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Everything posted by starman05

  1. when I was a young 'un back in the 1990s (afraid of having sex due to AIDS crisis yet desperate for human touch, contact) I'd peruse the massage ads in Frontiers (remember that publication?) I remember finding quite a few qualified therapists; there'd be a connection with some more than others but I could almost always count on a trained therapist. Nowadays, LA seems to be pretty sparse in terms of talented therapists. H/E etc. aren't really necessary if the tension in my muscles are worked on.
  2. once again, this site has saved me heartache, money, and, in this case, gas. did a deeper dig and this came up on guy in pic above: "Troy and Marco were pics from the same masseur profiles on Massage M4M and turned out to be a total misrepresentation of who he is. He’s at least 50 lbs heavier and older. The Ed Hardy shirt is a dead giveaway that he’s using an old photo too. But I would skip."
  3. geez. I'm in LA so he's almost 40 miles away; I'm tempted to take one from the team but I might end up driving down there and just asking him to watch Netflix with me and if I can rest my head on that chest #dreamy
  4. well, I see his ad is back or maybe it's been around and is just popping up for me. It's mostly good reviews here but the few negative ones have me cautious. It's not just the money but shelling out some bucks for an unsatisfying experience is just the worst.
  5. I'll take massage skills over looks any day; but I have found that someone using outdated pix generally has little to no massage training skills. They're using the old more attractive pix as the draw -- not their skills.
  6. anyone have any experiences with this hottie you can share? TIA! Male Massage by Julian - massage/bodywork in New York, NY - masseurfinder WWW.MASSEURFINDER.COM
  7. he just popped up visiting not too too far from me. I love this forum as this search has saved me from an unsatisfying experience
  8. those arms are hard enough for me; guy's beautiful. I wish I could get down there.
  9. the only thing more insulting being upsold mid-massage is not being asked when you know he asks others.
  10. UG. So sorry to hear this RubMyThighs - you lived my worst nightmare. A big guy who doesn't know is own strength is one of my worst nightmares. I have a lot of vigorous HEs but they're in my mind where I'M controlling the narrative. Again, so sorry you went through this. Hope your next massage is better.
  11. Could you imagine thinking ‘waxing’ was code for extras and you show up at a provider and say I’m ready for ‘waxing!’ and then you’re screaming ‘Kelly Clarkson’ before you know it! 🤦🏼‍♂️
  12. I feel for Relax Man. It's one thing to get a bad massage or have an unsatisfying experience. But to feel pain and need to pop pain relievers for weeks after? YIKES. I get that meeting up with someone who isn't really trained is part of the game; you roll the dice and you get what you get. I can handle no training BUT if someone fakes it as if they have training and they hurt you? Not good.
  13. wowza; totally my type; those massive arms; looks like he'd be great at giving you a bear hug hello and goodbye. tempted to take the plunge.
  14. 6 hours! I knew a guy who'd have you over for dinner around 6 or 7 pm and end things the next day after breakfast at 9 or 10!
  15. it's hard to walk away from someone when they have either been good to you (and aren't anymore) or if you can't get them out of your head... been there. but I'm continually grateful to this forum for steering me in the right direction.
  16. It feels like they're used to be a LOT more legit choices out there. At the LEAST I wish there was a way to tell the difference between scammers and escorts.
  17. "6'3" 220 lbs." pushes all my buttons but I'd feel better if the pix (which are great) showed a massage table and him massaging someone. Is it really that hard to find a solid masseur in Los Angeles?
  18. that sucks, man. I've had some faves in the past and it's one thing when they leave the business but when they do the ghost thing it bites...seeing the ads is a reminder they're out there. Occasionally, I'll give it a little time and then circle back; it turns out the person was busy or they got flooded with requests the same time I reached out; these aren't excuses...but they could be reasons. I have found it tough to find a good regular person in LA.
  19. welp. Nice smile. nice chest and I'm a sucker for tall guys and he's 6'3" but once again this forum and comments and reviews have saved me from an unfulfilling experience. it's not just the money (though these days it IS the money) it's getting your hopes up that a winning smile isn't so winning after all.
  20. LA Metro sounds like it's a part of LA that's accessible by the train...looks like a cool guy and I would take a therapeutic-only guy who's great over a rub and tug any day of the week. Alas, I'm in LA/Hollywood and he doesn't seem close. But if I'm ever out that way...
  21. I didn't quite have that opportunity but yes, there were similar moments, parallels... I always cautioned on the side of playing it safe. It was just a different era. Today might be different. (Alas, there's COVID now.)
  22. that's a bummer, GTMike. I get that guys can have an 'off' day but when I undress and hop on a table, the last thing I want to do is be around someone who's dismissive. Won't being exceptionally nice lead to future business?
  23. no coverings; no proper lotion; it's like they don't WANT repeat business. I've had two or three great masseurs get out of the business one way or another. But there's never a shortage of bad ones, alas.
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