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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I've also met him and enjoyed my time. Like @shawshini, I didn't bring up any of the Forum talk with him. The funny thing was our text exchange the day we met. I typically don't do same-day appointments and had asked him about meeting up the next day. As we were texting, my schedule changed and we agreed to meet that evening. We had a very pleasant back-and-forth for the remainder of the afternoon. Very naturally-flowing conversation. He's one of my better hires and I would hire him again if he visited Phoenix or I was visiting a city he was also visiting.
  2. Moderator's Note: The other thread about this provider was locked because the discussion went far off the topic of the provider's services. Please do not bring that conversation to this thread.
  3. Moderator's Note: The topic of this thread is "Sinead O'Connor" and not "Pope John Paul 2" or "the Roman Catholic Church." Please refrain from discussions about religion, politics, and anything else that is not related to Sinead O'Connor's life and music.
  4. Thank you for saying this. We ALL need to remember that people make mistakes.
  5. @Coolwave35, I'm glad you made it out of this situation relatively unscathed. What a disappointment that a guy whom you've known through dancing and a fuckbuddy both behaved uncharacteristically badly in your own home and did so with each other. When I say "I'm sorry this has happened to you" I mean it - I feel sorrow! I'd say "lesson learned," but I don't see one here. You have experience with both guys and I'd hate for you to never trust anyone again, That's a shitty way to live. I guess I'd say "chalk it up to experience" and move on.
  6. Moderator's Warning: Please remain on topic (ROB NYC Massage) and stop arguing with each other. When one poster takes issue with another poster's content, they are to report the content, not engage in a sniping match. Please read and follow the Community Guidelines, which everyone agreed to when they signed up for the site. If there are any questions, post them to the Ask a Moderator forum.
  7. Thanks for noting that. I missed that detail. I agree 100%. Not serving wine at a fundraiser in Southern California (or anywhere, really, but ESPECIALLY in SoCal) isn't what I'd call a "recipe for success." Next time, just buy some wine and be done with it.
  8. I do the same. However, given @Jostar was at the escort's hotel, it sounds like hiding the wallet/putting it in the safe wasn't an option. Not going to argue with wanting to get out of the situation. You have to do what feels right and what is required to protect yourself. Asking what he was doing with his hand on your pants pocket is reasonable, but I wouldn't call him a thief. Escalating an already charged-up situation could lead to violence and harm. While I hope you (or anyone else reading this) don't experience something like this again in the future, should it happen again, sticking to the facts (his hand is on the pants pocket that holds your wallet) is the best approach.
  9. Another option, @Unicorn, is to suggest guests bring their favorite wine to share. That spares you the expense of buying wine that may be opened and not drunk, not to mention the time it takes to guess (potentially incorrectly) what guests might drink.
  10. I lived in Southern California for nearly 20 years and had never heard of one. And that's no joke!
  11. I've been to parties (pool and otherwise) in Southern California where wine was the only alcohol served, but never to one where wine wasn't served. That said, I wouldn't ask if you had wine when it clearly wasn't being served.
  12. rvwnsd

    411 on Nexxon

    He is now calling himself SevenWishes.
  13. Funny how the one cartoon set in the Stone Age has washing machines. Still, they each have one type of outfit.
  14. We published an obituary for my mom back in 2008. I don't remember the exact cost, but it was a small fortune. IIRC, after a certain number of words the cost jumped exponentially. My brother and I spent more time editing than we did writing. We did not publish one for my dad in 2011 because the cost had almost doubled by then. He was a thrifty man and would not have wanted us to spend the money. However, we posted an announcement on a page hosted by the cremation society.
  15. Here in Phoenix, we've had highs of 110 - 112 degrees for the past couple of weeks, thanks to the afore-mentioned heat dome. Our last rain was ~ 110 days ago and it is likely we won't see our first rain until August. June is typically very dry, followed by the North American Monsoon, which extends from July through September. I heard yesterday that Southern Arizona will probably have a normal monsoon season while Phoenix will experience a drier monsoon than normal. We also haven't had a haboob (dust storm) yet, but those are coming soon. While they are fascinating to watch from the comfort of one's home, they are no fun to drive in. The short-form answer, of course, is the weather has been "hotter than hell." 🌵🌵 🌵🌵
  16. His character (Zarf, who transitions to Zoe) is the first trans character on daytime television, according to the Los Angeles Times. That nuance was missing from the early reports about his death.
  17. Moderator's Note: Please keep the conversation on topic (Missing Members) and avoid discussing perceptions about specific members' posting habits and personality traits. Thank you
  18. That's good to hear. (Accepting the ACT, not bell bottoms)
  19. Nice concept. I like that they do traveling installations.
  20. Education edition, part 2: When colleges would accept the ACT instead of the SAT.
  21. I guess they are eager to show us how to use the website but when it comes to suggestions and feedback, well...
  22. Oh, uh, what I meant to say was "in the 18th century..." Yeah, that's it. 18th century. But seriously, thanks for correcting me. It has been a looooong time since I heard that story (like, 1974).
  23. Each park/park authority has their own way of approaching this. There's an Illinois state park called Starved Rock. The main attraction is the rock on which several people were trapped and starved back in the 1800's. The views are beautiful and it is a VERY popular state park. When I visited the last time, I was dismayed that all of the hiking trails were converted to boardwalks. The reason given was that the rock was eroding from the hundreds of thousands of annual visitors, so the state installed boardwalks. One of the county parks outside of Chicago had a similar problem, but did not install boardwalks because the soil wouldn't support them.
  24. Ha! My first thought was "Sanford and Son." That said, I have no info to share. Hope no one minded our little interstitial levity.
  25. I typically book for an hour, with the option to extend if we both have the time and feel up to it. More than twenty years into hiring I've never had a guy cancel because he found a client who wanted to book a longer appointment. In fact, I've ony had a handfu of guys cancel or not show. It really isn't common.
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