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    KinkyNEguy reacted to former lurker in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    The rash of posts you've just made make you look worse, not better. First of all, you said and repeated that Gman deleted parts of the exchanges that show him dragging you along for days. Did you delete them as well? If not, and they truly change the picture, why didn't you post them? If you did delete them, why are you so quick to claim that deleting parts of the exchanges was meant to defame you.
    Second, you say that Gman and others who have posted have violated the terms of the forum. Which rules? Also, on what do you base the assertion that the posts/threads will be removed in 24 hours?
    Third, defamation is a legal term. To be defamatory, statements must falsely depict the "defamed" person(s) in a manner that harms his/their reputation and causes financial damage. Truth is always a defense to a defamation claim. So far, you haven't provided proof of anything. Opinions are not defamatory statements because opinions are not, in the eyes of the law, true or false. That is, to be defamatory, a statement must falsely state facts. Who here has misstated a fact, and what factual statement was false?
    Fourth and finally, reputational harm must be in an area that is legally recognized as deserving protection. No court would ever entertain a claim for defamation where the "harm" was to one's reputation in a business that violates the law.
  2. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to MrMattBig in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    The WAY you are defending yourself is.
  3. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to Deadlift1 in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    Why didn't the op just cruise on stealth mode in RM. If I understood correctly that is an option. And if went on for days why did they wait so long to block him? I would of blocked is ass after the first couple of messages.
  4. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to MrMattBig in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    Where is the receipt on me saying he is beloved to me?
    Nothing against gman, but don't draw false assumptions just because I am making you feel some way for calling you out that you don't have proof.
  5. Sad
    KinkyNEguy reacted to ParkLaneDallas in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    We are professional, look at our reviews Loser
  6. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to MrMattBig in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    Well if you are going to claim something have proof before you do...and you can change settings so a copy of every message is sent to your personal email
  7. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to MikeBiDude in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    @Gar1eth posting here over 15 years
    @ParkLaneDallas posting here like the last 12 hours.
    Who has the credibility?
  8. Sad
    KinkyNEguy reacted to ParkLaneDallas in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    “This is their consequence“? you are such a garbage human its not even funny go talk shit to somebody else someplace else!
  9. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to DallasClient in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    I click on ads all the time and that's when I see they are tops. If they message me and I liked their ad, I'll ask if they bottom. Usually they do not. But sometimes they will. If I really like them and their ad says Top, I'll still ask if they will reconsider and bottom for me. Sometimes they will.
  10. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to BaronArtz in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    I will say that I often browse RM like I would IG. Just looking at what's new and interesting out there. If anyone puts up an ad on RM, you are putting yourself into the public domain and opening yourself up to scrutiny. That is just part of selling a service to the public. Not every prospective buyer will actually proceed. A good service offered at a reasonable price will find buyers. You mention 'desperation'. I am sorry to read this. I would just say - if the business model is not working - you are better off rethinking what it is you offer. I find in crowded markets like NYC, where I live, a high number of providers offer a questionable service at a price that is way too high. Instead of being desperate because business is bad, think about what it is you are doing and make changes.
  11. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to MrMattBig in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    Just to clarify I hope you mean "you" in a collective sense. In my perspective I mentioned desperate in relation to the escort in the OP, because when the OP stated they would not be a match sexually, the escort then proceeded to still get an appointment and payment by pressuring them into a massage appointment. And it was how they phrased it as well.
    "Ok I see, well I do offer massage sessions as well if you would be interested in that"....cool, perfect.
    "So you never get massages on here, just sex?"
    That's some passive aggressive nonsense which in the circumstances of involving payment to me indicates at least some form of desperation.
  12. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to MrMattBig in I'd Stay Away From Dallas Masseur/Escorts ParkLane   
    I think part of the issue too is the ghosting and blocking that has become norm as a passive form of rejection. So when someone is encountered by an active rejection like "I don't think it would work out" they don't have the skill set and perspective to deal with that and lash out. Which can then be exacerbated by drugs and desperation.
