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Hooboy has left the building.

Guy Fawkes
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"Love make´s the world go around"


I never had the privilege, but from everything that he done here on M4M one can tell that he was one in a million...For those of us that did not know him personally we say "Rest in Peace" you will be missed. To his family & friends my prayers and thoughts are with you all.

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It will be late tomarrow or Friday before we get any more informaton. I have passed selected messages and questions to his family and they will be discussing them tomarrow. Daddy

>I know that many of you have questions, but

>right not we're making sure that his family is contacted

>before releasing any details. Thank-you for your kind


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Thank you Hooboy for finally, after almost 50 years, enabling me to act upon my sexuality. You gave me courage, understanding and knowledge through your site to explore my new world. A world I waited a lifetime to know. My prayers are with you and your family, both biological and cyber, may peace truly be with you. Thanks You

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This site has helped me in my coming out process and has helped me start to feel comfortable expressing my feelings. For that I will be eternally grateful. I would like to think, but i'm sure it will never happen, that people will speak of me like they do of Hooboy; that i, like HOO, will make a difference in peoples lives. Maybe one day....God Speed in your journey HOO.

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I have tried to add my thoughts for Hooboy in the other thread "Remembrances". But I want to add here a message to Daddy. Many of our thoughts are also with you, and the moderators. I realize that as much as many of us will miss Hoo, you were there with him through many times, good and bad, and you are heavy upon my mind and I wish to also express my sympathy to you. Take Care and Thank You for all you have done as a friend with Hooboy

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I never knew him personally, but I'm very sorry to hear this news. His work and this site have helped a huge amount of people, as evidenced here.


I hope he left this world peacefully, loved, and happy, and that, if there is indeed an afterlife, it's all that he could ever hope for.


Thanks Hooboy. Let there be no doubt that you'll be missed.

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Daddy, thank you so much for keeping us posted and giving us whatever information you feel you are able to divulge. We look forward to more postings from you, since many of us want to send or do something to demonstrate the enormous amount of affection we had for HooBoy. BUT, we should also feel for you and your colleagues as well.


YOU and the rest of the group should take all the time you need to properly mourn and grieve. When you're ready to get back to business, you'll still find the same group of loyal readers and posters.


I know from first-hand experience that its not often easy to put a time-frame on mourning and that you and the rest of the group will come back when you're ready.


Life goes on, it always does, even if its not as much fun as it once was. But don't let anyone attempt to short-change that process.


You just lost a friend and a man who meant so much to you. Give yourself time to face up to that. Face the inquiring public, as you must, but don't forget that YOU and YOUR co-workers have lost just as much as any of us.


Warmest Regards, Condolences, and Strength !


hd NYC

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Short and Sweet


>Thanks Hooboy. Let there be no doubt that you'll be missed.


Unlike some, we never met though we did speak once and we communicated as many other did, via emails and private messages.


Many have expressed, much more succintly then I ever could, most of my own thoughts and some I did not realize, until reading them here, that I felt; so I simply echo this thought:


Let there be no doubt that you'll be missed.

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It was certainly a shock for me to learn of Hoo Boy’s passing today when I logged into the site. I have utilized this site for nearly five years and have posted more than a couple of reviews and lurked in the message center as well. I exchanged a few messages with Hoo Boy over the years, nothing of any real substance, just related to a review or offer some support or encouragement from time to time. Hoo Boy was always gracious and funny in his replies.


Hoo Boy made an impact on thousands of total strangers by creating this site. He took a risk to make his idea a reality and it’s fair to say it succeeded beyond even his wildest expectations. Thanks Hoo Boy for making your dream a reality and affecting not just this one person in a positive way but so many others as well.


It is my hope that the site can and will continue without its founder. Having experienced my own loss, it’s important for the survivors to carry on and move forward in a positive way. Hoo Boy would expect no less I am sure. To all the moderators, Daddy, and Foxy, please accept my condolences and deepest sympathy during this difficult time.


I find it fitting that today it was my intent to post a review for an escort I just hired last night. Someone I would not have met had it not been for this website. Thanks again Hoo Boy. You will be missed.



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Hi all...

I'm an inveterate lurker here but have appreciated this site and all the work Hooboy has put into it. It's great to read the glowing tributes to him.

What was he like? Tall? Short? Canadian? Cambodian? Young? Old? Young at heart with an old spirit?


Obviously he was entrepreneurial and engaging. Can anyone put some more texture to who Hooboy was?


I hope he was travelling somewhere when he died. He seemed to greatly enjoy seeing the world.



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Guest nativenyer

Thank you, Hooboy. Did you know how much you meant to us? The closeted, the frightened, the hopeful, the horny, the happy, the unhappy, the wondering, the wandering, the lonely, the givers, the needful, the naughty, the proud, the shamed, the fierce, the fabulous?


We could all come here and be ourselves, our deepest selves, our darkest selves, our most glorious selves, our most authentic selves.


