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Everything posted by g56whiz

  1. Be still my libido!!! Fortunately my wallet and I are an ocean away.
  2. Thanks. By the time I’d failed several times at copying the link via this old iPhone I’d forgotten the title to the piece.
  3. I think the Brody piece in The New Yorker is an article about the movie rather than their review. Anthony Lane their movie reviewer’s detailed and rather glowing review appears in their 12/4 Edition now out. I’d post a like if I could.
  4. It will take some time but eventually they’ll get to the Dalai Lama and the Pope too.
  5. If I’m not mistaken, Ms Ruhle was about to honor the memory of a recently deceased Bloomberg economist who had been her colleague when she was on Bloomberg. BTW I’m NOT a fan. I’m not sure which annoys me more: her voice or her knee jerk defense of her former Wall Street investment banker colleagues.
  6. Carlo Masi is now better known as Dr. Ruggero Freddi, Professor of Engineering somewhere in Rome. I don’t think he available any longer.
  7. He can hustle on my street anytime!! [swoon]
  8. In Kuala Lumpur at least the the clue is “MB” standing for Money Boy, and many of the best looking young guys so identify. Same on Scruff and Craigslist.
  9. Any of the tops on Gay Hoopla (or perhaps all of them simultaneously).
  10. That butt is nearly enough to make a fellow bottom reconsider!!!
  11. D J Mann of NakedKombat and elsewhere?
  12. Hell there are 80 posts to the thread “Nipple Gate” over in the Gallery! And this guy would not make the grade. Alas.
  13. Is he the PATRICK_XL now on RM in Ft Lauderdale? Sorry can’t figure how to post a link using an iPhone.
  14. Several years ago I hired a then local escort (he moved to LA soon after) and in the preliminaries over the phone I presciently asked him who his favorite porn star was. He replied Kennedy Carter. At our session it became clear that he had followed Carter’s videos carefully. It was a great session and I reviewed him accordingly.
  15. Damn! It looks like his next carbohydrate will be his first. Would that I had his metabolism.
  16. g56whiz


    Just rechecked his RM profile a d the fruit is gone DAMN IT!!!
  17. I got back midweek from an long Asian trip looking forward to getting to the Live in HD broadcast today of Exterminatin Angel. I’d read Tomassini’s “Don’t Miss This One” Review in the NYTimes on-line. This morning I learned that our local theater is no longer carrying these Live in HD performances. The nearest alternative is 150+ miles away (2.5 hours one way). I’m PISSED. Cinemark cancelled half of last season to install its new lounge seats. You can be certain my ass will never again occupy one of them. BTW I called the Met to inquire and learned that many theaters dropped out this season. Unless steaming on demand is extremely lucrative, so much for Peter Gelb’s business model.
  18. g56whiz

    Jaden Drills

    At the rate he’s posting, VersGuy69 will lose his “Newbie” standing by the time this thread is done.
  19. Is that why you “commuted”? Damn that spellcheck!!!
  20. Actually he has very literate initial post on the other thread which makes me suspect he might really know the difference. And since the brain is the body’s largest sex organ (even bigger than his monumental cock) and the rest of his body is godlike . . . . . Be still my libido!!!
  21. So did my IKEA stuff otherwise I’d never have gotten to breakfast. Maybe luck I guess.
  22. And I’m hoping one day to be his Heath Ledger [bIG SIGH].
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