  13. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to bostonman in Post-coital Tristesse   
    I think this is very normal, in terms of casual sex. When you really have no true emotional connection with a sex partner, and it's truly just the sex that's driving the encounter, I think it's natural to feel a bit let down after that huge burst of endorphins/adrenaline/hormones leads to nothing but the end of the session. (Some of us clearly feel it more than others - I envy those who seem not to feel it at all.) That usual awkwardness at ending a session can also feel depressing - in an escort session that end is usually defined by the clock, but even so, that transition from physical pleasure back to the "real world" can be weird. In a casual hookup situation where the clock is not so important, ending the session can still be very awkward - how long do we lay here and cuddle waiting for the other guy to make the move out of the bed? (etc) - the "politics" of the moment can feel a bit tense.
    So - are there ways to mitigate this? I don't really know, other than to know going into things that this could happen. I'd say to try not to dwell on the "tristesse" as much, and just know that it's often an inevitable part of the moment. Perhaps once your partner has left (or you've left), get right on to another activity that will take your mind off of the negative feelings. If the sex was particularly good, hold onto the feeling of fun you had. (Or if it wasn't very good, you can always just toss the experience off and take the importance out of it that way).
    Brazilians have a word - "saudade" - which to the best of my knowledge (as a non-Brazilian) seems to try to capture those bittersweet/"nostalgic" feelings we all have in life - a bit of a self-aware sadness over our simply being human, even in our joy. (Can anyone in the know describe this more accurately for us?) Perhaps it's more of a "saudade" we should try to feel in these moments - knowing we just had a really fun time, but that it has to come to an end - rather than a true sense of overt depression?
  14. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to LivingnLA in Lost interest in hiring?   
    I have a few years to go before I turn 50. My libido has declined from my 20s when I would cum 2-3 times every day, nearly all with my wife or rosy palms. My 30s saw me slow down to 5-10 times a week and my 40s have so far been 3-5 times a week.

    Feeling lonely sometimes is completely normal and so are questions around careers, relationships, and life. A "loss of interest in life in general" is a classic symptom of depression. If these feelings seem to weigh you down or you're feeling unhappy, I encourage you to shift some discretionary spending to pay for a few sessions with a good psychotherapist. It's often useful to talk through things with an impartial third party. If you don't want to talk to a therapist, I urge you to discuss this with your primary care physician because there are pharmaceutical treatment options as well. If you don't want to do that, then I urge you to force yourself to exercise, volunteer for charities, go get a relaxing therapeutic massage, find a social hiking, cycling, or other outdoor group because spending time in nature can be powerful, or even a book club or other social networking group for a favorite hobby. Our society tends toward isolation and that is deeply unhealthy for social primates like us. It's very important for you to take this seriously and figure out ways to reconnect with humanity because you are not alone and you do not have to live with depression.
  15. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to MrMattBig in Lost interest in hiring?   
    I feel the same sentiments after hiring and escorting.
    its reinforced my desire to only be in a polyamorous or open relationship in the future. Essentially, with someone who has a similarly altered view of normal like me. My small advice would be to consider a relationship with someone whose normal is somewhat like yours.
  16. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to marylander1940 in 411 on ABOYFROMTEXAS. In Dallas   
    It's always a good thing putting yourself in someone else's place like you did here.

    sometimes the amount of texting they have to deal with is overwhelming. Making plans shouldn't be so difficult and is hard for an escort to tell who is seriously interested or not. Did you think about just calling him and talk for a couple of mins?
  17. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to + Gar1eth in 411 on ABOYFROMTEXAS. In Dallas   
    I'm not usually one-I don't think-who bends over backwards to make excuses for escorts. In this case and considering how handsome he is, I'm betting he gets tons of emails and texts. I'll bet it's not always easy for him (or anyone) to associate potential clients texts with their emails. He may even need to delete his texts or emails frequently to keep his inboxes manageable. Even when I was only contacting an escort by email, I usually included a quick summary of my likes/our conversations as a quick reminder.
    I'm not saying this escort had a right to 'throw shade' at a potential client. But we do need to keep in mind how many texts and emails they get.
