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Guy Fawkes

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Everything posted by Guy Fawkes

  1. One of my two all-time favorites "The Front Runner by Patricia N. Warren"
  2. I've found that it seems that God put the same number of nerves in all cocks. The people with the smaller ones seem to enjoy it more. (Perhaps because I can fit the balls in at the same time)
  3. Try CBD. When the pain is at it's worst, it takes the edge off me. Ease into it and find out if and how much works for you.
  4. Locking the thread because of MPD abuse.
  5. Not unless your in your upper 80's.
  6. Querky would be Volkswagon Thing...
  7. I'm now having a delima; Work top to bottom or bottom to top? Adds a completely new dimension to "Giving Head!"
  8. I'm now having a delima; Work top to bottom or bottom to top? Adds a completely new dimension to "Giving Head!"
  9. Which is why you should follow the Daddy rules.
  10. Not all soaps taste bad. Making sure your shower has good tasting soap and good shower tools helps all around. In my case being diabetic without constant vigilance involves having an odor that smells like nail polish. My mouth can also be "sweet and fruity" both can be simply solved.
  11. How can we be offended by you wanting to learn how do do you job better?
  12. Take a shower with your client, he will probably appreciate the the indulgence. Communicate with your client, they'll help you figure it out.
  13. Self inflicted drama that flamed out.
  14. I'm sceptical about a new poster whos first four posts are about the same person. I suspect something isn't kosher here.
  15. Peter is very busy running his own business in addition to escorting which limits his availability.
  16. Why did you bump a 20 year old thread?
  17. You bumped a 20 year old thread?
  18. So you bumped a 19 year old thread?
  19. iTunes has a "Backup Automatically" option that's prominently displayed. If he didn't click it, he'll have to start from scratch or wait until late 2067.
  20. Total Reset Is Best Move. He should be able do a full restore from his computer after that.
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