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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. http://thumb9.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/851701/114915622/stock-photo-attractive-man-s-chest-with-lipstick-heart-drawing-114915622.jpgPec of my heart
  2. http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/78431808-man-carrying-laundry-basket-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=nXiLE6YC%2BmuXmwVMwpxpBEdeDeWBLYCH2rH10sBpJNsWyBgA9SAKIxhDK%2Fia0UBkA bushel and a pec
  3. I have known some men who were artists with the cock, but not quite like that.
  4. Well two things: You had a date. You flirted. That puts you way ahead of the likes of me. I would be happy to supply eye contact, if you are in need.
  5. Gendry was the Bastard Son in question. They took some of his blood to make the spirit that killed Renly. He escaped and I believe he escaped in a boat and has not been heard from since. Since Arya Stark is back, perhaps he will make an appearance.
  6. She does not have a legitimate claim at all. Even as Queen Mother and Regent she would still not ascend to the throne. If all the Baratheons are gone, then the proper ascension would be first cousins to Robert Baratheon, with the assumption that he is the father. His not being the father makes Tommen a fraud. I do not know the Baratheon lineage well enough to figure out who would be the rightful heir now.
  7. There are many commentaries on line about Varys movement. Mostly, the theme is there has definitely been a passage of time to allow Varys to get back and it is further exemplified by the dragon heads on the ships, the Dornish ships in the armada and the very real but unseen need for Dany to make sure that everything is okay in Mereen before she leaves. There had to be some rebuilding and political stabilization of the area before she left the Bay of Dragons, previously known as Slaver's Bay. One supposes that there could have been some mention of the passage of time, (calendar pages flipping by like films from the 40's) or a scroll anouncing the passage of time, like Desparate Housewives of Westeros. Still time had to pass for Varys to get to Dorne, Oleanna to get from HighGarden to Dorne and the Sand Sisters to restock their poison.
  8. The Rose is the Symbol of the House of Tyrell and she was passing on a message that she had not left the House of Tyrell. Unfortunately, they did not listen to her when she screamed that they needed to leave and she her brother, her father all wound up being Tyrell toast and most of the religious people were baked sparrows.
  9. The next in line to the Iron Throne would have been Any Baratheon. Stannis's daughter is dead, so no go there. Renley had no children. Robert has one bastard left who is rowing a boat somewhere. So the rightful successor to the throne is a Baratheon cousin or some such. Unless you do not buy Robert Baratheon as king, then Daenerys is the rightful heir as the surviving daughter of the Mad King. Bran is the rightful heir to Winterfell, then Sansa, who looks annoyed that Jon is getting all the accolades and she did most of the work. There does not seem to be a Tyrell heir either. Over in the Iron Islands, the Greyjoys, Theon is the rightful heir but he is stepping aside for his sister. Jon should do the same, but won't. Dorne seems to be in order. The rightful heir at the Twins seems to be Frey's Grandson with Edmund Stark. Of course, Edmund is in jail. Melisandre is headed south, who might she run into seems unclear but the Brothers without Banners might welcome a Red Witch and Arya will likely run into the Hound before she gets to Winterfell so that would be a tidy little group. Of course Brienne is headed north from Riverrun, so she will likely be looking to serve Sansa. In fact, Stannis Baratheon was never actually killed on screen, though it does not seem as though Brienne is to lie about killing him.
  10. Typical motel curtains. The rug is equally bad. The guys are really the focus.
  11. I like your version. They could have easily shown Jon responding to her question of "Where is he" He is in the kennels, he admitted to starving the beasts for a week.
  12. Ah there is a whole thread about the appropriateness of suspension of disbelief vs. the suspension of belief. I am on team disbelief. But this is a case of continuity break. She is not there when he says what she quotes him as saying. There are explanations, it is just a misstep in the quality of the storytelling. Rickon definitely should have done "serpentine" as advised in the movie The In Laws.
  13. There is kind of a break in the continuity. Sansa rides off. Ramsey then says he has not fed his dogs for a week. Later, she quotes him as having said he had not fed his dogs for a week. She would not know that directly. One could postulate that she was told this or overheard someone quoting him, but it seemed a bit of a break.
  14. Ladystoneheart was brought back to life as that persona by the Brotherhood of Banners Priest but he died doing it. It would be a big variation is she appears here, as she is either already alive, she has been dead a long long time, or they allow that Priest to live for some reason. Rickon is older than Bran is he not? So he would have been the rightful heir and now Bran is. Of course, he is riding around north of the wall at the moment. Theron told Sansa both her brother were alive, that he did not kill them but two peasants. However, it would seem unlikely that a paraplegic could survive all the turmoil, so his siblings are probably assuming he is dead.
  15. I was blown away by last nights episode and will be watching it again tonight. What could they possibly do in the last episode to set up next season? White Walkers anyone? Rickon we hardly knew ye. No one suggests that Melisandre raise him from the dead or at least try to do so? After all, he is the true and rightful Lord of Winterfell.
  16. This is a case of legal extortion. It should be recognized as such. It should be dealt with in the manner of other types of extortion.
  17. This seems to be an abusive misuse of the legal system. If litigant had to pay for the defendants expenses, thing like this would be much less likely. Tort reform is desperately needed in this country.
  18. As to the article: Essentially: You should feel guilty because your friends died and you didn't Really not insightful at all as far as I am concerned. As for men in their 50's, you are not middle aged, you are old. You chose to be a fine wine or vinegar. But if you start with sour grapes, you will be vinegar no matter how you distill it. That sign should really read: Keep Calm and Bend Over (Life: I am going to fuck the shit out of you)
  19. 100 days until football but in between there is the Olympics. I understand they have changed the medal ceremony. The winner of an event gets Bug Spray instead of a Gold Medal and everyone else needs to swat for themselves.
  20. Ben Platt has a supporting role in Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2. I saw these movies while in the hospital and I must say, I found his small role captivating. He played a shy awkward a cappella singer and in the few scenes he had, he definitely made shine. This sounds like a similar role, so I have no doubt he will be great. The Second Stage Theater is a lovely little theater. The coziness of the place probably makes the show more effective.
  21. Former Bill Clinton Current Hillary Clinton Third Party George Clinton
  22. Mr. Kessler and I go way back, although I believe Mr. Kessler is more flexible than I and thus he can go back even further and seems to enjoy doing so. So while this may seem cruel, it is intended to be a jibe at a man I have been arguing with about politics for the last 10 years.
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