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  1. Yes. Correct. Inheritance tax can prevent a life partner from staying in your shared home if that's the major part of the inheritance and there are no other funds to pay the tax.
  2. You can't get an erection while wrestling. Not enough blood flow available.
  3. Curious about the earlier commentary about him also being a "well known pop-star". Is that true ?
  4. Wow. So handsome and look at those abs 😍 THIS is what turned my same-sex orientation.
  5. Yeah...that is interesting that he'd demand face-UP, if he's primarily straight oriented in his own sexual identity. In some Arab cultures it's fairly common for young men to start their sexual experience with male friends since women are still required to marry as virgins. I wonder if he's accustomed to making sure his companion is turned on too...and that's part of his sexual connection to men. "I'm not gay if I only top and dont kiss" shows up in many different places and cultures. So that part isn't unusual.
  6. I'm in the habit of first communicating through the site to ask basic questions like rate, availability and location. This would satisfy the monitors' requirement. For privacy, many providers prefer to go off-site when discussions become specific in a sexual way. (Although I feel discussions of sex-for-hire should never be documented by anyone, anywhere).
  7. I agree. For me, its the inclusion of the bisexual flag, that although I am part of that community, its inclusion seems completely superfluous. I always understood the rainbow to represent everyone in the Gay-Lesbian and Bisexual community. Colors representing sub groups of the community start to add the whole box of crayons and obliterate the intention of the original.
  8. My bad. I was unaware that religion was banned along with political discussions. Thanks for explaining.
  9. Exactly. I live in Greenwich Village and have had to shoo people away from my front patio because they were having sex right there in front of my home. I remember one year we had gone out of town to avoid the chaos and I came home to find two men fucking right there on my front steps ! I had my two 10 year old children with me. Thankfully I spotted them before the kids did and told my wife to hang-back with them for a second while I dealt with the situation. Both my wife and I who are both part of the LGBT community call the parade "the Gay Embarrassment Parade". Nothing to be proud of anymore. Its a freak show.
  10. It is really sad. For some time most everyone I grew up around in red-neck Central PA had basically come around and accepted that gay people are just like everyone else. NOW the gay circus side-show freaks are busy demonstrating they are NOT like everyone else ..so middle America is starting to hate on gays again.
  11. He's "well educated" and in grad school but can't spell Holistic 🤔.... Things that make you go hmmmm.
  12. There's a lot of guys on Grindr who claim to offer massage+fun meets and "only" require a small deposit. Most of these are scams to get your credit card information. Half the time it's obvious because they forget they're trolling in the US and they quote in Euros
  13. Correct. The alterations ignore that message of unity and instead keeps segregating people into their own sub groups. LGBTXYZQPDFTUHRWV
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