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Everything posted by buckguy

  1. He has exited the escort and porn business.
  2. buckguy

    Ricky Decker

    he got rave reviews for ages. Funny that only now we find that he'd been a no go for awhile.
  3. Five pages and yet rather few examples. Texting has been around for something like 15 years and this seems like the kind of thread we saw 15 years ago. Texts are terse. I don't mind that. I don't like embroidery. If a provider doesn't respond? I assume their not available--I'm not offended. This sort of thing has been common for quite awhile.
  4. ChasetheJock 's profile has disappeared. I wonder if he'll re-appear shortly, with or without a new identity. That seems to be his pattern.
  5. buckguy

    Joseph Rough

    JEC—I was referring to RM sad. It’s pretty easy to spot.
  6. buckguy

    Joseph Rough

    Sadly, he hasn't logged-in in months. He turns up on twitter periodically, but hasn't been on in over a year.
  7. I was going through some books and found my copy of "Hustling". It's quick read--Preston was a fine writer with economical prose. Many of the specifics are dated (agencies, hustler bars), but his understanding of clients and his respect for the diversity and variation in sexual experience seem relevant. I remember Aaron Lawrence dismissing the book as "dated" (and, of course promoting his own book), but missing that Preston was talking about human interaction and broad business principles. I read Lawrence's book in a couple sittings and it was clear that he didn't respect his clients. Given that he veered off into crappy born and general attention seeking, I'm guessing he either made a pile with good investments or did something dumb like buy gold at the wrong time.
  8. I have a couple advanced degrees and spend my days with people who are similarly educated. Some are interesting and some are not. I don’t think providers need to provide a lot of details about their education but it may help to know if they have a bachelors or a graduate degree. More important to me is whether they have some curiosity as opposed to paper credentials. I have hired providers who did not seem well educated but did seem interested in the world around them and other people—they were much better company than many highly educated people I know.
  9. I had a 2 hour with him in DC and it did not seem rushed at all. He was personable and it eas a good experience.
  10. I usually avoid younger guys, partly because they're often poorly organized, but took a chance on him when he was in DC this Spring. He was complicated to dealwith and did a last minute cancellation that he uncancelled shortly after.
  11. Seanxavier has been around, off and on, for years. There’s been lots of discussion of him, some of it fairly recent.
  12. Monkkeypoxvaxed has been discussed under “Teddyhunter” and his previous name “Chrismatio” (or something similar). He became more bodybuilder than bear recently and also became a prolific OF poster—I’m guessing all that may have changed his approach to escorting.
  13. I normally stay away from comments about appearance, but they look like they’re barely in high school.
  14. buckguy

    Jesse Santana

    Is he still only available when he says so? I found him difficult to book because of that.
  15. Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham, and Atlanta are all depressing in different ways. I hope OP kept a pied-a-terre in New York.
  16. He promoted himself as more of a theater companion, etc. than a sex partner in his previous iteration. It looks like he isn't very invested in social media or in updating his OnlyFans. It may be that he has an actual job now and has less opportunity for other stuff, although it is odd that he updated his RM ad before letting it expires.
  17. He’s on OF and doesn’t look that happy in the clips I’ve seen but he still has made quite a bit of content. He’s been in DC a couple times, so he does come East and he’s been back to Cleveland, too.
  18. Your initial post is a little elliptical and assumes we know who you’re talking about. Then you accuse people of motives that don’t seem to be present. My guess is the “nerve” here is the frustration with whom you are discussing.
  19. Any experiences? A fairly recent RM advertiser although he says he’s been around in the past. So any info on his previous identity also would be appreciated. https://rentmen.eu/Kyler_Deep
  20. buckguy

    Sean Xavier

    Not so much mixed reviews as sour grapes/complaining—he is ad is different, he’s aged, he’s acknowledging his HIV a status, he’s more expensive, etc. I saw him during his last return from retirement—-first rate all around. If his current rate settles a bit, I’d be up for a return visit.
  21. Sean Xavier has returned before, but this one really surprised me: https://rentmen.eu/DavidBenjaminX Had a great experience not long before he retired. Made me wish I’d met earlier.
  22. Normally, I avoid getting into pet peeves about appearance, stats, etc., because it tends to be tedious and unproductive, but I think he is a definite butter face and there something odd about his skin--it seems to have a waxy quality, plus he seems like a candidate for worst escort or porn hairdos. It must be the shape of his face or something, but a lot of hairstyles don't seem to work on him. I like his physique but have never had much attraction and I think it's partly the face and the hair. He's gone JasonSparks person to a real star, and not everyone who makes that kind of transition will remain humble or cheap. He's also overcome having some mugshots from his early career period.
  23. I can understand that some people don't have the option of doing an hour or two with someone before a trip, but it can help in terms of figuring out if you're compatible. You may have to make a non-glamorous destination interesting to them. Having time off while you do whatever may have some attraction, but you'll need to pay for the time and provide some reason why it's good for him esp. if you don't want him to see clients---interests help and how you match them. Will you be saying at a hotel with a good gym? Is there some attraction worth exploring nearby? Some guys just aren't a good fit and the range of interests someone has may vary depending on the destination and what you knew about it. I have done time with someone (long gone from the biz) in a non-glam place (Cleveland--I needed to be there for family and business reasons) but I knew numerous places of potential interest to this particular provider.
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