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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. Posted in the "engrish" subreddit
  2. I'm taking up reading long-form non fiction and fiction. Long ago I read a lot, but in the last 10 or 15 years it seems to have waned.
  3. Not much info, but here's a link to a thread about him using his Rentmasseur name:
  4. My favorite comments:: "It just wants a good belly rub" "Turn the lights off or you will come back to a dead battery"
  5. Most important thing first: Thank you for treating this man. He's fortunate you were his prospective client. I was not kicked off SA, but I did have my profile text flagged for "inappropriate content." A guy I contacted was required to change his profile text for mentioning is career in porn (I think he said "adult entertainment"). He started on the site long before they nixed sexual content. He thinks they gave him a warning rather than kick him off because he had been a member for so long.
  6. Here in Florida, the high will be 46 degrees. Back home in Arizona the high will be 72 degrees.
  7. His prior ad was EverettGrey. You can read all about him here.
  8. If you have a specific topic in mind and want to see if it has been posted about before you can use the "Search."
  9. Yes. One of the more memorable times was when I met this guy at his place in Pacific Beach, San Diego. The place looked OK from the outside, but the inside was run-down, broken down, and looked like no light had shined into the place since the 1970's. The guy was also rather run-down looking. Fortunately, I can feign an asthma attack pretty easily and used that tactic to get the hell out of there.
  10. That's the great thing about being self-centered. I don't care what they think. It's what I get out of the deal that matters to me.
  11. If you are unable to edit a post, you can report it and request that it be edited.
  12. That's why you live in the city or in Evanston and take the Blue or Red Line, which has subway stops adjacent to the Pedway. You can also take several shuttle buses from the train stations to the Loop and Magnificent Mile, Streeterville, River North, and Illinois Center. Oh, and for the wimpy types there are taxis.
  13. They pioneered that practive a couple of decades ago. Since then, other issuers have followed suit. I doubt RM is the culprit. Like others, I've used credit cards there with absolutely no issues. If someone made a bunch of charges that originated in Miami, including one in the cruise ship gift shop, a card was present. The probability that your Rentmen charge was the source of information used to make a facsimile of your card and that facsimile being used in Miami three days later is very, very slim.
  14. I received my COVID booster when I received my second Monkeypox vaccine. Last weekend I picked up a prescription at CVS and the pharmacist asked whether I wanted my second shingles and flu shots. There wasn't a wait, so I got them both. The only reason I didn't get them sooner is my usual pharmacy is a very very busy Safeway. Each time I'd pick up a prescription they were busy and I'd forget to make an appointment when I got home.
  15. Yeah, they are either a reseller or buy excess capacity from Verizon. I don't know whether Verizon does this now, but back in the day it wasn't unusual for a provider to prioritize "their" customers over those who used their network via a different provider.
  16. My Verizon unlimited data plan was ~$50/month. I pay for a cousin's phone, so I got us the Verizon GetMore plan for an extra $15 because it includes Apple Music, Disney + (I'm not a Disney fan but she is) and Hulu.
  17. I hired him when he was visiting Phoenix. Nice, hot guy. Feel free to PM me w/specific questions.
  18. Romance scams have been a thing for a few years. So much so that my previous employer (west coast regional bank) provided training to its front-line employees on how to recognize suspicious transactions and how to report. However, all the training in the world can't prevent an insistent customer from executing transactions. The fraudsters know how to groom their victims and provide instructions on how to structure transactions in a way that avoids detection. And the bank employees can't prevent the customer from making transactions at an ATM. God knows we tried, but at the end of the day the money belongs to the customer, and they can do with it as they please.
  19. When I hired Teddyhunter/Monkkeypoxvaxed" in April 2022 he was definitely more "bear" than "bodybuilder." He wasn't even close to being a bodybuilder.
  20. Here is a handful of past discussions about him:
  21. A blood-borne MRSA infection will cause the type of damage that Tyler Roberts has experienced. I have experience in this area, as a MRSA infection killed my mother. A former colleague almost died from one. He did not drink or nor did he take drugs. I hope Tyler pulls through.
  22. I was picked up at Whole Foods by a guy who kept bumping into me and commenting on the food (nice carrots, wow! look at that zucchini, those are some plump sausages, etc). He walked home with me and offered to "help put away the groceries." Then there was a guy I hooked up with who I later learned was an Ameritech (local phone company) technician when he showed up to my home to hook up a second phone line, wearing his uniform completely unzipped and no underwear. When he was finished with the phone line we hooked up. He traded a blow job for getting a friend's phone connected when a shortage of technicians (after a merger and layoff) would have delayed her getting a phone by six months. I also blew the technician who connected my friend's phone.
  23. There was a Mintboys ad that turned out to be for something like this. The whole thing sounded weird, and I just couldn't go through with meeting any of the guys the advertiser supposedly represented. If you feel uncomfortable with the offer then take a pass.
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