You gave "us" to us.


Thank you. I love you. Good night, sweet prince.



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I haven't been out here much lately, but I do check the reviews and the message boards from time to time even if I don't always contribute. But of course I am as sad and as surprised as everyone else to hear the news.


Like many of us, an interest in the workings of the escort "scene" led me to this board, and Hooboy, if you can read this (surely there's internet connections in Heaven??), I want to thank you for having the vision and the balls (so to speak) to make this site possible.


Even though I never got to know you, I will miss you.



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Guest Valleyman

This is such a sad day. I never met HooBoy, but ever since I discovered this site 4 years ago he has been part of my life. This site has taught me many things – in some ways even changed my life.


Goodbye, HooBoy -- I will miss you, and my thoughts and prayers will be with you.

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To Foxy, Daddy, and the Moderators,


I am amazed at your collective ability to keep things going during this very shocking and sad time. Thank you for keeping things up and running so we can collectively console and support each other.


I just read the news and I can't begin to describe the loss I felt. I can only imagine how much more profound your sense of loss must be.

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Some of the names of people posting on this thread and the others related to it are unfamiliar and others are names I haven't seen in a while. It's nice that people who usually don't post or don't post frequently are stopping by. It's kind of like a virtual guest book. :-)



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August 1953 - March 2005


Man gets tired

Spirit don’t

Man surrenders

Spirit won’t

Man crawls

Spirit flies

Spirit lives

When man dies


Man seems

Spirit is

Man dreams

The spirit lives

Man is tethered

Spirit free

What spirit

Is man can be


RT :(

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Guest Derek Ross

Thank you, Hooboy, for all the friendships you facilitated.


I will truly miss your craziness.


Until we meet again.

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To all,


For those who find these times difficult, maybe it helps to look back at what Hooboy wrote us last december (the Lounge / Hooboy's Annual wish 2004) :


Smile though your heart is aching

Smile even though it’s breaking

When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by

If you smile through your fear and sorrow

Smile and maybe tomorrow

You’ll see the sun come shining through for you


It's strange, it feels as if he's still talking to us in his gentle way, even now.


I hesitated very much if I would post this, but after all I did. I hope it will be a support to those who find these times difficult.


My sincerest condolences go to Hooboy's family and friends.



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Guest Fisher

Thursday evening I pulled up this site and read the message,

I stared, and a lump started growing in my stomach…

I never met Hoo; didn’t know him, but I came to realize that

I did know him. He created this cyber community, and although

many of us have never met, nor ever will meet - we are friends,

we are a family. Thank you Hoo.


“May the road rise up to meet you


May the wind be always at your back


May the sun shine warm upon your face


And rains fall soft upon your fields


And until we meet (or cyber) again,


May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.”


- Fisher ;(

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>I wish he could find an Internet connection and read this

>thread, so he would know how we really felt about him.


My sad thoughts of Hooboy's passing are brightened at the thought of him lounging on a cloud in the great beyond with the Internet connection to beat all internet connections.


My thoughts also are full of sympathy for his family and close friends. Although I know it is unlikely that his true identity will be released with a funeral service anouncement, if it were released I envision nothing short of a State Funeral with unending flowers from all of us he befriended in cyberspace.


Rest in peaceful cyberspace my friend.

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Dear Daddy, Moderators, Foxy & Friends and Family of Hooboy:


I just opened up my computer and was shocked and devastated to read the message you posted yesterday morning. I corresponded with him only once, I will write about that in the Rembrances thread. So, although he was part of my life - since a year after this site began - almost everyday that I was home, I started my day by visiting this site - and often did the same at the end of the day - I feel empty, lost and sad - I can only begin to imagine what this has meant for each of you.


I have corresponded with some guys from one of the forums - but have come to feel like part of this cyber-space family. It is Hoo and the rest of you who made us like a family - us! yes, us, who so frequently find ourselves "on the outside" of our families, our communities, etc.


We will all miss him. Maybe the way we can honor him most is by allowing those bonds of friendship between all of us to grow all the more. But, for now, this happyguy is a sadguy indeed. And with these condolences, I offer this ancient prayer, quoted by Shakespeare in Hamlet:


Hoo, may choirs of angels sing thee to thy rest....



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As with everyone else, I was truly shocked to hear the news. I was stunned reading that small group of sentences Daddy put on the front page of the website. I entered, like I do very frequently, thinking about what hot boys were reviewed today and blah, blah, blah - and it was like a very hard body blow to read that Hooboy is gone.


I'm so sorry for Milan, and send my deepest condolences. The same for Daddy, and all the moderators who worked with him, and of course the escorts, clients, and other friends he met and corresponded with. And for his family, who have known him longest.


I know Hoo would be proud and happy to see all the outpouring here, from people who don't always agree, but in this one event we all seem to share the same level of sadness...


All the best Hoo - my thoughts go out to you and yours. :)

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