  18. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to marylander1940 in Hungcouplee in LA...   
    it's their bodies and their business... If you think the escort MUST cum for you to be satisfied with his service hire a local a multiple cummer, offer a big tip or just be the last guy he sees at midnight.
    Please don't get resentful with them, at least despite their poor communication skills (English is not their main language) they told you.
  19. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to + quoththeraven in Will it ever fly?   
    You're probably right that in the long run this is just a blip and it's advantageous to buy Boeing stock now while it's cheap in the expectation that it will recover. That doesn't mean Boeing isn't facing some real problems now or that the self-administered safety program isn't worth taking a look at. 
    It may be useful to keep in mind that it took two plane crashes and people dying to provide you with this investment opportunity. Consistently defending Boeing on top of that just makes you seem close-minded and deaf to the possibility that allowing self-inspections on major issues as opposed to more minor technical things is a conflict of interest that human beings may take advantage of. Furthermore, if the problem is a lack of expertise in the FAA, maybe the solution is investing in people with technical knowhow and actually have the government do inspections instead of assuming the manufacturer will always be thorough or forthcoming.
  20. Like
    KinkyNEguy got a reaction from caliguy in 411 CAlibadboy in San Francisco   
    Axiom. You are out of line. Considering both parties reputation, you need to apologize.
  21. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to + Charlie in I AM USING THE WALKER!   
    An old friend of ours is no longer able to take care of himself, so a friend of his has power of attorney for his care. He needed a walker last year, but because he has Parkinson's, he needed a better quality one in order to get out of his house and get around in his small town. When she tried to get what he really needed, she found that it would take six months to get approval from Medicare for the best model for him (it is sort of the Mercedes-Benz of walkers), so we ended up quietly buying it for him, and told her to tell him that Medicare had paid for it. The only problem is that it is so much sturdier than the cheaper types that it is heavy to collapse and put in the trunk of a car.
  22. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to jojo in I took you sucker.   
    Try asking an escort for a "loan"...."Look I want to see you so bad. I am so horny!! But I am short on cash this week. I promise I will send you the cash at the end of next week. PROMISE----PLEASE!!"
  23. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to coriolis888 in Dereck atlas what happened to him   
    He does hide his age quite well.
    He was 34 or 35 in the photo several postings above.
    Here he is ten years younger:
    He seems to look better older.
    Some people age well while others don't as they age.
    He has a lucky gene that kept father time from getting him.
    Derek improved in looks with age, in my opinion.
  24. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to Gymowner in Red flags and alarm bells galore   
    Everyone needs to wake up, stop thinking with the little head and please stop calling and thinking of these guys as any sort of "gods" whatsoever. Please stop that! Most of the guys hiring are far more successful, have led far more interesting lives and need to start acting and thinking like the status of people they are. Thinking anyone is a "god" creates the thought process that that person is far inferior than the one that is a "god". Man what a lousy way to think or live. Which leads to this sort of manipulation and taking advantage of. Who is more at fault? The one doing the taking advantage of or the one allowing this to happen? Guys.... most on here have really big things to deal with and have accomplished in life to let such a trivial thing like getting off or needing false friendships with a young good looking guy to even be having such discussions. Once in awhile companionship...sure. think about this guys! Noone is putting anyone down here but damn, wake up men!
    Again....they have what we WANT. We have what they NEED. Who do you think is in control and holding all the cards? Alot of bad poker players here I'm afraid.
  25. Like
    KinkyNEguy reacted to Wolfer in Red flags and alarm bells galore   
    Does there need to be a point? I come here to share my experiences. Not sure I see a problem here? 

    Well, we fall for it because we want it to be true. And it's not just grown men falling for hookers. It's women who fall for fuckboy shenanigans. It's gays who fall for player's manipulations. It's innocent people who walk wide-eyed into con-men's schemes. We fall for it because we hope that "this one will be different".
    People want to be fooled, to a certain degree, because why would we even want to hire in the first place?
    Such colorful responses. I was under the impression we could share our experiences here, even if there is no practical purpose to the sharing itself. Perhaps others have different views on this. Well, it makes the world go round.
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