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Everything posted by g56whiz

  1. Although a bit pricey, inquiring minds want to Know.
  2. RentMen currently lists 16 providers in San Antonio TX (pop. 1.5 Million), many of whom are actually working out of Austin 50 miles away. RM Kuala Lumpur (pop. 1.6 Million) lists 40. Go figure.
  3. You’re not the Lone Ranger”.
  4. The closest theater to me playing CMBYN is in Austin TX, over 200 miles away. It’s not even playin in San Antonio, Texas’ third largest city. “I wonder when it will hit Netflix?” He pondered ruefully.
  5. Ding! Ding! Ding! Spot on but I almost felt like I was being preached to. Big difference is that President Dalton’s “incapacity” was organic; a brain tumor. That’s far more transitory and cureable than a severe personality disorder.
  6. Drew Sebastian of Treasure Island Media. Don’t know where or how to post pix of him but NakedSword has a new video of him that’s compelling. But here too I’d need clearance from my proctologist.
  7. Got it. Many thanks. Looks like a wonderful alternative to the doorstoper “fruit” cakes my mother inflicted on us.
  8. OK. If I can’t get an invite to one of your gatherings can I at least get the recipe for your prune cake?
  9. I battled the flu this holiday season. By the time I got around to putting up a tree, the seasonal vendors were gone and Home Depot had sold out. But Lowe’s across the way was closing out it’s inventory at $2 a tree. The tree got put the day before Christmas but then I gave in to the flu and took to the bed. I got lights on the tree before New Years but that’s as far as I got. It came down on Sunday, the day after Epiphany. Why did I bother? The aroma of course. Unfortunately the aroma never made it through the congestion. But I put a new bag in the vacuum before cleaning up so I may get some pine aroma later. There’s always next year.
  10. But very German. Even more so if you decorate with real lighted candles on the tree. It takes very few candles and a lot careful 3 dimension planning but the results are spectacular.
  11. How about asking Tim Drake to join you at Jack Dixon’s. Be still my libido.
  12. Not before consulting my proctologist.
  13. Steamer trunks? Who’s buying steamer trunks? Who’s still traveling by steamer? And they certainly won’t fit in an overhead or beneath the seat in front of you. Lol
  14. Nice butt? No! Monumental!’ Yes I think it’s a vent and a clever one at that. Easier to clean at that angle. But I’ll leave that task to others while I again contemplate that monument. [big sigh]
  15. I agree completely HOWEVER I prefer a trainer who’s I unafraid to touch my body. Who when I’m trying a new tricep extension will reach over and twist my wrist into the correct position instead of trying to tell me how while I’m focusing on the power needed to complete the rep.
  16. Careful guys. There's a bunch of us in the hinterlands who won’t get a chance to see CMBYN for another week or two or maybe longer if we have to travel to catch it in a larger city.
  17. Another reason why Philly is known as the city of brotherly love.
  18. He’s floated my boat since back in the ‘ol Club 20 Days [sIGH]
  19. I think he hung out in San Antonio TX until recently.
  20. Or maybe the cop is using his pix as a sting to entrap luckless johns.
  21. g56whiz

    Huge pecs

    I can remember lusting after this guy years ago. But I was on the opposite coast.
  22. Grab Taksie also works well in Kuala Lumpur. Used it daily. Only once did a driver flake as was I was trying to get to a meeting. They were even accommodating during peak rush hour traffic introducing me to routes I hadn’t even thought about.
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