunar calendar). Go ahead. Show your appreciation.
  2. When faced with such a conundrum, the only correct answer is two hire both: simultaneously!!! Be still my libido!
  3. I’m thinking the original Rocha brothers from the old Gaiety (the tall one had the skeleton tattoo). Yum
  4. Absolutely!! Thanks to the emerging porn industry beginning in the late ‘60’s, I was able to limit my sex life to masturbation and fantasy while focusing (I thought) on my career. I was into my forth decade before dealt with my sexuality And became sexually active. Think Anthony Perkins. And given my maturity, partners assumed (wrongly) that I knew what I was doing knew what I wanted. I regret that I was never seduced never sensually initiated into gay sex. Even now while in my dotage I can still experience the thrill of discovery I sometimes also experience the terror of awkwardness. I’m still seeking my inner slut and may go to my grave doing so. Hopefully!!
  5. Moth may be too flighty. Stick to hand or better mouth.
  6. And maybe a secondary games (like the Winter Olymics) for our kinkier colleagues with events like fisting and roping.
  7. After all it’s more blessed!
  8. Well his profile reads twinkish and pix look twinkish but at 6’1” with and 8” dick he’s sort’a pushing the limit I’d say. More thunk I think but imminently hireable.
  9. I thought the fluffer had been replaced by a shot of TriMix which is quicker and more reliable.
  10. But how do you get an invite to one of the “public” NakedKombat shoots?
  11. I too just got to this thread. Wishing you the best @jjkrkwood. I also have 2 but it doesn’t keep be from hanging out at Gold Gym often (for more than the eyecandy). I had a neighbor in NYC who at last count had I think 17. FWIW in the days of Club 20 (where Tim Adonis) got his start, veterans of the ol Gaiety often gathered early of a Sunday evening at the Olive Garden at 22nd and Sixth before rushing over to 20th Street just before 7 pm when the door charge went up $10. It was wonderful fellowship of kindred spirits. I hope you folks can pull this off. I know you’ll enjoy it. Wish I could join you (especially if @GregM shows up).
  12. My favorite opera reviewers, Tomassini in the NYTimes and George Loomis in the Financial Times have written that this will have been no doubt the highlight of this season at The Met. Since Live in HD is no longer available within 150 miles of me I invested in Met Opera On Demand. Does anyone have some insight when Exterminating Angel will be added to the On Demand library?
  13. Ah the memories!! The star of the Zeffirelli La Boheme at the Met is the set especially the second act set but Neblett’s Musetta stole the show seemingly every time. For reasons I can’t remember, I was backstage for one of her Toscas. Her Scarpia was the aging Sherill Milnes. During her impassioned Viste dArte Neblett inadvertently stepped backward moving the chair at the table back a few crucial inches. Upon stabbing her Scarpia, Milnes slumped in that chair which on cue tipped backward. Unfortunately those crucial inches put Milnes head in contact with the campaign cot stationed behind it. Later backstage I got to watch the angry tongue lashing Diva Neblett got from an angry Mrs. Milnes. Soon after her obit appeared, The Met channel on SeriusXM rebroadcast one of her Toscas. I’d forgotten what an electrifying performer she could be. She was sometimes beset by demons but when she wasn’t she was wonderful. Requiesce in pace Diva Neblett.
  14. Gee. And I was treating it as if it were the product of a William Faulkner who’d taken a writing course with James Joyce or David Foster Wallace.
  15. Reminds me somewhat of a young Tony Micelli in his pre porn days dancing at the Gaiety (of blessed memory).
  16. Bullshit. The Imortals don’t have birthdays.
  17. I think it was Winston Churchill who said “The fear of dying is not so much the fear of death as the fear of not having lived.”
  18. That butt is nearly enough to make to make this ol bottom reconsider.
  19. Because I grew older more quickly than my libido.
  20. Tim Adonis doesn’t get it either and he deals with these muscled breeders all day every day.
  21. Damn I wish I had your trust fund. No wage slave has the time for all this. Hell we retirees would struggle to get these all done in a year. FWIW Atlant in BKK seems to have now limited his services to massage only.
  22. Fellini! Fellatio! It’s all the same!!
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