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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. Liking the first one the best. Even when his beard gets a bit bushy, which is not a favorite look for me, he still looks very handsome and sexy.
  2. Well good things may come in small packages, but it is the large package of #1 that I want to be unwrapping this Christmas.
  3. He ought to look like Killian, because he is Killian. I see a lot of man ass professionally and personally and I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur but I cannot recall seeing such fine ass in a lifetime of ass watching. For me it comes down to a need to taste tiebreaker between 26 and 2.
  4. You are lucky. Some do not get even 5 minutes of that kind of love. You are right to cherish it.
  5. Because the clients are grown men and should be able to distinguish such things. I agree that if it is the case the the client is mentally impaired, that leaving him may be the best solution, but assuming most clients are men mature enough to earn enough money to spend it on escorts, that the client should be held responsible for his reaction to a truthful statement from an escort.
  6. Mike, if we ever get together and I say I love you, please respond "I love you too" that will snap me back to reality. If that doesn't do it, I suggest saying: By the way, it is an extra $50 if i say: I love you. I can guarantee that I will not love you at that point.
  7. I love all the men I am with. Then I come and then not so much.
  8. Just snuggle? I graduated high school 40 years ago so NO. Maybe in 20 years when the crankshaft aint cranking or shafting, I might consider it, but even then, I think I would be more likely to hire two handsome muscular guys to fuck around while the result of the activity of the young hard bodies filled the room with enough heat to keep my old bones warm and filled my eyes with untold beauty before I closed them to fall off to sleep with the scent of sex filling my nose and the primal groans rocked me to sleep like a carnal lullaby.
  9. 15 just has a very sexy vibe to him. Like the chest hair and the stubble and the masks really makes the whole look. 19 has a great body 22 love the red and he is very handsome.
  10. You missed the LOL after my initial statement. That stands for Large Old Lover There are a lot of us and for those men who hesitate to hire or otherwise take a risk because of it, I say DON'T. If you don't like your weight, you can change it. If you don't like yourself, at least most of the time, then you must change it. Me and my cash would never be rejected by some hot twentysomething. First, look at me. Second, I do not hire twentysomething usually and if I did hire one, it would only one mature enough and experienced enough to give me a physical and mental run for my money. Those men care about their clients and providing an excellent service. So, once again Mr. Kessler, I have needed to reprimand you, I am just sorry I am not there to reprimand you in your favorite way, but give yourself a good hard slap on the ass when getting out of the shower the next time, and we will consider it even.
  11. Juan, I think you have every right to know anything that you need to know in order to do your job. I believe you have made it very clear here, that, for you, information is part and parcel in the determination as to whether or not you can meet expectations of the clients while maintaining your own standards of excellence. Fat, fine. Lift me with your dick, sorry no can do. Seems clear. Seems straight forward. Seems right thinking and honest. You were clear in you representation but I am really perplexed at the reception you have had. If a client wanted their body twisted as much as your words were twisted here, you would need to know that beforehand, if only to get ready for the appointment by doing some preparatory stretching exercises and then afterwards to have Aleve and Ben Gay on hand. I am a fatty, baldy, saggy, flabby, horny, funny, sexy man-beast. I do not mind telling an escort that and usually do. I try to paint a reasonably accurate word picture to the escort without actually sending a picture. In negotiations with an escort, as in being in bed with an escort, my tongue is my friend and my biggest ally and since I look better in the dark, I would rather regale with the tongue than reveal the rest of the body in a photo. I have scattered negative thoughts about my body. We all do. Ultimately I will not let my mind interfere with my body's ability to enjoy itself. After all, my mind is in charge almost all the time, the body deserves to be pampered now and again. But I need to be honest with myself, no one is hoisting me up and pounding me into a wall. So there you have it. Bald, flabby, saggy men can have hot, boisterous; cover the ears of the children lest they hear coitus, but many wont be lifted off their feet during such shenanigans without the use of some thick steel wire and a large crane. BTW, Steven, you could have used my name. LOL. My guess is there are a lot of men who have partaken of your services who fall into the category of self aware, less than perfect and loving life. You are lucky to have them and they are lucky to have had you, in a variety of positions in a variety of locations throughout the day and night.
  12. The one with the big white package, covering his big white package, could not move at all. I would be happy to do all the moving or both of us and he could just lie there and take it.
  13. Lucky Dog isnt that the name to the hot dogs that play a central role in A Confederacy of Dunces?
  14. Was unimpressed until 24 and then I enjoyed every one of them from there on. 24 is my favorite though
  15. They call it mellow yellow But #12 is the mellowest of all.
  16. I would not mind stroking my bow over #7 but I believe that is a guitar.
  17. Mr. Marco add water and the results are stirring. And while Vin looks amazing in a shower, you should see him it a tub.
  18. 2 5 7 and 9 are my favorites but #5 is the one I want to wrap up and take home for breakfast
  19. We are all pulling for you and hopefully soon someone will be pushing for you.
  20. Mail modles realy dont haf two spel corectly.
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