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Your Man in Arlington

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Everything posted by Your Man in Arlington

  1. Interesting take. My concern with providers is something like what was raised here, where they will clearly be more into each other rather than you, as mentioned in this comment and the ensuing discussion. Still possibly worth pursuing if I find the right duo. 🤔
  2. I'm one of those who've never been asked for a deposit, but the longest some has traveled to get to me for an incall was about a 30 minute MTA ride from Brooklyn to Manhattan. If someone was traveling from a couple of hours or more, I would certainly consider paying one.
  3. This for sure. My plan would be to meet them separately first, preferably finding the second based on a recommendation from a trusted provider and proceed from there. 🤞
  4. One of the activities on my bucket list is to be the filling of a sandwich in a threesome, and I've been entertaining the idea of finding an appropriate couple of guys to help make that happen. However, I'm wondering if it's one of those things that looks great in porn and/or is amazing as a fantasy, but is only awkward at best as a reality. Does anyone have any personal experience with this, and can provide suggestions, tips or words of wisdom? Thanks in advance for any insight!
  5. Totally agree with the caution re: "Ask Me," but it is a not necessarily a limitation (eg. JimmyTroy has excellent range as a provider). If a provider is discussed here and/or have a deep RM review history, you can get a sense of how they work. Speaking of reviews, be sure to find a way to read the text in RM reviews via a VPN, more on that in this thread:
  6. As a client, I always switch to text soon after first contact on RM Messages. As a Gen X-er, it's better for me, and I would think better for the provider to communicate that way rather than RM.
  7. I try to at least give 2 or 3 days notice, up to a week if I'm visiting their city. A week out is generally my limit, as I'm concerned that more than a week may be too much notice? That said, I have made an occasional same day appointment; but, based on the provider's communication, they were a couple of hours out to allow them prep and travel time.
  8. BlueEyedCowboy is just about most hung guy I've met in my life, with huge balls to match. He's both on RentMasseur and RentMen, where he may even be understating his dimensions. Unfortunately, he just wasn't a good energy/vibe match for the massage, so I won't be repeating.
  9. I unfortunately had shingles in my 30's and this is correct, it's not contagious. Unfortunately, all of us who've had chicken pox are at risk. I got my shingles vaccine when I turned 50; and, as unpleasant as it was, it was nothing like actually having shingles.
  10. Anyone recognize or have experience with Jason? JasonYogaBoy on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com I've been practicing Pilates for over 15 years, so could be an interesting tie in for me. Thanks!
  11. Every provider I've hired has willingly, if not enthusiastically, been into kissing, as well as giving and receiving oral. That said, kissing is activity I make sure up front is something we both enjoy. Never had to even get into the oral thing... that was kind of a given I guess? Also, I think every provider I've hired specifies BFE, which I read as a flexible term for being interactive and personable. I have a husband, don't need a boyfriend.
  12. Does anyone have personal experience with Future Method, which was briefly mentioned in this thread on douching. Any advantages or disadvantages (other than cost) versus home made saline solution, as I'm guessing lukewarm water could still cause an electrolite imbalance?
  13. This could be useful information for a client or provider if the other person is honest. I'm on Prep and as AFAIK the protocol requires you to be tested for all STDs every 60 - 90 days (shots v pills). Maybe some healthcare providers don't thoroughly test before each prescription renewal?
  14. He's been on my maybe list for while and now that he's in DC, I might give him a try. @jtaq1295 Do you know if he provides face pics? Thanks!
  15. The search box is your friend! 😀 Here's a fairly recent thread, which links to and older thread at the end:
  16. I'm not (yet) a long term hobbyist, but also have never been asked for a deposit. I'm also very respectful, discreet and clear when booking with providers.
  17. My exception to this rule is that a provider that is well reviewed here and on RM, but says text me on their profile. Haven't had a bad experience that way, but I have had to do the "let's message each other so I can leave you a review" thing.
  18. Totally understand, which is why I assume in the minority. The most important physical feature when deciding whether to make a booking is actually a guy's face. I once meet up with a very highly regarded provider without seeing a full face photo; while he was amazing at what he does (I went through the appointment), I won't do it again in the future.
  19. This is my concern, but there's only one way to find out now!
  20. I could probably guide things toward a longer get-to-know each other conversations, as they've mostly been much less than 30 mins. Would give me more of a chance to relay my likes/dislikes and learn about his before jumping in and make play time more enjoyable. Thanks!
  21. Thank you for the ideas and encouragement, I really appreciate it! In the future, at the start of 2 hour sessions, I will be more active in slowing down and with more time before and after and see if that's something that I want - or, maybe, 90 mins is perfect for me and I should just think of 2 hours as 90 minute session. This is so true. I went into my second time meeting up with a guy as a total top for almost 20 years (was verse until my early 30's) and unexpectedly left vers again. Was a fantastic experience and recovered lost joy in my life. This is one reason I haven't been so worried about filling time, I like to go with the flow and see where our energy leads than follow a template or script. Takes me back to the days hooking up with guys from going out, or cruising the streets or trails back before the Internet and smart phones.
  22. Same dick across the photos, so you know what you're getting there!
  23. Thanks for the ideas! I've thought a little about including other activities, one thing that would be appealing for me is starting a session with a 15 or 20 minute jog. 💦💦💦
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